Building Calculation Formulas Using the Wizard

About this task

The Insert Function Wizard, accessible from the Calculation tab, helps you to build a formula for the current calculation tag. Using the wizard is optional—you can also enter the functions into the Calculation pane directly.

The wizard contains several pre-defined functions. For more information on these functions, see Types of Functions Supported by the Wizard. You are not limited to using only these functions. You can also use these functions without the wizard.


  1. Place the cursor where you want to insert the code, and erase Null from the expression window.
    The phrase Result= must remain.
    Note: Avoid selecting other tags until you save your changes or you will lose your code changes.
  2. To build your formula, click the Wizard button on the Calculation tab.
    The Insert Function Wizard appears.
  3. In the Select Function fields, select the Type and Function from the drop-down lists.
    Refer to Types of Functions Supported by the Wizard for a list of the available Types and associated Functions. See Built-In Functions for a description of each pre-defined function contained in the Insert Function Wizard.
  4. If you are using a tag in your calculation formula, you can specify the Tag Browse Criteria and click the Browse button to browse for a tag, then select the desired tag from the Browse Results area to include it in the formula.
    Note: The Calculation Collector must be running if you want to browse for tags.
  5. Click the Insert button to insert the code into the Calculation pane.
    Note: When building formulas, disable the On-line Tag Configuration Changes option on the Advanced tab of the Collector Maintenance screen for the Calculation Collector. With this option disabled, each time you update a calculation formula, the collector does not perform a tag reload.