OSI PI Collector System Requirements

Important: You do not have the latest version of Historian! You are missing out on the newest capabilities and enhanced security. For information on all the latest features, see the Historian product page. For more information on upgrades, contact your GE Digital sales agent or e-mail GE Digital Sales Support. For the most up-to-date documentation, go here.

The following software requirements apply to the OSI PI Collector and the OSI PI Distributor.

Software Requirements

If you are using Historian 7.0 SP4, the following configuration is required:
  • OSI PI Data Archive (version 3.2\3.3\3.4)
  • OSI PI v1.3.4 or greater
  • OSI PI SDK (About PI-SDK) v1.4.2 or greater
    Note: The OSI PI SDK is required for running OSI PI Collector, however, the OSI PI SDK does not ship with Historian. If the OSI PI SDK is not installed, the OSI PI Collector will not start. If you install the OSI PI Collector on a machine that does not contain your PI Server, be sure to install the OSI PI SDK on the machine with the OSI PI Collector.
  • Historian 3.0 or greater
If you are using 7.0 SP5, the following configuration is required:
  • OSI PI AF Server version 2015 R2 SP1 or greater
  • OSI PI Data Archiver v 3.4.380 or greater
  • OSI PI AF SDK 2.7.0 or greater
    Note: The OSI PI AF SDK is required for running OSI PI Collector or PI Distributor, however, the OSI PI AF SDK does not ship with Historian. If the OSI PI AF SDK is not installed, the OSI PI Collector or PI Distributor will not start. If you install the OSI PI Collector or PI Distributor on a machine that does not contain your PI Server, be sure to install the OSI PI AF SDK on the machine with the OSI PI Collector and the PI Distributor. PI SDK is no longer supported with the 7.0 SP5 version of the PI Collector. If you are using the OSI PI Collector or PI Distributor from the 7.0 SP5 (or greater) installer, the PI AF SDK or greater is now required.

    The PI AF Software Development Kit (PI AF SDK or AFSDK) is installed with the PI AF Client and provides programmatic access to PI Server data (PI Data Archive and AF).

  • About-PI SDK utility

Hardware Requirements

There are no additional hardware requirements for the OSI PI Collector or PI Distributor.