Historian OLE DB Provider Components
When you install the Historian OLE DB Provider, a new folder is created in your Historian product directory. This folder contains the Historian Interactive SQL tool (ihSQL.exe) and a Samples folder containing sample reports. Your Historian directory should appear in the Historian folder if you install the Historian OLE DB Provider on a Historian Server computer.
If you install the Historian OLE DB Provider on a client computer, your Historian directory will not contain most of these folders. These folders may also appear differently, depending upon the number of collectors or archivers that you installed.
The Samples folder includes samples for Crystal Reports, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Visual Basic, iFIX, and Oracle.
In addition, to support the OLE DB Provider on 32-bit and 64-bit operating systems, a dynamic-link library file (ihOLEDB.dll) is installed in your WINDOWS\SysWOW64 and also in WINDOWS\System32 folder respectively.