ihapi.h File Overview
ihapi.h File Overview
All technical information for the System API is included in a single ihapi.h
header file. This document highlights the areas of ihapi.h
that might affect your programs.
System API Functions and Data Structures
#pragma pack(push,BeforeihAPI)
#pragma pack(1)
// Setup a link dependency on the ihAPI lib
#define ihAPILIB_NAME "ihAPI55.lib"
#define ihAPIDLL_NAME L"ihAPI55.dll"
#define ihAPIDLL_VERSION 550
The version specified in the given example changes for each version of Historian. The version of your program should match the version of Historian installed.
typedef ihPUBLIC wchar_t ihChar;
typedef ihPUBLIC unsigned short ihChar;
for all strings and you can find the correct data type from ihapi.h file.
typedef struct ihTimeStruct {
MSO_ULONG Seconds;
MSO_ULONG Nanoseconds;
} ihTimeStruct; // (Must match MSOTimeStruct)
Timestamps are nanosecond resolution in the System API. However, only microseconds are exposed to users.
// Error Statuses typedef enum
ihStatus { ihSTATUS_OK = 0,
} ihStatus;
There is a fixed set of error codes and you cannot add new ones. Your program can receive errors on reads or writes or tag adds and those errors will be described with the function documentation.
typedef enum ihQualityStatus {
ihOPCBad = 0,
} ihQualityStatus;
typedef enum ihQualitySubStatus {
ihOPCNonspecific = 0,
} ihQualitySubStatus;
Historian uses a fixed set of quality and subquality data and you cannot add new ones.
typedef enum ihDataType {
ihDataTypeUndefined = 0,
... } ihDataType;
There are a fixed set of data types and user-defined data types. You cannot add new native data types.
typedef enum ihSamplingMode {
} ihSamplingMode;
typedef enum ihCalculationMode {
} ihCalculationMode;
To read data you should specify a sampling mode, calculation mode, a filter condition (optional), and a query modifier (optional).
typedef ihHIDDEN struct ihBlobData {
ihVoidPtr Blob;
} ihBlobData;
The blob data type is a size and a pointer in the System API
typedef struct ihTagProperties {
ihString Tagname;
} ihTagProperties;
A tag has a fixed set of properties as listed in this structure. Some tag properties may not exist in the earlier versions of Historian and new properties may be added in the future. You are limited to the set of properties available in the version of the ihapi.h shipped with this SDK and you cannot add new tag properties.
typedef struct ihDataProperties {
ihTimeStruct TimeStamp;
ihDataType ValueDataType;
ihValue Value;
ihQuality Quality;
unsigned char NumberOfComments;
ihCommentsPtr Comments;
ihGeoLocation Unsupported;
} ihDataProperties;
The given prototype is the structure for one raw data sample and it has timestamp, data type, value, and quality. It can optionally have comments. This structure is used on both data reads and data writes.typedef struct ihDataRecordset {
ihDataFields Fields;
ihDataCriteria Criteria;
ihUNSIGNED long NumberOfResults; // (Num items in results)
ihDataResultPtr Results; // (array. One for each matching tag)
} ihDataRecordset;
The given prototype is a collection of data samples that you get back from a data read or subscription.
Callback Prototypes/typedefs
typedef void (__stdcall *ihInterfaceGetCurrentValueCallbackFunction) (ihServerHandle hServer, void *UserParameter,
ihUNSIGNED long NumberOfSourceAddresses, ??
ihString *SourceAddresses, ihCallbackId CallbackId);
A lot of information can be communicated to your program using callback if you subscribe to changes which is optional. The following sections describe this in more detail.
ihConfiguration Functions
extern ihC_DEC ihAPIStatus __stdcall ihConfigurationGetProperties
(ihServerHandle hServer, ihConfigurationProperties *Properties);
extern ihC_DEC void __stdcall ihConfigurationFreeProperties
(ihConfigurationProperties *Properties);
You can get information about the Data Archiver in addition to reading and writing data.
ihServer Function
extern ihC_DEC ihAPIStatus stdcall ihServerConnect(ihString ServerName, ihString Username, ihString Password,
ihString BufferFileName, ihServerHandle *hServer);
extern ihC_DEC ihAPIStatus stdcall ihServerConnectClient(ihString ServerName, ihString Username, ihString
Password, ihString BufferFileName, ihServerHandle *hServer, ihString ClientName);
extern ihC_DEC ihAPIStatus stdcall ihServerDisconnect(ihServerHandle hServer);
extern ihC_DEC ihBoolean stdcall ihServerIsConnected(ihServerHandle hServer);
extern ihC_DEC ihAPIStatus stdcall ihServerAdd(ihString ServerName, ihString Username, ihString Password,
ihBoolean IsDefault, ihString BufferFileName, ihServerHandle *hServer,ihULong ConnectionTimeout);
extern ihC_DEC ihAPIStatus stdcall ihServerDelete(ihString ServerName);
extern ihC_DEC ihAPIStatus stdcall ihServerOpenRecordset(ihString ServerNameMask, ihServerRecordset
extern ihC_DEC void stdcall ihServerCloseRecordset(ihServerRecordset *ServerRecordset);
You can set up a collection of servers with their timeouts and usernames. However, you can simply call connect to establish a connection.
ihTag Functions
extern ihC_DEC ihAPIStatus stdcall ihTagAdd(ihServerHandle hServer, ihTagFields *hFields, ihTagProperties
extern ihC_DEC ihAPIStatus stdcall ihTagOpenRecordset(ihServerHandle hServer, ihTagFields *RequestedFields,
ihTagCriteria *Criteria, ihTagFields *CriteriaFields, ihTagRecordset *TagRecordset);
extern ihC_DEC ihAPIStatus stdcall ihTagGetProperties(ihServerHandle hServer, ihString Tagname, ihTagFields
*hFields, ihTagProperties *hTag);
You can add and browse tags using these functions
ihData Functions
extern ihC_DEC ihAPIStatus stdcall ihDataAdd(ihServerHandle hServer, ihUNSIGNED long NumberOfTags, ihString
*Tagnames, ihDataProperties *DataValues, ihAPIStatus *ErrorStatuses, ihBoolean WaitForReply, ihBoolean ErrorOnRep
You can add and delete data and subscribe to data changes
ihDataStore Functions
extern ihC_DEC ihAPIStatus stdcall ihDataStoreOpenRecordset(ihServerHandle hServer, ihString
DataStoreMask, ihDataStoreRecordset *Recordset);
You need not configure data stores, the defaults should be fine.
ihComment Functions
extern ihC_DEC ihAPIStatus stdcall ihCommentAdd (ihServerHandle hServer, ihString Tagname, ihTimeStruct
*CommentAdd, ihCommentData *ihCommentData, ihString SuppliedUser, ihString SuppliedPassword);
You can add comments to data and get them back when you read the data but this is not commonly used.
ihTime Functions
extern ihC_DEC void stdcall ihTimeLCLPartsToUTCStruct(int Year, int Month, int Day, int Hour, int Minute,
int MilliSecond, ihTimeStruct *UTCTime);
extern ihC_DEC void stdcall ihTimeUTCStructToLCLParts(int *Year, int *Month, int *Day, int *Hour, int
*Minute, int *Second, int *MilliSecond, ihTimeStruct *UTCTime);
The System API has utility functions for working with time zones and daylight saving time.
ihUtil Functions
extern ihC_DEC void stdcall ihUtilAnsiToUnicode(char *MBStr, ihChar *WCStr);
extern ihC_DEC void stdcall ihUtilUnicodeToAnsi(char *MBStr, ihChar *WCStr);
The System API has utility functions for converting between Unicode and ANSI strings.