Create Users in Proficy Authentication

By default ch_admin user is created after you register iFIX to Proficy Authentication or to Configuration Hub. For the first time, you can log in to Configuration hub using ch_admin and the password same as Proficy authentication secret. After you log in to Configuration Hub, as an administrator, you can create new users based on your requirement using the Security configuration utility.

NOTE: The Proficy Authentication user gets only the permissions based on the iFIX group that is assigned to the user.

To create a new user, perform the following:

  1. Open the iFIX application.
  2. Log in to iFIX. For information on how to log in, refer to the section Logging in to iFIX Manually.
  3. In Ribbon view, on the Applications tab, in the Configuration Hub group, click .
    The Configuration Hub login page opens.
  4. Log in to Configuration Hub with the user credentials that were created while you registered iFIX with Configuration Hub and Proficy authentication server .
  5. Go to Security-UAA > Users.
    The existing list of Proficy Authentication user accounts appear.
  6. Select +.
    The Add User screen appears.
  7. Enter the following details for the new user account.
    User NameThe user name to log in to Proficy Authentication.
    PasswordThe password to log in to Proficy Authentication.
    First NameUser's first name.
    Last NameUser's last name.
    EmailUser's email address.
  8. Select Add.

    The user is created and added to the list of user accounts on the Users tab. The new user account is also associated to default Proficy Authentication groups, which cannot be deleted or modified.

    Every user/client must possess the following three scopes to access the Security plugin via. Configuration Hub. If these scopes are not added, then a warning message alerts the user to contact Admin.

    uaa.adminThis scope indicates that this is a superuser.
    clients.writeThis scope resets the Security plugin's admin client secret.

    This admin scope enables to change the user password.

    NOTE: This scope is assigned to all the UAA/LDAP/SAML users by default without the need to assign manually.

  9. Once you create a new user, you must manually assign the iFIX related group membership to the newly created user. For more information, refer to the section Assign iFIX Groups to the Newly Created User.

See Also