Historian Server Performance Counters

The Windows performance counters are exposed as objects with counters. In the tables below, you can see each counter and the object to which it belongs.

Each object has one or more instances as shown in the Windows Performance Monitor. Counters belong to a specific instance of an object. For example, there is an instance of the Historian Archive object for each IHA in the system.

There is also a LatestArchive instance for each Data Store. The LatestArchive instance lets you collect the information from the newest archive even as archives become full and new archives are created. The LatestArchive is the newest archive receiving data, not the prepared archive.

To monitor performance counters, you must add the performance counter tags manually.

Historian Archive Object

Archive Counter Description
Cache Priority Relative priority of items from the archive stored to the Windows Cache. A higher priority means the item is more likely to stay in cache. Disk Read Time (usec) Duration of last disk read in microseconds.
Disk Read Time (usec)Duration of last disk read in microseconds.
Disk Read Time Max (usec) Maximum duration across all disk reads from the archive in microseconds.
Disk Reads Number of disk reads from archive.
Disk Write Time (usec)Time of last disk write in microseconds.
Disk Write Time Max (usec) Maximum duration of all disk writes to the archive in microseconds.
Disk Writes Number of disk writes to archive.
File Size (MB)Size of the archive file in MB.
Read Calls Number of read calls to the archive since startup.
Read Rate (Calls/min) Number of read calls to the archive per minute.
Write Count Number of data samples written to archive since startup.
Write Count RateNumber of data samples written to archive per minute.
Writes Compressed Number of data samples since startup that were compressed writes to the archive.
Writes Expensive Number of data samples since startup that were expensive or slow.
Writes Failed Number of data samples that were failed writes to the archive.
Writes OutofOrder Number of data samples that were out of time order writes to the archive.

Historian Cache Object

Hit Percentage Hit rate percentage (0-100) for successful data retrieval calls to the cache. Higher numbers represent more efficiency.
Hits Number of hits in the cache since startup. To reset the count, restart the Achiver.
Misses Number of misses in the cache.
Num Adds Total number objects added to cache.
Num Deletes Total number of objects deleted from cache.
Num High Prio Objs Number high priority objects available for deletion.
Num Low Prio Objs Number of low priority objects available for deletion.
Num Med Prio Objs Number of medium priority objects available for deletion.
Obj Count Number of objects in the cache.
Size (KB) Size of cache in KB.

Historian DataStores Object

Compression Ratio (Max) Archive compression ratio for this data store.
Compression Ratio (Max) Maximum archive compression ratio for the data store.
Compression Ratio (Min) Minimum archive compression ratio for the data store.
Messages (Total Alerts) Total alerts since startup
Messages (Total) Total messages since startup.
Read Calls Number of read calls to the data store.
Read Rate (Calls/min) Average read rate across all archives in the data store. (Read Calls/Minute)
Read Samp Rate (Samp/min) Average read rate across all archives in the data store. (Samples/Minute)
Space (Consumption MB/day) Disk space consumption rate. (MB/day)
Space (Days To Full) Number of days until current archive is full.
Space (Free in MB) Free disk space in the current archive.
Write Rate (Average) Average event rate across all archives. (Samples/Minute)
Write Rate (Max) Maximum event rate across all archives. (Samples/Minute)
Write Rate (Min) Minimum event rate across all archives. (Samples/Minute)
Writes (Cache Hit Ratio) Write Cache hit ratio.
Writes (Compressed) Total number of compressed data samples since startup.
Writes (Total Failed) Total failed data sample writes since startup.
Writes (Total OutOfOrder) Total out of order data samples since startup.
Writes (Total) Total data samples across all archives since startup.

Historian Overview Object

Compression Ratio (Average) Average archive compression ratio of all data stores.
Compression Ratio (Max) Average maximum compression ratio of all data stores.
Compression Ratio (Min) Average minimum compression ratio of all data stores.
Memory Usage (KB) Private bytes memory usage for Data Archiver.
Memory VM Size (KB) Virtual Bytes memory usage for Data Archiver.
Messages (Total Alerts) Sum of total alerts of all data stores since startup.
Messages (Total) Sum of total messages of all data stores since startup.
Read Rate (Calls/min) Sum of all average read rates of all data stores. (Samples/Minute)
Read Samp Rate (Samp/min) Average read rate across all archives. (Samples/Minute)
Space (Consumption MB/day) Sum of space consumption rate (MB/day) of all datastores.
Space (Days To Full) Minimum number of days until current archive is full for all data stores.
Space (Free in MB) Sum of all free space in the current archive of all data stores.
Write Rate (Average) Sum of all average event rates of all data stores. (Samples/Minute)
Write Rate (Max) Sum of all maximum event rates of all data stores.
Write Rate (Min) Sum of all minimum event rates of all data stores.
Writes (Cache Hit Ratio) Average write Cache hit ratio of all data stores.
Writes (Compressed) Sum of total number of compressed data samples of all data stores.
Writes (Expensive) Sum of total number of expensive writes data samples of all data stores. One of the reasons for expensive writes is out-of-order data.
Writes (Total Failed) Sum of total failed data sample writes of all data stores.
Writes (Total OutOfOrder)Sum of total out of order data samples of all data stores.
Writes (Total) Sum of total data samples across all archives of all data stores.

Historian Queue Object

ClientQueues with Msgs The number of client queues with messages current on them. A lower number means all clients are up to date. A higher number means that the archiver is not up to date with incoming network traffic
Count (Max) Maximum number of messages on the queue. (memory and disk)
Count (Total) Number of messages on the queue. (memory and disk)
Disk Buf Msg Reads Number of messages read from the disk buffer file.
Disk Buf Msg Writes Number of messages written to the disk buffer file.
Processed Count Number of messages processed from the queue since startup.
Processed Rate (msg/min) Recent rate at which messages have been processed for the queue.
Processing Time (Ave) Average time in milliseconds to process a message.
Processing Time (Last) Time in milliseconds to process the last message.
Processing Time (Max) Maximum time in milliseconds to process a message.
Recv Count (msgs) Number of messages received into the queue.
Recv Rate (msgs/min) Recent rate at which messages have been received for the queue.
Size Kb (Mem&Disk Max) Max size of messages in Kb on the queue. (memory and disk).
Size Kb (Mem&Disk) Size of messages in Kb on the queue. (memory and disk)
Size Kb (Mem&Disk) Size of messages in Kb on the queue. (memory only)
Threads Number of worker threads allocated to process this queue. This is the number of created threads but they may be idle.
Threads Working Number of queue processing worker threads currently processing messages.
Time in Queue (Ave) Average time in milliseconds that a message was in the queue, waiting to be processed.
Time in Queue (Last) Time in milliseconds that the last message was in the queue, waiting to be processed.
Time in Queue (Max) Maximum time in milliseconds that a message was in the queue, waiting to be processed.

Historian Config Counters

File Size The size of the Configuration File in MB
Hist Tags(Actual) Number of the Historical tags in the system
Hist Tags (Licensed) Total licensed Historian tags.
Hist Tags (Used) Effective number of Historical Licensed Tags in the system. Can be greater than the number of tags because some tags count as more than one Licensed Tag.
Hist Tags (UsedByArrays) Effective number of Historical Licensed Array Tags in the system (Not the raw tag count, the effective licensed count).
Hist Tags (UsedByUserDef)Effective number of Historical Licensed User Defined Tags in the system (Not the raw tag count, the effective licensed count).
Number of Collectors Number of collectors defined on the system.
Number of EnumSets Number of enumerated sets defined on the system.
Number of UserDefTypes Number of user defined types defined on the system.
SCADA Tags (Actual) Number of SCADA Tags in the system.
SCADA Tags (Licensed) Total Licensed SCADA tags.
SCADA Tags (Used) Effective number of SCADA Licensed Tags in the system. Can be greater than the number of tags because some tags count as more than one Licensed Tag.
SCADA Tags (UsedByArrays) Effective number of SCADA Licensed Array Tags in the system (Not the raw tag count, the effective licensed count).
SCADA Tags (UsedByUserDef) Effective number of SCADA Licensed User Defined Tags in the system (Not the raw tag count, the effective licensed count).