OSI PI Collector-specific Field Descriptions
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The following figure shows the OSI PI Collector configured to collect data from an OSI PI archive on localhost
, logging in as the piadmin
user. It is also configured for a maximum recovery time of 4 hours.

The following table describes the OSI PI Collector-specific configuration fields.
This field... | Indicates... |
PI Server | The name of the computer that OSI PI is running on. This should match the server entry in the OSIsoft About PI-SDK utility. |
PI Username | The user name required to connect to the OSI PI Data Archive. PI trusts are not supported and an explicit PI user must be set. |
PI Password | The password required to authenticate with the OSI PI Data Archive. If no password is configured for the OSI PI user, this field can be left blank. |
MaxRecovery Time (hr) | The Maximum Recovery time in hours. |