Archiver Configuration Functions
You can add and configure tags as part of Data Archiver configuration but there are other options that can be configured.
A subset of all the options and their meanings is given in this section, and the rest are listed in the ihapi.h
Most options are set as per data store and some are applicable for the overall Data Archiver.
Menu ihOptions
Option | Description |
ihArchiveDefaultPath | The default path for new archive creations. |
ihArchiveActiveHours | Set to a larger number if you need to write data with timestamps in the past older than the "data is read only aftersetting in the Historian Administrator. |
ihArchiveDefaultSize | The default size for new archives, when you are not using ihArchiveDuration for time based archives. |
ihArchiveAutomaticCreate , | TRUE if new archives should be created or FALSE if old archives should be reused instead. |
ihArchiveAutomaticFreeSpace | The amount of disk space to be left free. |
ihArchiveOverwriteOld | TRUE if you should overwrite old archives instead of refusing incoming data. |
ihArchiveDefaultBaseFileName | The default base file name which typically matches the computer name but you can update this if you move the Data Archiver to a new computer. |
ihArchiveDefaultBaseArchiveName | The default base file name which typically matches the computer name but you can update this if you move the Data Archiver to a new computer. |
ihArchiveDefaultBackupPath | The default location for archive backups; typically this location is the same location as the online archives. |
ihArchiveCreateOfflineArchive | Set to TRUE if you need to write data with a timestamp before the first archive so that an archive gets created. |
ihMessageOnDataUpdate | Set to TRUE if you want an audit trail message for every data sample that is overwritten. |
ihArchiverNumReadThreads | Increase from default if you need more read threads so that you can perform parallel reads. |
ihSecurityUseLocalGroups | Set to FALSE if you want to use domain security groups. |
ihArchiverMaxIntervalRetrievalCount | Increase this number if you typically do large queries that return error ihSTATUS_DATA_RETRIEVAL_COUNT_EXCEEDED . |
ihArchiverMaxQueryTime | Increase this number if you typically do large queries that return error ihSTATUS_DATA_RETRIEVAL_COUNT_EXCEEDED . |
ihArchiverMaintainAutoRecoveryFiles | Set to FALSE if you do not want to use this feature. |
ihArchiverAllowDataOverwrites | Set to FALSE if you dont want to allow accidental or intentional data overwrites. |
ihArchiverTargetPrivateBytes | Leave as 0 for system managed unless you have a specific target. |
ihArchiverNumWriteThreads | Leave as default value. |
ihSecurityStrictClientAuthentication | True to only permit SSPI-based authentication. |
ihSecurityStrictCollectorAuthentication | True to only permit collector connections from 5.0 and and above. |
ihArchiveTotalDuration | Number of Hours that the archives for a DataStore can span (only used for trending DataStores). |
ihArchiveDurationType | The type of archive duration. It is the integer value of ihArchiveDurationType . |
ihArchiveDuration | Number of Units of time an archive can hold. Defined by ihArchiveDurationType . |
StructFieldsInBrowsesByDefault | TRUE if you want each field of a structure to appear as its own tag during tag browse. Useful for legacy clients that are not aware of structures. |
ihOptionMax | The highest option number for this version of historian. Use this to check for invalid option values. |
Archiver Configuration Functions
This function is used to get the list of archives listed in the server.
ihServerHandle hServer,
ihArchiveCriteria *Criteria,
ihArchiveRecordset *ArchiveRecordset
Use the criteria if you only want a specific archive or archives from a specific data store. Otherwise you can get all archives and loop through them to see their start and end times and sizes for example.
Call ihArchiveCloseRecordset()
to free the memory when you are done. Do not free memory in your program.
Returns Status | Message |
ihSTATUS_OK | On success. |
ihSTATUS_API_TIMEOUT | If the option could not be read. You can try again later. |
ihSTATUS_NOT_CONNECTED | If you are not currently connected to the Data Archiver. |
ihSTATUS_FAILED | For any other type of error. |
This function is used to free up the memory associated with the ArchiveRecordset
ihArchiveRecordset *ArchiveRecordset
Use this function to free the memory associated with the ArchiveRecordset that was returned from ihArchiveOpenRecordset(). Do not free the fields in your code.
Returns Status | Message |
Void | Void |
This function retrieves an Archiver option from the data store. This option controls the behavior of the Data Archiver for writes, security and timeouts.
ihArchiveGetOption {
ihServerHandle hServer, ihOptionEx *Option, ihChar **OptionValue
This function retrieves an Archiver option from a data store. You can indicate the data store in the ihOptionEx
structure. You can pass NULL as the data store name to use the default data store. You can get an option value to confirm it is set as requested by your application, or you can use this call to verify that a set option call was successful.
Returns Status | Message |
ihSTATUS_OK | On success. |
ihSTATUS_API_TIMEOUT | If the option could not be read. You can try again later. |
ihSTATUS_NOT_CONNECTED | If you are not currently connected to the Data Archiver. |
ihSTATUS_FAILED | For any other type of error. |
This function sets an Archiver option from a data store
ihArchiveSetOption {
ihServerHandle hServer, ihOptionEx *Option, ihChar *OptionValue
This function sets an Archiver option from a data store. You can indicate the data store in the ihOptionEx
structure. You can pass NULL as the data store name to use the default data store.
The list of possible options in ihapi.h is listed in the Archiver Configuration Functions. Set an option value when the default does not meet the needs of your application or to confirm that no other application has changed it. Archive option changes are audited in the Historian messages and you can see them using ihMessageOpenRecordset
Returns Status | Message |
ihSTATUS_OK | On success. |
ihSTATUS_API_TIMEOUT | If the option could not be read. You can try again later. |
ihSTATUS_NOT_CONNECTED | If you are not currently connected to the Data Archiver. |
ihSTATUS_FAILED | For any other type of error. |
This function is used to free the memory inside the structure returned from an ihArchiveGetOption()
ihChar *OptionValue // the string returned from ihArchiveGetOption()
Use this function to free the memory inside the structure. Do not free the fields in your code.
Returns Status | Message |
Void | Void. |
This function retrieves the properties for an archive in a data store identified by the ArchiveDescriptor.
ihArchiveGetProperties (
ihServerHandle hServer,
ihArchiveDescriptor *ArchiveDescriptor,
ihArchiveProperties *Archive
You can pass NULL as the data store name to use the default data store.
The ihArchiveProperties
contains information such as the StartTime and EndTime and size of the archive.
Make sure to free the archive properties using ihArchiveFreeProperties()
Returns Status | Message |
ihSTATUS_OK | On success. |
ihSTATUS_API_TIMEOUT | If the option could not be read. You can try again later. |
ihSTATUS_NOT_CONNECTED | If you are not currently connected to the Data Archiver. |
ihSTATUS_FAILED | For any other type of error. |
This function sets the properties for an archive.
ihArchiveSetProperties {
ihServerHandle hServer,
ihArchiveProperties *Archive
This is the only archive property set by a user program to make the archive read only.
Returns Status | Message |
ihSTATUS_OK | On success. |
ihSTATUS_API_TIMEOUT | If the option could not be read. You can try again later. |
ihSTATUS_NOT_CONNECTED | If you are not currently connected to the Data Archiver. |
ihSTATUS_FAILED | For any other type of error. |
This function is used to free up the memory associated with the ArchiveProperties returned from an ihArchiveGetProperties
ihArchiveFreeProperties {
ihArchiveProperties *ArchiveProperties
Use this function to free the memory. Do not free the memory by calling operating system functions.
Returns Status | Message |
Void | Void. |
This function is used to get performance statistics from the Data Archiver of a particular data store.
ihArchiveGetStatistics {
ihServerHandle hServer, ihString DataStoreName, ihArchiveStatistics *Statistics
This returns the performance statistics about data writes, failed writes, and disk space usage. To get the performance of a particular data store you need pass the data store name.
Returns Status | Message |
ihSTATUS_OK | On success. |
ihSTATUS_API_TIMEOUT | If the option could not be read. You can try again later. |
ihSTATUS_NOT_CONNECTED | If you are not currently connected to the Data Archiver. |
ihSTATUS_FAILED | For any other type of error. |
This function is used by the Alarm Archiver only.
ihServerHandle hServer, ihCallbackId CallbackId, ihAPIStatus Status, ihBoolean FinalMessage
This function is used by the Alarm Archiver only.
ihArchiveRemoveResponse {
ihServerHandle hServer, ihCallbackId CallbackId, ihAPIStatus Status, ihBoolean FinalMessage
This function returns the configuration properties such as the Data Archiver version.
ihConfigurationGetProperties {
ihServerHandle hServer, // server handle returned from previous call to ihServerConnect
ihConfigurationProperties *Properties // output parameter to contain the properties
This function is used to free the memory inside the structure.
void ihConfigurationFreeProperties {
ihConfigurationProperties *Properties // pointer to the structure filled in by
Use this function to free the memory inside the structure. Do not free the fields within your code.
Returns Status | Message |
Void | Void. |