Export Data to a Spreadsheet

  • You cannot export data for time periods exceeding 30 days (43200 minutes) or 100,000 points, whichever limit is reached first. If any element in your display exceeds either limit, you will see a dialog box indicating the export limit has been exceeded.
  • If the export fails, a box displays Failed to export, please check error log for more details. You can check the log file, fix the issues causing the failure, and then try to export again.
  • Historian Trend Client provides a configuration in the System Config screen to set a specific delimiter to be used during exporting of data. Only characters that are not reserved characters for XML can be used. The application will not load or it will crash if reserved characters like (<, >, &, etc.) are set as the delimiter.
  • To view the CSV files in the proper format, Microsoft Excel 2007 or Excel 2010 is required.
  • Raw data is exported and limited to 30 days or 100,000 points, whichever limit is reached first.
  • The number of tags per query is determined by the entry in the Query settings.