Guidelines for Working with Clients
Connecting to the OLE DB provider
Historian Interactive SQL Application
The Historian Interactive SQL application (ihSQL.exe) is a test program that allows you to run a SQL query and display the results of the query in the same window. It is useful if you need to test or verify a query using the Historian OLE DB provider. The Historian Interactive SQL application requires that you have some SQL knowledge, since there are no wizards or experts. It can open and save SQL queries and can even show multiple windows, each containing a query request to the same server or different servers.
This application is particularly helpful in troubleshooting OLE DB problems from different Client Tools. If you are having trouble with a SQL query in Visual Basic or Crystal Reports, try it in the Historian Interactive SQL application first.
- Test SQL syntax before embedding it in an application.
- Troubleshoot OLE DB connections or Historian errors.
- Perform more complex searching or filtering of data than you can in the
Historian SDK and Administration applications (for web and Windows).
You can retrieve Historian data from any available Historian server. The Historian Interactive SQL application provides a login page when you open the application so that you can specify the server you want to query. You specify the server at startup, and you can switch to another server after completing your queries, or you can also open multiple windows to the same server or different servers. For instance, you might want to open more than one window to compare two different time periods on the same server, or the same time period on different servers.
Aside from entering and executing SQL queries, you can save and load queries, or export query results to Microsoft Excel.
The following figure displays an example of a query and its results in the Historian Interactive SQL application.
Figure: Historian Interactive SQL Application
- Executing queries
- Switching to a new Historian server
- Exporting query results to Microsoft Excel
- Saving a query
- Printing query results

Starting the Historian Interactive SQL Application
About this task
To start the Historian Interactive SQL application, follow these steps:
variables. See SET Variables for a table that lists the SET
variables with their default values.For more detailed information on the supported SQL syntax that you can use in the Historian Interactive SQL application, refer to Supported SQL Syntax.
Work With Queries
You can use the Historian Interactive SQL application to run a query against the data that is contained in the Historian database tables. A query is a SET
statement, or a combination of both of these SQL statements. When you execute a SELECT
or SET
statement in the Historian Interactive SQL application, you can execute only one SET
and one SELECT
statement per query.
The tables that you can query contain data and statistics associated with Historian tags, collectors, archivers, raw data, messages, comments, trend, and session settings. For information see Historian database tables.
- Enter your query in the Query Entry field in the top half of the window.
Do one of the following:
- Select the Execute Query button.
- Press Ctrl+E.
If you entered a valid query, the results of the query appear in the bottom half of the window, as shown in the following figure.Figure: Sample Query in the Historian Interactive SQL Application
Make a New Connection
About this task
variables. See SET Variables for a table that lists the SET variables with their default values.Save a Query
About this task
Recall a Saved Query
About this task
Export Query Results to Excel
About this task

After you export the results, you must format the date and time column in Microsoft Excel so that it displays correctly. See Formatting Dates and Times in Excel for instructions on how to format the date column.
Proficy Real Time Information Portal SQL Client
Proficy Real Time Information Portal is a web-based tool for accessing, analyzing, and visualizing production information. It has sophisticated trending and reporting capabilities that take advantage of the vast archival and retrieval capabilities of Historian.
Parameterized SQL Queries in the Proficy Portal
Parameters are used within the Proficy Real Time Information Portal to build SQL queries that can be reused with different values. In the place of a constant value in a SQL query, you can instead place a parameter, which takes a value at execution time. Parameterized SQL queries are driven by Proficy Real Time Information Portal components such as list boxes, combo boxes or grids.
Parameterized queries are built in the Proficy Real Time Information Portal SQL Query
Builder application. You can define a parameter by entering the name of the parameter in
the Parameter field of the Specify Selected Item
Wizard or the Specify Criterion Wizard. When you
enter a name, the Statement Builder adds a question mark to the end of the name and
encloses the entire string in curly brackets. For example, the parameter
becomes {temperature?}
You also have the option to select a data type for the parameter. The data type
determines the kind of data the parameter can hold. By default, the data type is set to
. However, you can select int
, num
, or char
as the type of
database column.
When you define a parameter in the SQL Statement Builder, you can specify a default value for the parameter from the Parameters section.
Parameter names must be unique. You cannot create multiple parameters with the same name. Consult your Proficy Real Time Information Portal documentation for more information.
Crystal Reports
Crystal Reports allows you to create reports easily through its experts and wizards. Refer to the Crystal Reports documentation for more details. When working with Crystal Reports, be aware of the following items:
- Crystal does not support the
command. You must use aWHERE
clause in aSELECT
statement to specify query parameters. - A single Crystal Report can only retrieve data from one server, but you can create subreports from different servers within a report.
- The Crystal Reports application does not display milliseconds in timestamps.
- If you want to report on numeric data in the
columns of the ihRawData table, you may want to convert all Variant to Float data types from the Report Expert, so that Crystal Reports displays them correctly in the report. This also enables the correct formatting.Note: See Displaying Variant Data Type Columns as Floats in Crystal Reports for more details. - Analysis of the ihTrend and ihAlarm tables in Crystal Reports is not supported.
Creating a Crystal Report with Historian Data
About this task
To import Historian table data into Crystal Reports using the Standard Report Expert:
Display Variant Data Type Columns as Floats in Crystal Reports
You must convert Variant data types to Float data types in Crystal Reports to format decimal point precision in your report. For instance, if retrieving the Value
column from the ihRawData table, you would need to convert the values to Floats
. You do not have to perform these steps if you are working with strings.
Converting the IhRawData Value Column From Variant to Float
Crystal Reports Date and Time Formats
This section describes how to format the date/time column for Historian tables in Crystal Reports, if you need to display dates in a specific format. When formatting timestamps, note that milliseconds do not display in Crystal Reports. For more specific information on formatting reports, refer to the Crystal Reports online Help.
To format dates and times in Crystal Reports:
- Select a field in a column that contains timestamps.
Right-select the field and select the Format Field
option from the right-select menu.
The Format Editor window appears.
- Select Date/Time if it is not already selected.
- Select the date format that you want.
Select OK.
All timestamps in the column should then update to the new format that you just selected.
Microsoft Excel
With Excel, you can import a snapshot of Historian data at a single point in time. You can make Historian available as a data source in Excel by either of the following methods:
- Importing the Historian table data directly
- Importing the Historian table data from a .UDL file
Once Historian is available as a data source, you can create and edit SQL queries in Excel. The following sections describe how to import Historian data, edit the default query, refresh the query data, and format the date/time columns. For detailed information about using Microsoft Excel, refer the Microsoft Excel online Help.
When to Use Excel Instead of the Historian Excel Add-In
Use the Excel Add-In when you want to get data into Microsoft Office 2003, 2007 or 2010 (32-bit/64-bit). Use the Historian OLE DB provider with Excel, instead of the Excel Add-In, when you want to do any of the following:
- Perform advanced filtering, sorting, and joining of data.
- Obtain detailed information from the ihTrend table.
- Run calculations using the SQL aggregate functions.
- Perform advanced summaries.
Import Historian Table Data Into Excel
Import Data Into Excel by Using a .UDL File
About this task
Before you begin
Create a .TXT file.
The best folder to use is the My Data Sources folder in the My Documents folder.
- Rename the .TXT file extension to a .UDL file extension.
Double-click the .UDL file.
The Data Link Properties window appears.
- Select Provider.
Select Historian OLE DB Provider, and
then select Next.
The Connection section appears in the Data Link Properties window.
Leave these fields empty to use the default server and
currently logged-in user. Otherwise, do the following:
- Enter the name of the Historian server in the Data Source field.
- Clear the Blank Password check box.
- Enter a Windows username and password.
Select the Allow Saving
Password check box to save the
password that you entered.
Tip: Leave the server, user name, and password fields empty so that the report can be shared by clients with different default servers.
- Select Test Connection to confirm that the data source, username, and password provide a successful connection, and then select OK.
Edit SQL Queries in Excel
By default, data import functionality in Excel selects all columns from the specified Historian table using the default query parameters. This command is the equivalent of running the SQL command SELECT * FROM TABLE_NAME, where TABLE_NAME is the name of the table that you want to query.
You can change the query by issuing a different SQL query if you are familiar with SQL syntax. Refer to the Microsoft Excel documentation for more information.
If you are unsure if the SQL syntax is correct, you can test your SQL query outside of Excel using the Historian Interactive SQL application. See Historian Interactive SQL Application for more details.
Format Dates and Times in Excel
About this task
- To select the column you want to format, select its heading.
- Right-select the selected column.
- Select Format Cells from the right-select menu.
- Select Number, if it is not already selected.
- Select the Date category.
- Select a timestamp type in the Type group box.
- If you need to display milliseconds, instead of selecting the Date category, select Custom, and then enter dd-mmm-yyyy hh:mm:ss.000 in the Type field.
- Select OK.
Refresh Data in Excel
About this task
Now -
. Excel also allows you to automatically set refresh intervals.Procedure
What to do next
Linked Servers in Microsoft SQL Server
If you require the ability to relate Historian data with other data in SQL Server tables such as batch events, iFIX Alarms and Events collector, iDownTime data, and any other information that is available in a relational database, you can use the Historian OLE DB provider as a linked server in Microsoft SQL Server. You can also use the OLE DB provider as a linked server if you do not want to duplicate data with an import.
With linked servers, when you query data from Historian, the SQL Server fetches the requested data from Historian at the time the query is executed. Data is not duplicated because nothing is imported or stored in SQL Server. The data is simply returned as part of a query, just as any other query on a SQL Server database would return data.
Another benefit of using the Historian OLE DB provider as a linked server is that clients do not need any Historian software installed. For example, a client tool such as Microsoft Query Analyzer can be used to retrieve Historian product data over the network on a computer with no Historian software installed.
Configure the Historian OLE DB provider as a Linked Server
About this task
What to do next
Use Microsoft System Stored Procedures
You can use the sp_addlinkedserver system stored procedure from Microsoft SQL Server to programmatically configure a linked server definition. However, using this system stored procedure alone does not provide a way to set the Allow In Process and Level Zero Only options.
To use sp_addlinkedserver you must first configure a linked server and options using the Enterprise Manager , as described in Configuring the Historian OLE DB provider as a Linked Server. Then, since the options Allow In Process and Level Zero Only apply to all linked servers that use the provider, you can create additional linked server definitions to other Historian servers using sp_addlinkedserver.
Once you create your linked server definitions, you can then perform tasks such as using sp_linkedservers to browse the set of linked servers, or using sp_dropserver to remove a linked server.
Example 1: Configure a Linked Server Definition by Using sp_addlinkedserver
EXEC sp_addlinkedserver @server='MYSERVER_LS', @srvproduct='', @provider='iHOLEDB.iHistorian.1', @datasrc='MY_SERVER'
Example 2: Browse Linked Server Definitions by Using sp_linkedservers
EXEC sp_linkedservers
Example 3: Delete Linked Server Definitions by Using sp_dropserver
EXEC sp_dropserver 'MYSERVER_LS', 'droplogins'
Refer to the Microsoft SQL Server documentation for additional information on sp_addlinkedserver, sp_linkedservers, and sp_dropserver. If you have access to MSDN, refer to the System Stored Procedures topic in the Microsoft SQL Server online documentation.
Access a Linked Server in Microsoft SQL Server
You can use four types of syntax to access the Historian OLE DB provider as a linked server:
- Four-Part Name Syntax
is the recommended method of accessing data by means of a
linked server. This method requires that you preconfigure a linked server
definition. Then, use that linked server name in the OPENQUERY
command. Four-part name syntax also requires that you preconfigure a linked server
are considered ad hoc
methods of accessing data via an OLE DB provider. They are recommended only for infrequently accessed data. When using either
syntax, you must specify the data source, username, and password in each query
instead of configuring it once in a linked server definition. If you want to limit
the number of users to a defined set of servers and user names, you can disallow all
methods of ad hoc access by selecting the Disallow Adhoc
Accesses option in the Provider Options
to access the
Historian OLE DB provider as a linked server in Microsoft SQL Server. Be sure that you configure the linked
server as described in Configuring the Historian OLE DB provider as a Linked Server before using any of the examples.OPENQUERY
to access the ihTrend table.
Use four-part name syntax to access the ihTrend
table.Use OPENQUERY to Access a Linked Server
SELECT TagName, TimeStamp, Value, Quality FROM OPENQUERY (iHist,'
StartTime=yesterday-12Day, EndTime=Today, IntervalMilliseconds=1Hour, SamplingMode=Calculated, CalculationMode=Maximum
SELECT * FROM ihRawData WHERE TagName LIKE *simulation00001')
Use Four-Part Name Syntax to Access the ihTrend Table From a Linked Server
SELECT * FROM iHist...[SELECT timestamp, *.value FROM ihTrend]
four-part name syntax works with all tables, it is only necessary to use it with the
ihTrend table, because the ihTrend table
does not work with OPENQUERY
.Use OPENROWSET and OPENDATASOURCE to Access a Linked Server
SQL Server supports ad hoc access for infrequently accessed data using
. However, you
achieve the best results using the OPENQUERY
The following examples show how to use OPENROWSET
to access the Historian OLE DB provider as a linked server in Microsoft SQL Server.
SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET('ihOLEDB.iHistorian.1', 'MY_SERVER';'';'','SET starttime="2002-01-30 10:00:00", endtime="2002
SELECT * FROM OPENDATASOURCE('iHOLEDB.iHistorian.1', 'Data Source=MY_SERVER')...ihTags
SELECT * FROM OPENDATASOURCE('iHOLEDB.iHistorian.1', 'Data Source=MY_SERVER;User ID=user1;Password=thepassword')...[SE
Join Historian Data With iFIX Alarms Logged With AlarmODBC
The following example determines the last time and date a specific analog tag went into alarm. Then, the date and time of the alarm is used to collect the data from the previous hour leading up to the alarm. You can use this example to determine if the value spiked into alarm or slowly approached the alarm limit.
declare @var1 as varchar(300)
declare @iHistServer as varchar(10)
declare @Tagname as varchar(40)
declare @HistTagname as varchar(50)
declare @AlarmStatus as varchar(10)
declare @Node as varchar(8)
declare @StartDt as varchar(30)
declare @EndDt as varchar(30)
declare @queryDt as varchar(30)
SET @iHistServer = 'iHistMY_SERVER'
SET @Node = 'MY_SCADA'
SET @Tagname = 'Simulation00001'
SET @HistTagname = 'MY_SERVER.' + @Tagname
SET @AlarmStatus = 'HIHI'
SET @EndDt = (SELECT TOP 1 DateTimeLast FROM AlarmODBC WHERE AlarmStatus = @AlarmStatus AND Node = @Node and Tagname =
SET @StartDt = DATEADD(hour, -1, @EndDt)
('+ @iHistServer +',''SET StartTime="'+ @StartDt +'", EndTime="'+ @Enddt +'"
SELECT Tagname, TimeStamp, Value, Quality FROM ihRawData WHERE TagName = '+ @HistTagname +''')' exec (@var1)
Access Linked Server Data With a Stored Procedure
A stored procedure can insulate callers from the details of linked server processing and can improve maintainability by localizing the linked server code.
This example procedure interfaces with the alarm ODBC table to get the last alarm time for a specified tag in the past 24 hours. It then uses this time to retrieve data for the tag from 1 hour before to the time the alarm occurred via a linked server to the Historian server.
The input parameters are the linked Historian server name, tag name, alarm status,
and SCADA node name the alarm was created on. This example uses a
tag in the Historian database rather than setting up a
collector to an iFIX SCADA node. An iFIX tag name would probably need to be
concatenated with the node and field (node.tagname.fieldname
EXEC alarmhist 'iHistMY_SERVER', 'simulation00001', 'HIHI', 'MY_SCADA'
The first time you create the procedure in Enterprise Manager, you must include the following two lines before the create procedure command to avoid an error:
(@iHistServer varchar(10),
@Tagname varchar(40),
@AlarmStatus varchar(10),
@Node varchar(8))
declare @var1 as varchar(400)
declare @HistTagname as varchar(50)
declare @StartDt as varchar(30)
declare @EndDt as varchar(30)
declare @queryDt as varchar(30)
declare @count as int
declare @CalculationMode as varchar(20)
SET @HistTagname = 'MY_SERVER.' + @Tagname
SET @count = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM AlarmODBC WHERE AlarmStatus = @AlarmStatus AND Node = @Node AND Tagname = @Tagname
If @count > 0
If @AlarmStatus = 'HIHI' or @AlarmStatus = 'HI'
SET @CalculationMode = 'Maximum'
SET @CalculationMode = 'Minimum'
SET @EndDt = (SELECT TOP 1 DateTimeLast FROM AlarmODBC WHERE AlarmStatus = @AlarmStatus AND Node = @Node AND Tagname =
SET @StartDt = DATEADD(hour, -1, @EndDt)
('+ @iHistServer +',''SET StartTime="'+ @StartDt +'",
EndTime="'+ @EndDt +'", IntervalMilliseconds=60000,
SamplingMode=Calculated,CalculationMode='+ @CalculationMode +'
SELECT Tagname, TimeStamp, Value, Quality FROM ihRawData WHERE TagName = '+ @HistTagname +''')'
print (@var1)
exec (@var1)
Using the Historian OLE DB provider with VisiconX, you can do the following:
- Use table or SQL queries.
- Insert multiple controls into a picture to the same or different servers.
- Pass a user name and password or be prompted when opening a picture.
To access the Historian OLE DB provider from VisiconX, follow the steps outlined for OLE DB providers in the Using VisiconX Help manual.
After you follow the steps outlined in the Using VisiconX manual, you need to perform one other task with the FixUserPreferences.ini file in the Dynamics/Local folder. This additional step is necessary because the provider does not support asynchronous (ASYNC
) executes. By updating one line in the FixUserPreferences.ini file, you can make all of your VisiconX controls use synchronous (SYNC
) executes. See Updating FixUserPreferences.ini for details.
For more information on VisiconX and the SQL Wizard, refer to the VisiconX Using VisiconX Help manual.
Update FixUserPreferences.ini
About this task
) executes in VisiconX, follow these steps:Procedure
Visual Basic and ADO
You can access the Historian OLE DB provider as you would any other OLE DB provider by using Microsoft?? ActiveX Data Objects (ADO). This approach is more generic than using the Historian SDK.
- Asynchronous Connection Support
- Visual Basic supports asynchronous (ASYNC) connections. You can open multiple ADO connections to the same data source from within a Visual Basic program. You are limited to one server per connection, and one username and password. A different user can make another connection to the same server, however, by using a different username and password.
- Client-Side Cursor Recommendation
It is recommended that you use client-side cursors instead of server-side cursors in Visual Basic.
If you use a server-side cursor, the
property on therecordset
object will always be-1
instead of the actual row count. - Retrieve Milliseconds
The following snippet of code shows how you can use Visual Basic to retrieve milliseconds within timestamps.
Public Function Time_To_String_With_Milliseconds(TheTime As Double) As String Dim Temp As String Dim TimeFraction As Double Dim Msc As Long Dim TempTime As Date On Error GoTo errc If TheTime = 0 Then Time_To_String_With_Milliseconds = "" Exit Function End If TimeFraction = TheTime * 86400# TimeFraction = TimeFraction - Fix(TimeFraction) Msc = CLng(TimeFraction * 1000) TempTime = TheTime - (TimeFraction / 86400#) If Msc = 1000 Then Msc = 0 TempTime = DateAdd("s", 1, TempTime) End If Time_To_String_With_Milliseconds = LCase(Format$(TempTime, "dd-mmm-yyyy hh:nn:ss") + "." + Format$(Msc, "000")) errc: End Function
- Throttle Results With the ADO MaxRecords Property
The following example shows how you can use the
Property in ADO to throttle the number of rows returned from your query.SET rstTitles = New ADODB.Recordset rstTitles.MaxRecords = 10 strSQLTitles = "SELECT Tagname FROM ihTags" rstTitles.Open strSQLTitles, strCnxn, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly, adCmdText
- Parameterized Queries in Visual Basic
The following example shows how you can use parameterized queries in your VB script.
Private Sub SampleParameterizedQuery() Dim ihConnectString As String Dim ihRecordSet As ADODB.Recordset Dim ihConnection As ADODB.Connection Dim ihParameter As ADODB.Parameter Dim ihCommand As ADODB.Command 'Set Up the Historian Connect String... Set ihConnectString = "Provider=ihOLEDB.iHistorian.1;User Id=;Password=" 'Create Our Other Objects... Set ihConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") Set ihRecordSet = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") Set ihCommand = CreateObject("ADODB.Command") 'Open the Connection to the Historian Archiver... ihConnection.ConnectionString = ihConnectString ihConnection.Open 'Set up the Command Object With ihCommand 'Set the Active Connection to the Historian Connection Opened Above.. .ActiveConnection = ihConnection 'Set the Command Text to a Parameterized Sql Statement.... .CommandText = "select * from ihTags where datatype = ?" 'Set the Type of the Command... .CommandType = adCmdText 'Refresh Our Parameter List... .Parameters.Refresh End With 'Create a Single Parameter Object... Set ihParameter = ihCommand.CreateParameter("Temp", adChar, adParamInput, 100) 'Set the Parameters Value... ihParameter.Value = "SingleFloat" 'Add the Parameter to the Command Object... ihCommand.Parameters.Append ihParameter 'Run the Command! Set ihRecordSet = ihCommand.Execute End Sub
You can import Historian data into Oracle by using an ADO program. A sample program is provided in the Historian/Samples/Oracle folder.
Use SQL WorkSheet to test that Oracle imported the data and created the tables properly.