Error Codes

You might encounter the following error codes while you use the Historian User API:

Table 1. Historian API Error Codes
100ihuSTATUS_FAILEDGeneric failure.
101ihuSTATUS_API_TIMEOUTServer machine name not found, or server found but archiver service not running.
102ihuSTATUS_NOT_CONNECTEDNot currently connected to a Historian server.
103ihuSTATUS_INTERFACE_NOT_FOUNDInterface not found.
105ihuSTATUS_DUPLICATE_DATAihuWriteData was called with error_on_replace = TRUE and the supplied data would have overwritten existing data.
106ihuSTATUS_DUPLICATE_DATAServer found, but invalid username or password.
107ihuSTATUS_ACCESS_DENIEDAccess denied by the Historian server. Check username and password or security group membership.
108ihuSTATUS_WRITE_IN_FUTUREWrite time stamp is too far in the future.
109ihuSTATUS_WRITE_ARCH_OFFLINEThere is no archiver to hold the write time stamp.
110ihuSTATUS_ARCH_READONLYThe destination archive to hold the write time stamp is marked as read-only.
111ihuSTATUS_WRITE_OUTSIDE_ACTIVEThe write time stamp is before the active hours (now "data is read only after") setting.
112ihuSTATUS_WRITE_NO_ARCH_AVAILABLENo archive is available to hold the write time stamp.
113ihuSTATUS_INVALID_TAGNAMETagname used is not valid. Tagname does not exist in the Historian server.
114ihuSTATUS_LIC_TOO_MANY_TAGSExceeded tag license count on the server.
115ihuSTATUS_LIC_TOO_MANY_USERSExceeded user license count on the server.
116ihuSTATUS_LIC_INVALID_LIC_DLLAn invalid license DLL is installed.
117ihuSTATUS_NO_VALUENo value has been passed to the function.
118ihuSTATUS_NOT_LICENSEDYour Historian installation is not licensed.
122ihuSTATUS_INVALID_SERVER_VERSIONYou are attempting to use this API on an invalid version of Historian.
123ihuSTATUS_DATA_RETRIEVAL_COUNT_EXCEEDEDYou requested too many samples in one read request.
124ihuSTATUS_INVALID_PARAMETERGeneric failure when an invalid value is passed into the User API.