Turning On Debug Mode to Access Trace Log Files

About this task

Use the following steps to turn on debug mode and access the trace log files:


  1. From the Start menu, select Run and enter Regedit.
  2. Open the following key folder HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINECLASSES_ROOT\SOFTWARE\Intellution,inc\iHistorian\HDAServer\.
    Note: On a 64-bit Windows Operating System, open the following key folder HKEY_LOCAL_ MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\\Intellution, Inc.\iHistorian\HDAServer\.
  3. Double-click DebugMode DWORD value.
  4. Select Base as Decimal.
  5. In the Value data field, type 255
  6. Click OK.
  7. Close the Registry Editor and open the Proficy OPC HDA Server trace log file.