Troubleshooting the Excel Add-In


This chapter contains troubleshooting information for using the Excel Add-In with Historian. In particular, it describes what to do if an error occurs with any of the following:
  • General imports
  • Tag imports
  • Data imports
  • Data or tag exports

Troubleshooting General Imports

If you experience problems with general imports and want to resolve them, check the following:
  • Review the HistorianSDKErrors.log file. This file is usually located in the LogFiles folder in your Historian program folder. Historian records additional information for some errors in this file. Sometimes, by reviewing this file you can determine the cause of the error.
  • If using Historian security, verify that the user has the appropriate security rights. If the rights are incorrect, log in as a user with the correct privileges or change the rights for the current user.
  • Verify that no empty rows appear between valid rows in your spreadsheet. These empty rows can cause issues.
  • Note if any errors occur. If an error occurs with any line of the import, Historian aborts the whole import.

Troubleshooting Tag Imports

If you experience problems with tag imports and want to resolve them, check the following:
  • If you remove or add Historian Servers and attempt to search for tags, the Historian Excel Add-In may not recognize the default server and may display a message stating that the default server has not been set. To correct this, close and reopen the Search Tags dialog box.
  • Make sure that you are not trying to import the Calculation Execution Time, Last Modified, or Last Modified User fields for each tag. These fields are read-only. As such, you can export them but can not import them.
  • Check that your collector does not contain any duplicate tagnames. Duplicate tagnames will cause errors to occur.
  • Verify that the number of tags that you want to import does not exceed the maximum licensed tag count. If it does, you will not be able to import the tags.

Troubleshooting Data Imports

If you experience problems with a data import and want to resolve them, try the following steps:
  • Ensure that the time stamps of any online archives are not prior to the start time of the oldest online archive.
  • Ensure that the time stamps are within the active hours setting in the Data Store Maintenance screen of the Historian Administrator.
  • Ensure that the time stamps are not for a time greater than 15 minutes ahead of the system time on the Historian Server.
  • Ensure that the tags are valid Historian tags. To do this, import your tags before importing their associated data.

Troubleshooting Data or Tag Exports

You cannot export data or tags to a remote path using the Historian Excel Add-In.

You can export a 64 bit tag, include it in a report and perform calculations on it. However, there will be a minor precision loss while retrieving the data due to a Visual Basic limitation.