Adding a UAA User
About this task
These instructions are for adding users and clients to the UAA server after a non-domain or non-LDAP Historian installation. You must have Internet access on the machine on which you are performing these steps.
- Download the Ruby installer and devkit from
- Run the Ruby installer.
- Copy the devkit to the Ruby directory and extract the files.
- Open the Start command prompt with Ruby and change the directory to the Ruby install location.
cd C:\Ruby22
- Enter the following commands:
>Ruby dk.rb init >Ruby dk.rb install >gem install cf-uaac
If your network has a proxy, you may need to add--http-proxy.<yourproxy>
to the command line. For example>gem install cf-uaac --http-proxy.<yourproxy>
- Enter the following commands:
>uaac target http://<servername>:8080/uaa >uaac token client get admin
- Enter the following command to see all the uaac commands you can use to add, edit, and remove a client or user.
>uaac help
The user is the actual person, while the client is the application.
- Add a user:
>uaac user add <username> --emails "email"
You are prompted to add the password for the user. This will add the user you want; you can edit it later for scope.
- Add scopes to the newly created user:
>uaac member add historian_visualization.admin <username> >uaac member add historian_visualization.user <username> >uaac member add <username> >uaac member add historian_rest_api.write <username>
Note: When there are Historian security groups on the local historian machine or on the domain server:- Create a new user account on the local Historian machine or on the domain server with same login name and password as the local UAA user.
- Add the new user to the appropriate Historian Security group on the local historian machine or on the domain server.