Installing MQTT Data Collector

MQTT Data Collector Installation

Before you begin

Before installing the MQTT collector, as a pre-requisite, MQTT Broker should be installed and running on the same machine or on a different machine and the connection details (Machine name, topic and port) should be provided while installing the MQTT collector. These details can be changed after installation. If you change the details, the collector service should be restarted.

By default, MQTT collector is installed on port 1883 but it might change based on port availability. Hence the port number should be provided while installing MQTT data collector.

About this task

You can install the MQTT Data Collector using the Historian product DVD under Collectors section. The MQTT Data Collector consists of System API, Collector Toolkit components.


  1. Insert the Historian CD and select Historian Collectors.

    The Historian Collectors page appears.
  2. Read and accept the license agreement.

  3. Select an available disk to install the collector.

  4. Select the data directory or browse the desired location to store the collector data.

  5. Select MQTT Collector.
    MQTT Configuration is started.
  6. Select Next to continue.

  7. Select Next.

    The Source Server Configuration window appears.
  8. Enter the Message Broker details to which the collector is connecting to collect data.
    Field Description
    Source Host NameIP address if the Message Broker .
    Source TopicThe topic to which we want to subscribe.
    Source PortThe port number where the message broker is running
  9. Select the destination where you want to historize the data.

  10. Enter the name of the Historian Server and select Next.

    You are ready to install window appears.
  11. Select Install and then select Finish.


The MQTT data collector is installed.

MQTT Data Collector Silent Installation

About this task

Alternatively, you can install MQTT data collector using the command line.


Enter the following in the command prompt: Collectors_Install.exe -s HistorianMQTTCollector_AddLocal=1 HistorianMQTTCollector_MQTTHostname=<Hostname of machine where broker is running>> HistorianMQTTCollector_MQTTTopic=<testtopic> HistorianMQTTCollector_MQTTPort=<portnumber> HistorianMQTTCollector_destinationservername=<Destination Historian machine >


MQTT data collector is installed.