Understanding Security Configuration Messages

If you see a message that you do not understand when running the Security Configuration program, refer to the following table for a possible explanation and response. Be sure to click OK to acknowledge the message before taking the recommended action.

Security Configuration Messages 

When you see the message...


Application user not found. Reenter.

You entered a full name in the Application User field that security could not find. Click the browse (...) button and select a name from the list of user accounts that appears. If no user account appears with the name you want, create the account first.

CAUTION: Backup security path currently in use.

You attempted to change the security configuration of your computer while the security path is unavailable. While you can reconfigure the security system now, you will need to repeat this task when the security path becomes available.

Configuration has changed. Save new changes?

You selected Exit from the File menu without saving your changes. Click Yes to save the changes or click No to quit without saving your changes. To continue using the Security Configuration program, click Cancel.

Copy existing configuration to new path?

You redefined the security path. Click Yes to move the user and group accounts to the new path, click No to leave the files in the current location, or click Cancel to return to the Security Configuration program.

Delete existing security configuration?

You selected Clear from the File menu. Click Yes to delete all user and group accounts. Click No to cancel.

Disable security or give a user access to this program before exiting.

You have enabled security without creating any user accounts that can access the Security Configuration program. Create at least one user account that can access the program before you exit.

Failure exporting security configuration.

The Security Configuration program could not export its current settings. Verify that you have enough free hard disk space. If you do not, back up any unnecessary files, delete them, and try exporting the security configuration again.

Failure reading security configuration.

The Security Configuration program could not import the file you specified. Verify the file is not damaged or stored in bad sectors of your hard disk.

Failure writing security files. Check disk space.

The Security Configuration program could not save its current settings. Verify that you have enough free hard disk space. If you do not, back up any unnecessary files, delete them, and try saving the security configuration again.

Full name must be alphanumeric.

You entered non-alphanumeric characters (such as punctuation marks) in the full name of a user account. Retype the name including only alphanumeric characters.

Group name needed to save a group.

You attempted to create a group account without naming it. Enter a name of up to 20 alphanumeric characters in the Group Name field and click OK to create the account.

Invalid path specified.

You specified a path in the Backup Path field that does not exist. Either create the directory or specify a path that exists.

Invalid timeout value entered!

Either you specified a non-numeric value for the Login Timeout field, or you entered a numeric value in a format the Security Configuration program does not recognize. Type a numeric value in the field using the format: hh:mm:ss.

Login name must be alphanumeric.

You entered non-alphanumeric characters (such as punctuation marks) in the login name of a user account. Retype the login name in this field including only alphanumeric characters.

New path has no security files. Copy files or CANCEL change.

You clicked No when the Security Configuration program prompted you to copy the user and group accounts. Because no account files already exist in the specified security path, you must click Yes or Cancel instead.

Ok to DELETE this group?

The Security Configuration program is about to delete the selected group account. Click Yes to delete the account or click No to keep it.

Ok to DELETE this user?

The Security Configuration program is about to delete the selected user account. Click Yes to delete the account or click No to keep it.

Ok to lose current changes?

You clicked Cancel on a dialog box. Click Yes to abort the changes you have made or click No to continue making changes.

Old configuration not found!

The Security Configuration program could not find the back-up of the previous security configuration and saved the current one instead. This can occur when the files have been renamed or deleted. The backup path may have also been changed.

Overwrite existing export file?

The name of the file you entered already exists. Click Yes to overwrite the file, click No to enter a new file name, or click Cancel to abort the process.

Password confirmation failed. Save Aborted.

The password you typed does not match the one you entered for the current user account. Click OK and retype the password when prompted.

Replace or add to existing configuration?

The Security Configuration program is about to import a security configuration. Click Replace to overwrite all the existing group accounts, user accounts, and the security areas with the information in the import file. Click Add to append the new accounts to your existing ones.

Save failed!

The Security Configuration program could not save its current settings. Verify that you have enough free hard disk space. If you do not, back up any unnecessary files, delete them, and try saving the security configuration again.

Security configuration corrupted.

The Security Configuration program cannot find the security files in the specified security path. Contact GE Support for more information.

Security Files must be manually copied from <old_path>.

The security path you specified does not exist. Consequently, the Security Configuration program cannot copy the user and group accounts to the specified path. You must copy the files to this path once it becomes available. If you do not, the Security Configuration program assumes someone has tampered with security and will not allow you to restart the program.

Security path invalid or unavailable. Continue?

iFIX could not find the security path you specified. Verify it exists and try again. If the path points to a file server, make sure the server is functioning properly.

Should default user and group accounts be created.

You have selected Clear to delete all user and group accounts. To prevent you from accidentally locking yourself out the program, the Security Configuration program allows you to create sample user and group accounts. To create these accounts, click Yes. To skip creating these accounts, click No.

System user not found. Reenter.

You entered a full name in the System User field that security could not find. Click the browse (...) button and select a name from the list of user accounts that appears. If no user account appears with the name you want, create the account first.

Unauthorized access to Security Configurator.

You attempted to start the Security Configuration program but your user account does not provide access to the program or you are not logged in. Log into iFIX, if necessary, and try again. If you are using Windows security, verify that you entered the password exactly as defined. If the problem persists, verify that the Windows user account you are using exists and is configured as described in the section Using the Security Configuration Program.

Unique login and full names required for each user.

You entered a login name or full name already in use by another user account. Enter a login name or full name not in use by any other account and click OK.

Warning: imported user accounts may not have passwords! Continue?

The Security Configuration program is about to import a security configuration file. Click Yes to continue importing the file or click No to abort the procedure. To import a file with passwords, edit it with a text editor and type the text PASSWORD:password on the line immediately following the login name. Refer to the section Importing User Account Passwords for an example of editing an import file.

See Also