Understanding EGU Limits

EGU limits have a precision and range. The precision is the number of digits after the decimal point. The range is the span of values. For example, the default range for blocks is 0 to 100.

Changing the EGU Limit Precision

You can change the EGU limits' precision by editing the High Limit and Low Limit fields. When you change the precision, Database Manager modifies all references to the current block throughout the database. For example, if you create an Analog Input block with EGU limits of 0.0 to 100.0 and then change the precision to 0.00 to 100.00, Database Manager searches the database for all references to this block and makes the appropriate changes. In this case, a Program block that contains the following step:


is adjusted to read:

SETOUT AI1 50.00

Changing the EGU Limit Range

To change the EGU limits' range, you must change all references to this block manually. For example, if you create an Analog Input block with limits of 0.0 to 100.0 and then change the range to 0.0 to 700.0, all references to this block's EGU limits are unaffected until you edit them. In this case, assume you have a Program block that outputs a value equal to half of this block's original range, as shown below:


You must modify this Program block's SETOUT statement to reflect the new range, as shown below:

SETOUT AI1 350.0

EGU Limit Formats

Database Manager accommodates the EGU limit formats listed in the table Available EGU Limits. Each format is accurate to six digits. Because of compiler limitations, round-off errors may occur in the seventh digit. The following figure shows sample values and their accuracy.

Available EGU Limits


Accepts Limits From:

Standard Integer

-32768 to 32767 (signed int)
0 to 65535          (unsigned int)
0 to 999                (3BCD)
0 to 4095              (12 Binary)

Expanded Decimal Notation

-9999999 to 9999999
Using this format, you can specify up to six places after the decimal point. Make sure you enter the same number of decimal places in fields that require both high and low limits. Note that this range would be -1E7 to +1E7 in scientific notation.

Scientific Notation

±3.4E-38 to ±3.4E+38
Use this format to display large or small numbers. Again, only the first seven digits are accurate. If you prefer, you can also use scientific notation for numbers that iFIX can display in decimal notation. Using decimal notation with scientific notation, you can specify up to six places after the decimal point.

NOTE: Refer to your I/O driver manual for additional integer ranges supported by your equipment.


See Also