Enumerated Sets Functions

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Enumerated Sets Functions Overview

You can use the enumerated sets functions to create, modify, delete, and browse enumerated sets, and assign tags to those sets.

When you query tag data by using these functions, the string state name value is returned by default. To retrieve the numeric value, use ihuEnumeratedSetRawValue.

When you write to a tag by using these functions, write the numeric value.

Use these functions to retrieve all the enumerated sets that match the setname mask criteria. If you want to retrieve all sets, pass * as the mask.

Enumerated Sets Functions



Use the ihuGetEnumeratedSets function to retrieve all the enumerated sets that match the setname mask criteria. To retrieve all sets, pass * as the mask.

ihuErrorCode IHUAPI ihuGetEnumeratedSets (
in long serverhandle,
in MSO Char *EnumeratedSetMask,
out long *numberofrecords,
out ihuEnumeratedSetRecordSet
*EnumeratedSetRecordSet  )


The ihuGetEnumeratedSets function returns the number of enumerated set records, plus the enumerated sets.


The ihuGetEnumeratedSets function returns ihuSTATUS_OK on success, or errors if invalid input parameters are found or if out-of-memory issues occur during dynamic memory allocation.



Use the ihuEnumeratedSetAdd function to add enumerated sets. You can specify sets that have states, or add states later on.

( in long serverhandle,
in ihuEnumeratedSetProperties
*EnumeratedSet  )


Any existing set with a name that matches the specified set name is overwritten by the new set.


The ihuEnumeratedSetAdd function returns ihuSTATUS_OK on success, or returns errors on:

  • Invalid input parameters
  • Out-of-memory issues during dynamic memory allocation
  • User not a member of ihTag Admin group
Note: Set the Administrator parameter to the ihTag Admin security group to assign the highest precedence to this parameter.



Use the ihuEnumeratedSetRawValue function to specify whether to return string or numeric values returned when reading tags by using enumerated sets. By default, string values are retrieved for tags associated with enumerated sets. To retrieve numeric values, set SetRawValue to TRUE. If string values are unavailable, raw values are retrieved.

ihuEnumeratedSetRawValue (
in long serverhandle,
in BOOL SetRawValue


Override the default value of FALSE only to return numeric values. The value persists until the function is called again or your program exits.


The ihuEnumeratedSetRawValue function returns ihuSTATUS_OK on success, or returns errors on:

  • Invalid input parameters
  • User not a member of ihTag Admin group
Note: Set the Administrator parameter to the ihTag Admin security group to assign the highest precedence to this parameter.



Use the ihuEnumeratedSetsFree function to clear the enumerated set buffers after you call ihuGetEnumeratedSets().

ihuEnumeratedSetsFree (
in long serverhandle,
in *EnumeratedSetRecordSet )


When you use the ihuEnumeratedSetsFree function, memory is cleared from the enumerated set buffers.


The ihuEnumeratedSetsFree function returns ihuSTATUS_OK on success, or returns errors on:

  • Invalid input parameters
  • User not a member of ihTag Admin group
Note: Set the Administrator parameter to the ihTag Admin security group to assign the highest precedence to this parameter.



Use the ihuEnumeratedSetRename function to rename an enumerated set.

ihuEnumeratedSetRename (
in long serverhandle,
in MSO Char *oldEnumeratedSetName,
in MSO Char *newEnumeratedSetName )


You must be an administrator of a set to rename it.


The ihuEnumeratedSetRename function returns ihuSTATUS_OK on success, or returns errors on:

  • Invalid input parameters
  • Out-of-memory issues during dynamic memory allocation
  • No set name that matches OldEnumeratedSetName value
  • User not a member of ihTag Admin group
Note: Set the Administrator parameter to the ihTag Admin security group to assign the highest precedence to this parameter.



Use the ihuEnumeratedSetDelete function to delete an enumerated set.

ihuEnumeratedSetDelete (
in long serverhandle,
in MSO Char *EnumeratedSetName )


You must be an administrator of a set to delete it.


The ihuEnumeratedSetDelete function returns ihuSTATUS_OK on success, or returns errors on:

  • Invalid input parameters
  • Out-of-memory issues during dynamic memory allocation
  • No set name that matches EnumeratedSetName value
  • User not a member of ihTag Admin group
Note: Set the Administrator parameter to the ihTag Admin security group to assign the highest precedence to this parameter.



Use the ihuEnumeratedStateAdd function to add a state to an existing enumerated set.

ihuEnumeratedStateAdd (
in long serverhandle,
in MSO Char *EnumSetName,
in ihuEnumeratedSetState *EnumState )


When you add a state to an existing enumerated set, the data type of the new state matches the data type of other states in the set.

Any existing state with a name that matches the specified state name is overwritten by the new state.


The ihuEnumeratedStateAdd function returns ihuSTATUS_OK on success, or returns errors on:

  • Invalid input parameters
  • Out-of-memory issues during dynamic memory allocation
  • No set name that matches EnumSetName value
  • User not a member of ihTag Admin group
Note: Set the Administrator parameter to the ihTag Admin security group to assign the highest precedence to this parameter.



Use the ihuEnumeratedStateModify function to modify a state in an enumerated set.

ihuEnumeratedStateModify (
  in long serverhandle,
  in MSO Char *EnumeratedSetName,
  in MSO Char *EnumeratedStateName,
  in *EnumStateToModify )


You can modify state values and names, but not data types. To change a state name, pass the old and new names as string values inside the EnumStateToModify parameter.


The ihuEnumeratedStateModify function returns ihuSTATUS_OK on success, or returns errors on:

  • Invalid input parameters
  • No set name that matches EnumeratedSetName value
  • No state name that matches EnumeratedStateName value
  • User not a member of ihTag Admin group
Note: Set the Administrator parameter to the ihTag Admin security group to assign the highest precedence to this parameter.



Use the ihuEnumeratedStateDelete function to delete a state from an enumerated set.

( in long serverhandle,
in MSO Char *EnumeratedSetName,
in MSO Char *EnumeratedStateName


When only one state is available in a set, you cannot delete the state. The only way to delete the state is to delete the set. There is no need to delete each state before you delete a set.

You must be an administrator of a set to delete its associated states.


The ihuEnumeratedStateDelete function returns ihuSTATUS_OK on success, or returns errors on:

  • Invalid input parameters
  • No set name that matches EnumeratedSetName value
  • No state name that matches EnumeratedStateName value
  • Out-of-memory issues during dynamic memory allocation
  • User not a member of ihTag Admin group
Note: Set the Administrator parameter to the ihTag Admin security group to assign the highest precedence to this parameter.