Method Reference
Method Reference A-B
APIStatusToString Method (Server Object)
Converts a status ID into a string.
object.APIStatusToString(nStatus, bHRESULT)
Name | Data Type | Description |
nStatus | Long | The status ID to be converted. |
bHRESULT | Boolean | If true, then the status ID is an HRESULT; otherwise, it is an APIStatus. |
String. The translation of the status code.
Add Method (Archives Object)
Adds a new archive with the specified characteristics to the Historian server. You can also use this method to add an existing archive file to the archives collection to restore an archive.
Specify the FileLocation in the context of the Historian server machine drive and directory structure. If the specified FileLocation points to an existing valid Historian archive, the method effectively re-registers this archive and automatically loads it. Use this method when you return a previously unloaded archive to the system.
Since the Add request is synchronous, it immediately creates a new Archive object on the Historian server and another one in the Archives collection on the client.
object.Add(ArchiveName As String, FileLocation As String, FileSize As Long, ArchiveDataStoreName As String)
Name | Data Type | Description |
ArchiveName | String | Name of the archive to add (Read-Only). |
FileLocation | String | Fully qualified name of the archive file (Read-Only). |
FileSize | Long | Size of archive in MB (Read-Only). |
ArchiveDataStoreName | String | Name of the archive data store the archive belongs to. This is an optional parameter. |
Archive. The newly added Archive object or Nothing.
Add Method (Collectors Object)
Adds a new collector with the specified name to the Historian server. The collector name must be unique in a given Historian server.
Since the Add request is synchronous, it immediately creates a new Collector Object on the Historian server and another one in the Collectors collection on the client.
Name | Data Type | |
CollectorName | String | Name of the new collector to add. (Read-only) |
Collector. Returns a reference to the newly created Collector object.
Add Method (DataRecordset Object)
Adds a new blank DataValue record to the current DataRecordset for the specified tag. The DataValue is written to the server when the WriteRecordset method of the DataRecordset object is called. You can optionally specify the value of the record or specify it after creation by operating on the DataValue object.
object.Add(Tagname, TimeStamp, [InValue])
Name | Data Type | Definition |
Tagname | String | Tag to which you are adding a new data value (read-only). |
TimeStamp | Date | Timestamp to add value at (read-only). |
InValue | DataValue | New value (optional). |
DataValue. Returns a reference to the newly created data value.
Add Method (DataStores Object)
Adds a Data Store.
object.Add(MyDataStoreName,MyDefaultDS, MyDataStoreType, MyDataStoreDescription)
Name | Data Type | |
DataStoreName | String | Indicates the name of the data store. |
IsDefault | Boolean | Indicates whether the data store is the default data store. |
DataStoreType | String | Indicates the type of the data store: Historical, User, or SCADA buffer. |
Description | String | The description provided for the data store. |
Add Method (EnumeratedSets Object)
Adds an enumerated set to the Enumerated Sets collection. The enumerated set is not added to the Historian Server until the SaveSet Method is called.
Name | Data Type | Description |
MySet | EnumeratedSet | The set that has to be added. |
Add Method (EnumeratedStates Object)
Adds an enumerated state to the enumerated set collection. The enumerated state is not added to the Historian Server until the SaveSet Method is called.
Name | Data Type | Description |
MyState | EnumeratedState | The state that has to be added. |
Add Method (MessageRecordset Object)
Adds a new blank message record to the current MessageRecordset. The message is written to the server when the WriteRecordset method of the MessageRecordset object is called.
The empty message that was added.
Add Method (TagDependencies Object)
Adds a dependent Tag to the current calculation. The calculation will be triggered when the value of this tag changes.
Name | Data Type | Description |
Tagname | String | Name of the tag to add |
Boolean. Whether the Add operation succeeded.
Add Method (TagRecordset Object)
Adds a new blank tag record to the current TagRecordset. The tag is written to the server when the WriteRecordset method of the TagRecordset object is called.Syntax
Name | Data Type | Description |
Tagname | String | Name of the tag to add |
Returns a reference to the newly created tag.
Add Method (UserDefinedtypeFields Object)
Adds multiple fields to the User Defined Type. The User Defined Type is not added to the Historian Server until the SaveSet Method is called.
Name | Data Type | Description |
MyField | UserDefinedTypeField | The field to be added. |
AddComment Method (DataValue Object)
Adds a comment to the current DataValue. If you supply a secondary username and password, the SDK authenticates the username and password before the committing the comment.
object.AddComment(Comment, [DataTypeHint], [SecondaryUser], [SecondaryPassword])
Name | Data Type | Description |
Comment | Variant | The comment to add. |
DataTypeHint | String | The name of the data type for the comment (optional, read-only). |
SecondaryUser | String | Supervisor's username to sign comment (optional, read-only). |
SecondaryPassword | String | Supervisor's password to sign comment (optional, read-only). |
Boolean. Returns True if the AddComment Method operation succeeded.
AddEx Method (Archives Object)
Adds a new archive with the specified characteristics to the Historian server. You can also use this method to add an existing archive file to the archives collection to restore an archive.
Specify the FileLocation in the context of the Historian server machine drive and directory structure. If the specified FileLocation points to an existing valid Historian archive, the method effectively re-registers this archive and automatically loads it. Use this method when you return a previously unloaded archive to the system.
Since the Add request is synchronous, it immediately creates a new Archive object on the Historian server and another one in the Archives collection on the client.
The window pointed to by hWnd is kept alive (messages processed) while the archive is being added.
object.AddEx(ArchiveName As String, FileLocation As String, FileSize As Long, hWnd As Long, ArchiveDataStoreName As String)
Name | Data Type | Description |
ArchiveName | String | Name of the archive to add (Read-Only). |
FileLocation | String | Fully qualified name of the archive file (Read-Only). |
FileSize | Long | Size of archive in MB (Read-Only). |
hWnd | Long | The window handle to keep alive. |
ArchiveDataStoreName | String | Name of the archive data store the archive belongs to. This is an optional parameter. |
Archive. The newly added Archive object or Nothing.
AddServer Method (ServerManager Object)
Registers a new server to the list of registered servers on the client. It makes an attempt to authenticate the connection based on the username and password supplied. If a username and password are not supplied, it assumes the user to be the currently authenticated domain user.
If it cannot authenticate the connection, because of incorrect user information or an invalid ServerName, the AddServer method returns False and does not register the supplied ServerName on the client.
object.AddServer(ServerName, [UserName], [Password], [ConnectionTimeout])
Name | Data Type | Description |
ServerName | String | Computer name of the Historian server (read-only). |
UserName | String | Username to authenticate (optional, read-only). |
Password | String | Password to authenticate (optional, read-only). |
ConnectionTimeout | Long | The maximum length of time clients should wait for messages from the server before concluding the server is unavailable (optional, read-only). |
Boolean. Returns True if the AddServer operation succeeded.
Dim MyManager As New iHistorian_SDK.ServerManager
Dim MyServer As iHistorian_SDK.Server
' Try to add the new server
If MyManager.AddServer("USGB014") Then
Set MyServer = MyManager.Servers("USGB014") Else
err.Raise 1, , "Failed to authenticate new server" End If
AlarmAttributesRecordSet Method (Alarms Object)
This function returns a list of all the Vendor Attributes in the Alarm Archiver.
ReturnsAlarmAttributes. The AlarmAttributes object contains the list of vendor attributes.
AlarmRecordSet Method (Alarms Object)
This function is used to query alarms or events from the archiver. This function takes one parameter, an AlarmOpenRecordSetInfo object, which specifies the query. The following sections describe how to populate this object to perform an Alarm or Event query.
AlarmOpenRecordSetInfo Parameter
This object contains details on what to select, and any filters for the query. After creating the object, you first specify which fields to select, and which fields to sort (SelectFields), and then specify any criteria/filter to apply (AlarmCriteria).
Create the object: Dim myAlarmOpenRecordSetInfo As New AlarmOpenRecordSetInfo
Alarm Fields
The following is a list of the alarm fields that can be returned in the recordset, or used to sort or filter the recordset. These are used in the SelectFields and AlarmCriteria object (see below for more details).
Option | Data Type | Description |
AlarmID | Long | The unique ID of the alarm or event in the Historian alarm database. |
ItemID | String | The OPC ItemID of the alarm. This contains the source address of the data access tag the alarm is associated with. This could contain a NULL value if the alarm is not associated with a tag. |
Source | String | This is the unique identifier used by the OPC AE Collector for the alarm or event. |
DataSource | String | The collector interface name associated with the alarm or event. |
Tagname | String | The Historian Tag Name associated with the alarm. The tag name will be NULL unless the tag is also collected by Historian. |
EventCategory | String | The OPC event category of the alarm or event. |
ConditionName | String | The OPC condition of the alarm. This does not apply to event data. This, combined with the Source, comprises an alarm. |
SubConditionName | String | The OPC sub-condition of the alarm. This does not apply to event data. This is the state of the alarm. |
StartTime | Date | The start time or time stamp of the alarm or event. |
EndTime | Date | The end time of the alarm. This does not apply to event data. |
AckTime | Date | The time the alarm was acknowledged. This does not apply to event data. |
Timestamp | Date | The time stamp of the alarm or event. |
Message | String | The message attached to the alarm or event. |
Acked | Boolean | Stores the acknowledgement status of the alarm. If the alarm is acknowledged, this will be set to TRUE. |
Severity | Long | The severity of the alarm or event. This is stored as an integer value with a range of 1-1000. |
Actor | String | The operator who acknowledged the alarm, or caused the tracking event. |
Quality | String | The quality of the alarm or event. |
Each of the fields above can be selected, or used to sort the alarm recordset. Fill in the AlarmOpenRecordSetInfo.SelectFields for each field, according to the following table.
Option | Data Type | Description |
Select | Boolean | True to select the field. |
OrderBy | Boolean | True to order by the field. |
OrderPriority | Integer | Relative priority compared to other field order priorities. Highest first. Ties are random. |
Descending | Boolean | True to sort descending. OrderBy must also be True. |
myAlarmOpenRecordSetInfo.SelectFields.AlarmId.Select = TRUE
myAlarmOpenRecordSetInfo.SelectFields.AlarmId.OrderBy = TRUE
myAlarmOpenRecordSetInfo.SelectFields.AlarmId.OrderPriority = 10
myAlarmOpenRecordSetInfo.SelectFields.ItemId.Select = TRUE
myAlarmOpenRecordSetInfo.SelectFields.ItemId.OrderBy = TRUE
myAlarmOpenRecordSetInfo.SelectFields.ItemId.OrderPriority = 20
SelectFields.AllFields = TRUE
Choose Query Type
Query Alarms: myAlarmOpenRecordSetInfo.AlarmType = ihALARM_CONDITION
Query Events: myAlarmOpenRecordSetInfo.AlarmType = ihALARM_TRACKING
Query Historical Alarm Transitions: myAlarmOpenRecordSetInfo.AlarmType = ihALARM_CONDITION_HIST
Add filters
Field Data Type | Criteria Types |
Integer/Long | Min, Max, Equal, NotEqual |
Float | Min, Max, Equal, NotEqual |
String | StringMask |
Quality | Min, Max, Equal, NotEqual |
myAlarmOpenRecordSetInfo.AlarmCriteria.SeverityCriteria.Min = 500
Specify Max Records
An optional criteria, MaxRecords, can be set to set the upper limit size of the recordset.
myAlarmOpenRecordSetInfo.AlarmCriteria.MaxRecords = 10
Name | Data Type | Description |
theAlarmOpenRecordSetInfo | Variant | See above for details. |
AlarmRecordset. An AlarmRecordset object, populated according the details specified in the AlarmOpenRecordSetInfo parameter.
Dim MyServer As iHistorian_SDK.Server
Set MyServer = GetServer
Dim myAlarmOpenRecordSetInfo As AlarmOpenRecordSetInfo
' Select the last 100 alarms in the alarm history table
myAlarmOpenRecordSetInfo.SelectFields.AllFields = True
myAlarmOpenRecordSetInfo.SelectFields.Timestamp.OrderBy = True
myAlarmOpenRecordSetInfo.SelectFields.Timestamp.Descending = True
myAlarmOpenRecordSetInfo.AlarmCriteria.AlarmType = ihALARM_CONDITION_HIST
myAlarmOpenRecordSetInfo.AlarmCriteria.MaxRecords = 100
Dim myAlarmRecordSet As AlarmRecordSet
Set myAlarmRecordSet = MyServer.Alarms.AlarmRecordSet(myAlarmOpenRecordSetInfo)
AllFields Method (DataFields Object)
Specifies that all DataFields should be returned in the DataRecordset query.
Syntax object.AllFields
AllFields Method (MessageFields Object)
Specifies that all MessageFields should be returned in the MessageRecordset query.
AllFields Method (TagFields Object)
Sets all fields for retrieval in the TagRecordset query.
Backup Alarms Method
Backs up or saves a copy of the alarms to an offline file.
Name | Data Type | Description |
BackupFile | String | The file that stores the backup alarm data. |
StartTime | Date | Start time of the alarm data. |
EndTime | Date | End time of the alarm data. |
Boolean. Returns TRUE if the alarms are backed up.
Dim Status As ihStatus
Dim ReturnStatus As Boolean
Dim AlarmsStartTime As ihTimeStruct
Dim AlarmsEndTime As ihTimeStruct Status = ihSTATUS_FAILED ReturnStatus = False
AlarmsStartTime = Date_To_UTC(StartTime) AlarmsEndTime = Date_To_UTC(EndTime)
On Error GoTo errc
Status = ihBackupAlarms(MyServer.Handle, BackupFile, AlarmsStartTime, AlarmsEndTime, 0)
If Status <> ihSTATUS_OK Then err.Raise 1, , "Error while performing Backup alarms [" + ErrorDescription(Status) ReturnStatus = True
BackupAlarms = ReturnStatus errc:
zLastError = "Backup Alarms >> " + err.Description
BackupAlarms = ReturnStatusEnd Function
Backup Method (Archive Object)
Performs an online backup of the specified archive by stopping inbound data flow and copying an image of the specified archive into the file identified by the BackupFileName parameter.
When the online backup operation completes, the archive returns to normal operation and accepts inbound data flow.
object.Backup(BackupFileName As String, Optional DataStoreName As String)
Name | Data Type | Description |
BackupFileName | String | Fully qualified name of the backup file (read-only). |
DataStoreName | String | Name of the data store to which the backup file belongs. This is an optional parameter. |
Boolean. Returns whether or not the BackupFile operation succeeded.
Dim BackupFilename As String
BackupFilename = ArchiverLauncher.Archives & "\TheCurrentArchive.ZIP"
Set MyArchives = GetServer.Archives
' Find The Current Archive, Then Initiate A Backup
With MyArchives
For I = 1 To .Item.count
If .Item(I).IsCurrent Then
If Not .Item(I).Backup(BackupFilename) Then
err.Raise 1, "Backup", "Backup Failed"
End If
End If
Next I
End With
BackupEx Method (Archive Object)
Performs an online backup of the specified archive by stopping inbound data flow and copying an image of the specified archive into the file identified by the BackupFileName parameter.
When the online backup operation completes, the archive returns to normal operation and accepts inbound data flow.
The Ex method will process messages for a client window while waiting for the backup to complete (so clients do not appear to be frozen.
object.BackupEx(BackupFileName As String, hWnd As Long, DataStoreName As String)
Name | Data Type | Description |
BackupFileName | String | Fully qualified name of the backup file (read-only) |
hWnd | Long | The handle of the window to keep alive. |
DataStoreName | String | Name of the data store. This is an optional parameter. |
Boolean. Returns whether or not the BackupFile operation succeeded.
Dim BackupFilename As String
BackupFilename = ArchiverLauncher.Archives & "\TheCurrentArchive.ZIP" Set MyArchives = GetServer.Archives
' Find The Current Archive, Then Initiate A Backup
With MyArchives
For I = 1 To .Item.count
If .Item(I).IsCurrent Then
If Not .Item(I).Backup(BackupFilename)
Then err.Raise 1, "Backup", "Backup Failed"
End If
End If
Next I
End With
Browse Method (OPCBrowse Object)
Populates the Browse Object with sources and areas for the current browse position.
object.Browse(theServer, theCollector)
Name | Data Type | Description |
theServer | Variant | The Server Object for the Historian Server. |
theCollector | Variant | The Collector Object for the Collector to Browse. |
Boolean. Returns whether or not the Browse operation succeeded.
BrowseCollector Method (TagRecordset Object)
Browses a collector for its available tags.
object.BrowseCollector(CollectorName, AdditionsOnly, SourceFilter, DescriptionFilter, [BrowsePosition], [Recursive])
Name | Data Type | Description |
CollectorName | String | The name of the collector to browse. |
AdditionsOnly | Boolean | Browse only tags that are additions to the Historian server. |
SourceFilter | String | The tag source address filter. |
DescriptionFilter | String | The tag description filter. |
BrowsePosition | String | The browse position when performing an OPC hierarchical browse (optional, default = ""). |
Recursive | Boolean | Whether to perform an OPC hierarchical browse (optional, default = False). |
Boolean. Success/Failure.
BrowseTags Method (Collector Object)
BrowseTags is available for collection in the data source. The tags can then be added to the archiver using the WriteRecordSet Method.
object.BrowseTags([AdditionsOnly], [SourceFilter], [DescriptionFilter], [BrowsePosition], [Recursive])
Name | Data Type | Description |
AdditionsOnly | Boolean | Browse only tags that are additions to the Historian server (optional, default = True). |
SourceFilter | String | The tag source address filter (optional, default = ""). |
DescriptionFilter | String | The tag description filter (optional, default = ""). |
BrowsePosition | String | The browse position when performing an OPC hierarchical browse (optional, default = ""). |
Recursive | Boolean | Whether to perform an OPC hierarchical browse (optional, default = False). |
TagRecordset. Returns a reference to the tag record that resulted from browsing the selected collector.
Dim MyNewTags As iHistorian_SDK.TagRecordset
' Request The Collector To Browse Its Tag Source
Set MyNewTags = MyCollectors.Item("USIM031_OPC1").BrowseTags
' Modify Tag Records In Recordset To Add Additional Configuration Information
' Go Ahead And Add New Tags To System
If Not MyNewTags.WriteRecordset Then
err.Raise 1, , "TagRecordset.WriteRecord failed: " + MyNewTags.LastError
End If
Method Reference C-D
Clear Method (DataCriteria Object)
Clears any previously supplied criteria for the DataRecordset query. Use this method to initialize the DataRecordset query.
Clear Method (DataFields Object)
Clears all DataFields from being returned in the DataRecordset query. Use this method to initialize the DataRecordset query.
Clear Method (Enumerated Sets Object)
Applies to:
Clears all the elements from the EnumeratedSets collection object and create a new instance of the EnumeratedSets collection.Syntax
Clear Method (EnumeratedStates Object)
Applies to:
Clears all the states from the enumerated set collection.Syntax
Clear Method (MessageCriteria Object)
Clears all previously supplied criteria for the MessageRecordset query. Use this method to initialize the MessageRecordset query.
Clear Method (MessageFields Object)
Clears all previously supplied criteria for the MessageRecordset query. Use this method to initialize the MessageRecordset query.
Clear Method (TagCriteria Object)
Clears previously entered criteria for the TagRecordset query. Use this method to initialize the TagRecordset query.
Clear Method (TagFields Object)
Clears all fields for retrieval in the TagRecordset query.
Clear Method (UserDefinedTypeFields Object)
Applies to:
Clears all the fields from the User Defined Type.
ClearRecordset Method (DataRecordset Object)
Clears specific records from the DataRecordset without deleting them from the Historian server.
object.ClearRecordset([Tagname], [TimeStamp])
Name | Data Type | Description |
Tagname | String | Tag to clear records for (optional, read-only). |
TimeStamp | Date | Timestamp to clear records for (optional, read-only). |
Boolean. Returns True if the ClearRecordset operation succeeded.
ClearRecordset Method (TagRecordset Object)
Name | Data Type | Description |
Tagname | String | Name of tag to remove from record set (read-only, optional). |
Boolean. Success/Failure.CloseAlarms Method (Alarms Object)
This function sends a special alarm request to close alarms on a specific collector before a specific date. This is useful to close out any alarms that are stuck mid-lifecycle.
object.CloseAlarms(endDate, theCollector)
Name | Data Type | Description |
endDate | Date | The date from which to close alarms. Alarms before this date are closed. |
theCollector | String | Close alarms associated with this collector/datasource. Note: If your alarm collector is linked to a data collector, pass in the data collector name.
CloseArchive Method (Archive Object)
Closes the specified archive for new data flow. You can perform this operation on the current archive only (the one accepting the newest data). Once an archive is closed, the Historian server looks to the next available empty archive to re-commence data storage.
If no empty archive is found, the method creates one or overwrites the oldest loaded archive. The archiving options, ArchiveAutomaticCreate, ArchiveAutomaticFreeSpace, ArchiveDefaultSize, and ArchiveOverWriteOld, control this behavior.
If ArchiveAutomaticCreate is running and enough free space exists on the drive of the ArchiveDefaultPath, the method creates a new archive of default size after it creates an archive of default size.
If the method cannot create a new archive, it overwrites the oldest archive based on ArchiveOverWriteOld being on. If ArchiveOverWriteOld is not on, the Historian archiver shuts down and the collectors start buffering data.
object.CloseArchive(DataStoreName As String)
Name | Data Type | Description |
DataStoreName | String | The name of the data store the archive belongs to. This is an optional parameter. |
Boolean. Returns whether or not the CloseArchive operation succeeded.
CollectorHasBackup Method (Collectors Object)
Returns whether a collector has a backup collector.
Name | Data Type | Description |
CollectorName | String | Name of the collector to determine if a backup exists. |
Boolean. True if the Collector has a backup, False otherwise.
Dim MyCollectors As iHistorian_SDK.Collectors
Set MyCollectors = MyServer.Collectors
Dim HasBackup As Boolean
HasBackup = MyCollectors.CollectorHasBackup("SimulationCollector")
CommitImport Method (Alarms Object)
Writes the alarms/events acquired via the Import method to the Historian Archiver.
Boolean. Returns whether or not the Import operation succeeded.Connect Method (Server Object)
Initiates a connection to the current server. Calling the Connect method on a currently connected session re-authenticates the user.
If a ServerName has been set, the method authenticates the user by the username and password supplied, if any. If they are not supplied, it authenticates the user by the currently authenticated domain user. If a ServerName has not been set, it uses the ServerName registered as the Default Server. If a username and password are not supplied, it uses the username and password registered with the default server. If neither establishes a username, it authenticates the user by the currently authenticated domain user.
object.Connect([ServerName], [UserName], [Password])
Name | Data Type | Description |
ServerName | String | Table text |
UserName | String | Username to authenticate (optional). |
Password | String | Password to authenticate (optional). |
Boolean. Returns whether or not the Connect operation succeeded.
Dim MyServer As New iHistorian_SDK.Server
' Connect to the default server using default user
If Not MyServer.Connect Then
err.Raise 1, , "Failed to authenticate on server " + MyServer.ServerName
End If
' Connect to the default server using specific user
If Not MyServer.Connect("Fred", "000") Then
err.Raise 1, , "Failed to authenticate on server " + MyServer.ServerName
End If
' Connect to specific server using specific user
If Not MyServer.Connect("USGB014", "Fred", "000") Then
err.Raise 1, , "Failed to authenticate on server " + MyServer.ServerName
End If
ConvertShortcutToTime Method (Server Object)
Converts a time shortcut to a date. It converts the time from UTC into formatted time based on the ConnectionOptions (TimeOption) settings listed below.
Value | Description |
(N)ow | The current time (absolute). |
(T)oday | Today at midnight (absolute). |
(Y)esterday | Yesterday at midnight (absolute). |
(D)ays | Number of Days (relative). |
(M)in | Number of Minutes (relative). |
(H)our | Number of Hours (relative). |
(W)eek | Number of Weeks (relative). |
(BOM) | Beginning of this month at Midnight (absolute). |
(EOM) | Last Day of this month at Midnight (absolute). |
(BOY) | First Day of this year at Midnight (absolute). |
(EOY) | Last Day of this year at Midnight (absolute). |
Name | Data Type | Description |
Shortcut | String | Date of shortcut to convert (read-only). |
Date. Returns date converted from string shortcut.
CopyTo Method (Tag Object)
Copies the properties of the given tag to the specified destination tag.
Name | Data Type | Description |
TargetTag | Variant | The destination tag. |
CriteriaFromStrings Method (QueryModifiers Object)
Applies to:
Returns the sampling mode, calculation mode and query modifiers associated with the input CriteriaString.
object.CriteriaFromStrings(CriteriaString As String)
Name | Data Type | Description |
CriteriaString | String | Indicates the criteria string. For example, #ONLYGOOD. |
DataStoreUpdate Method (DataStores Object)
Updates the changes made to the data store settings.
Name | Data Type | Description |
DataStoreName | String | Name of the data store that should be updated. |
IsDefault | Boolean | Indicates whether the data store is the default data store. |
Description | String | Description of the data store. This is an optional parameter. |
StorageType | String | Indicates whether the storage type is historical or SCADA buffer. This is an optional parameter. |
Boolean. Returns TRUE if the data store has been updated and FALSE if there is an error in updating the data store.
Delete Method (Archive Object)
Deletes the specified archive on the Historian server. This is a synchronous operation that executes immediately when you call the Delete Method.
object.Delete(DataStoreName As String)
Name | Data Type | Description |
DataStoreName | String | Name of the data store that contains the archive. This is an optional parameter. |
Boolean. Returns whether or not the Delete operation succeeded.
Delete Method (Archives Object)
Attempts to delete an Archive from the Historian server.
object.Delete(ArchiveName As String, ArchiveDataStoreName As String)
Name | Data Type | Description |
ArchiveName | String | Name of the archive to delete. |
ArchiveDataStoreName | String | Name of the archive data store the archive belongs to. This is an optional parameter. |
Boolean. Returns whether or not the Delete operation succeeded.
Delete Method (Collector Object)
Name | Data Type | Description |
DeleteTags | Boolean | Deletes collector tags when deleting the collector. (optional, default = True) |
Boolean. Whether the Delete was successful.
Delete Method (Collectors Object)
Removes an existing collector with the specified name from the Historian server.
object.Delete(CollectorName, [DeleteTags])
Name | Data Type | Description |
CollectorName | String | Name of the collector to Delete. |
DeleteTags | Boolean | Should the tags from this collector be deleted as well? |
Boolean. Success/Failure.
Dim MyCollectors As iHistorian_SDK.Collectors
Set MyCollectors = MyServer.Collectors
MyCollectors.Delete "OPC Collector"
Delete Method (DataRecordset Object)
Marks the specified tag in the current TagRecordset for deletion. If the specified tag does not exist in the current TagRecordset, the method adds it. If the tag is not found, the Delete method fails.
In either case, the method does not delete this tag on the Historian server until the WriteRecordset Method of the TagRecordset object is called.
object.Delete(Tagname, TimeStamp)
Name | Data Type | Description |
Tagname | String | Name of the tag to delete (read-only). |
TimeStamp | Date | Tag timestamp (optional). |
Boolean. Returns True if successful.
Delete Method (DataStores Object)
Deletes the data store.
object.Delete(DataStoreName As String)
Name | Data Type | Description |
DataStoreName | String | Indicates the name of the data store that has to be deleted. |
Boolean. Returns TRUE if the data store has been deleted and FALSE if there is an error in deleting the data store.
Delete Method (DataValue Object)
Deletes the DataValue from the archive. Commit the Delete operation by calling the WriteRecordset method of the DataRecordset object.
Boolean. Returns whether or not the Delete operation succeeded.
Delete Method (EnumeratedSets Object)
Deletes the specified set from the Historian Server. This is a synchronous operation that is executed immediately when you call the Delete method.
Name | Data Type | Description |
SetName | Variant | The name of the set that has to be deleted. |
Boolean. Returns True if the method has been deleted
Delete Method (EnumeratedStates Object)
Deletes the specified state from the enumerated set. This is a synchronous operation that is executed immediately when you call the Delete method.
Name | Data Type | Description |
StateName | Variant | The name of the state that has to be deleted. |
Boolean. Returns True if the state has been deleted or False if not.
Delete Method (Tag Object)
object.Delete((Optional) DeletePermanent)
Name | Data Type | Description |
DeletePermanent | Boolean | (Optional) Pass TRUE to permanently delete a tag. |
Boolean. Returns whether or not the Delete operation succeeded.Delete Method (TagRecordset Object)
Marks the specified tag in the current TagRecordset for deletion. If the specified tag does not exist in the current TagRecordset, the method adds it. If the tag is not found, the Delete method fails. In either case, the method does not delete this tag on the Historian server until the WriteRecordset method of the TagRecordset object is called.
Name | Data Type | Description |
Tagname | String | Name of the tag to delete (read-only). |
Boolean. Returns whether or not the Delete operation succeeded.
Delete Method (UserDefinedTypeFields Object)
Deletes a field from the User Defined Type. This is a synchronous operation that is executed immediately when you call the Delete method.
Name | Data Type | Description |
FieldName | Variant | The name of the state that has to be deleted. |
Boolean. Returns TRUE if the state has been deleted.DeleteEx Method (Archive Object)
Deletes the specified archive on the Historian server. This is a synchronous operation that executes immediately when you call the Delete Method. The window associated with the handle passed in is kept alive (messages processed) while the operation takes place.
object.DeleteEx(hWnd As Long, DataStoreName As String)
Name | Data Type | Description |
hWnd | Long | The handle of the window to keep alive. |
DataStoreName | String | Name of the data store that contains the archive. This is an optional parameter. |
Boolean. Returns whether or not the Delete operation succeeded.
DeleteEx Method (Archives Object)
Attempts to delete an Archive from the Historian server. Keeps the window with handle hwnd alive by processing its messages while waiting for the deletion to occur.
object.DeleteEx(ArchiveName As String, hWnd As Long, ArchiveDataStoreName As String)
Name | Data Type | Description |
ArchiveName | String | Name of the archive to delete |
hWnd | Long | The window handle to keep alive. |
ArchiveDataStoreName | String | Name of the archive data store the archive belongs to. This is an optional parameter. |
Boolean. Success/Failure.
Disconnect Method (Server Object)
Disconnects the currently authenticated connection to the Server.
Method Reference E-H
Export Method (Alarms Object)
Exports the contents of the AlarmRecordSet into the specified file.
object.Export(AlmRS, RSInfo, FileName, FileFormat)
Name | Data Type | Description |
AlmRS | AlarmRecordSet | Returns the requested records (writeable). |
RSInfo | AlarmOpenRecordSetInfo | Contains descriptions of the desired records (read-only). |
FileName | String | Fully qualified export filename (read-only). |
FileFormat | ihFileFormat | File format of the export file (read-only). |
Boolean. Returns whether or not the Export operation succeeded.
Export Method (DataRecordset Object)
Exports the contents of the current DataRecordset into the specified file.
object.Export(FileName, FileFormat)
Name | Data Type | Description |
FileName | String | Fully qualified export filename (read-only. |
FileFormat | ihFileFormat | File format of the export file (read-only). |
Boolean. Returns whether or not the Export operation succeeded.
' Export File From Existing Query Results
If Not MyRecordset.Export("C:\Temp\DataReport.RPT", ihFileFormat.Report) Then
Err.Raise 1, , "Error Exporting File: " + MyRecordset.LastError
End If
Export Method (EnumeratedSets Object)
Applies to:
Exports the contents of the EnumeratedSets collection into the specified file.
The following file formats are supported:
Name | Description | Value |
CSV | File is imported/exported as comma separated values. | 1 |
XML | File is imported/exported as XML. | 2 |
Imported files follow a specific format that contains specific keywords. With CSV, the first row of the file establishes the fields in the file and their positions. With XML reports, the files describe the format of the data.
object. Export(FileName, FileFormat)
Name | Data Type | Description |
FileName | String | Fully qualified export file name (read-only). |
FileFormat | ihFileFormat | File format of the export file (read-only). |
Boolean. Returns True if the sets have been exported successfully.
Export Method (MessageRecordset Object)
Exports the contents of the current MessageRecordset into the specified file.
The following file formats are supported. Exported files follow a specific format containing specific keywords. With CSV and tabular reports, the first row of the file establishes the fields in the file and their positions. With XML, the file itself describes the format of the data.
Name | Description | Value |
CSV | File is imported/exported as comma separated values. | 1 |
XML | File is imported/exported as XML. | 2 |
Report | File is exported as a columnar report | 3 |
object.Export(FileName, FileFormat)
Name | Data Type | Description |
FileName | String | Fully qualified export file name (read-only). |
FileFormat | ihFileFormat | File format of the export file (read-only). |
Boolean. Success/Failure.
Export Method (TagRecordset Object)
Exports the contents of the current TagRecordset into the specified file.
The following file formats are supported:
Name | Description | Value |
CSV | File is imported/exported as comma separated values. | 1 |
XML | File is imported/exported as XML. | 2 |
Report | File is exported as a columnar report | 3 |
object.Export(FileName, FileFormat)
Name | Data Type | Description |
FileName | String | Fully qualified export file name (read-only). |
FileFormat | ihFileFormat | File format of the export file (read-only). |
Returns whether or not the Export operation succeeded.
' Export file from existing query results
Set MyRecordset = MyServer.Tags.NewRecordset
MyRecordset.Criteria.Tagname = "*"
If Not MyRecordset.Export(Path & "TagReport.RPT", ihFileFormat.Report) Then
err.Raise 1, , "Error exporting file: " & MyRecordset.LastError
End If
Export Method (UserDefinedType Object)
Applies to:
Exports the contents of the User Defined Type into the specified file.
The following file formats are supported:
Name | Description | Value |
CSV | File is imported/exported as comma separated values. | 1 |
XML | File is imported/exported as XML. | 2 |
Name | Data Type | Description |
FileName | String | Fully qualified export file name (read-only). |
FileFormat | ihFileFormat | File format of the export file (read-only). |
Boolean. Returns TRUE if the User Defined Type is exported successfully.
GetCurrentValue Method (Collector Object)
Returns the current value for a given tag.
object.GetCurrentValue(SourceAddress, ErrorMessage, CurrentValue)
Name | Data Type | Description |
SourceAddress | String | The tag source address. |
ErrorMessage | String | The error message string encountered, if any. |
CurrentValue | String | A DataValue object representing the current tag value. |
Dim OPC1 As iHistorian_SDK.Collector
Dim MyTagValue As Variant
Dim MyErrorMessage As String
' Request The Collector To Get the Current Value for a Tag
Set OPC1 = MyCollectors.Item("USIM031_OPC1")
OPC1.GetCurrentValue "OPCTag1", MyErrorMessage, MyTagValue
GetFilters Method (OPCFilters Object)
Returns the current set of Filters configured for MyCollector.
object.GetFilters(MyServer, MyCollector)
Name | Data Type | Description |
MyServer | Variant | The Historian server connection. |
MyCollector | MyCollector | The Collector object to acquire the Filter information for. |
Boolean true on success, false otherwise
GetLastError Method (Server Object)
Returns the last error message encountered by the Server object. To see a complete list of messages, refer to the ErrorList property. When possible, the system translates messages into the locale of the client.
String. The last error message encountered.
GetPrimaryCollectorName Method (Collectors Object)
Returns the name of the Primary Collector for a set of redundantly configured Collectors.
Name | Data Type | Description |
CollectorName | String | The name of the Collector. |
String. The primary collector name.
Method Reference I-L
Import Method (Alarms Object)
object.Import(FileName, FileFormat)
Name | Data Type | Description |
FileName | String | Fully qualified import filename (read-only). |
FileFormat | Long | File format of the import file (read-only). |
Boolean. Returns whether or not the Import operation succeeded.
Import Method (DataRecordset Object)
Imports the specified file into the current DataRecordset. If the DataRecordset contains items when the Import Method is invoked, the method first clears current DataRecordset before it imports the specified file.
object.Import(FileName, FileFormat)
Name | Data Type | Description |
FileName | String | Fully qualified import filename (read-only). |
FileFormat | Long | File format of the import file (read-only). |
Boolean. Returns whether or not the Import operation succeeded.
' Get A New Recordset
Set MyRecordset = MyData.NewRecordset
' Import The File
If Not MyRecordset.Import("C:\Temp\ImportData.CSV", ihFileFormat.CSV) Then
Err.Raise 1, , "Error Importing File:" + MyRecordset.LastError
End If
' Commit Data
If Not MyRecordset.WriteRecordset Then
Err.Raise 1, , "Error Committing File: " + MyRecordset.LastError
End If
ImportMethod (EnumeratedSets Object)
Name | Description | Value |
CSV | File is imported/exported as comma separated values. | 1 |
XML | File is imported/exported as XML. | 2 |
object. Import(FileName, FileFormat, Server)
Name | Data Type | Description |
FileName | String | Fully qualified export file name (read-only). |
FileFormat | ihFileFormat | File format of the export file (read-only). |
Server | Server | Server from which the sets are imported. |
Boolean. Returns True if the sets have been imported successfully.
Import Method (MessageRecordset Object)
Attempts to import a list of Messages from a file.
object.Import(FileName, FileFormat)Name | Data Type | Description |
FileFormat | ihFileFormat | The format of the file specified in FileName |
FileName | String | The name of the file to import. |
Boolean true if the Import succeeded, false otherwise.
Import Method (TagRecordset Object)
Name | Description | Value |
CSV | File is imported/exported as comma separated values. | 1 |
XML | File is imported/exported as XML. | 2 |
Report | File is exported as a columnar report. | 3 |
object.Import(FileName, FileFormat)
Name | Data Type | Description |
FileName | String | Fully qualified import file name (read-only). |
FileFormat | Long | File format of the import file (read-only). |
Returns whether or not the Import operation succeeded.
' Get a new recordset
Set MyRecordset = MyTags.NewRecordset
' Import the file
If Not MyRecordset.Import(Path & "ImportTags.csv", ihFileFormat.CSV) Then err.Raise 1, , "Error importing file: " & MyRecordset.LastError
End If
' Commit Data
If Not MyRecordset.WriteRecordset Then
err.Raise 1, , "Error committing file: " & MyRecordset.LastError
End If
Import Method (UserDefinedType Object)
Applies to:
Imports the specified file into the User Defined Type collection. The following file formats are supported:Name | Description | Value |
CSV | File is imported/exported as comma separated values. | 1 |
XML | File is imported/exported as XML. | 2 |
object. Import(FileName, FileFormat, Server)
Name | Data Type | Description |
FileFormat | ihFileFormat | File format of the import file (read-only). |
FileName | String | Fully qualified export file name (read-only). |
Server | Server | Server from which the sets are imported. |
Boolean. Returns TRUE if the type imports successfully.
InitiateFailover Method (Collectors Object)
Manually tries to initiate a Failover to a redundantly configured collector.
Name | Data Type | Description |
CollectorName | String | Name of the collector to fail-over. |
Collector. Returns Success/Failure.
Dim MyCollectors As iHistorian_SDK.Collectors
Set MyCollectors = MyServer.Collectors
MyCollectors.InitiateFailover "SimulationCollector"
LastError Method (Alarms Object)
This function returns the last error message generated by this object.Syntax
String. The last error message encountered.
LoadUserCalcLibrary Method (Server Object)
Retrieves the user calculation library from the Server object. This library contains all of the user-created functions and subroutines available for calculations on this Server. The calculation library will be returned as an array of UserCalcFunction objects. If no functions exist in the library, UserCalcFunctions should be set to Empty
Name | Data Type | Description |
UserCalcFunctions | Variant | Resulting array of UserCalcFunction objects. |
Boolean. Returns whether or not the calculation library was loaded successfully.
Dim MyServer As New iHistorian_SDK.Server
Dim MyUserCalcFunctions() As iHistorian_SDK.UserCalcFunction
Dim MyNewFunction As New iHistorian_SDK.UserCalcFunction
' Connect to the local server
If Not MyServer.Connect("", "", "") Then
err.Raise 1, , "Failed to connect to the local server" End If
' Load the calculation library
MyServer.LoadUserCalcLibrary MyUserCalcFunctions
' Create a new function
MyNewFunction.Name = "Sum"
MyNewFunction.Definition = "Function Sum(a, b)" & vbCrLf & "Sum = a + b" & vbCrLf & "End Function"
' Add it to the loaded library
If IsArray(MyUserCalcFunctions) Then
ReDim Preserve MyUserCalcFunctions(UBound(MyUserCalcFunctions) + 1) Else
ReDim MyUserCalcFunctions(0) End If
Set MyUserCalcFunctions(UBound(MyUserCalcFunctions)) = MyNewFunction
' Save the changes to the calculation library
If Not MyServer.SaveUserCalcLibrary(MyUserCalcFunctions) Then err.Raise 1, , "Failed to save the calculation library"
End If
Method Reference M-P
ManageServerDialog Method (ServerManager Object)
Displays a dialog box to manage server connection information on the client. This dialog box allows you to add and remove new connections, and to modify the default username and password. This method optionally returns the name of the server last selected in the dialog.
Name | Data Type | Description |
SelectedServer | String | Name of the selected Historian Server (optional, read/write). |
Dim MyManager As New iHistorian_SDK.ServerManager
Dim MyServer As iHistorian_SDK.Server
Dim SelectedServer As String
' Show the manage server dialog
MyManager.ManageServerDialog SelectedServer
' If a server was selected, get the server
If Trim(SelectedServer) <> "" Then
Set MyServer = MyManager.Servers(SelectedServer) End If
NewRecordset Method (Data Object)
Returns a new DataRecordset object to subsequently build a query for tag data from the Historian server. It is the responsibility of the developer to release the DataRecordset object when processing has been completed. DataRecordset objects may be re-used by re-executing a query with new criteria set through the DataCriteria of the DataRecordset object.
You must also use a new DataRecordset object to add new data points to the system and delete existing data points from the system. Changes are not committed until calling the WriteRecordset method of the DataRecordset object.
DataRecordset. A new, empty, DataRecordset object.
NewRecordset Method (Messages Object)
Returns a new MessageRecordset object to build a query for messages and alerts from the Historian server message archive. You must release the MessageRecordset object when processing completes. You can re-use a MessageRecordset object by re-executing a query with new criteria set through the MessageCriteria of the MessageRecordset object.
To add new messages, you must use a new MessageRecordset object. Call the WriteRecordset method of the MessageRecordset object to commit changes to the archiver.
MessageRecordset. Returns the newly created MessageRecordset object.
NewRecordset Method (Tags Object)
Returns a new TagRecordset object to build a query for tag information. You must terminate the TagRecordset object when processing completes. You can re-use the TagRecordset objects by re-executing a query with new criteria set through the TagCriteria of the TagRecordset object.
You must also use a new TagRecordset object to add new tags to the system and to delete tags from the system. Call the WriteRecordset Method of the TagRecordset object to commit changes to the archiver.
TagRecordset. Returns a reference to the newly created Recordset Object.
Purge Alarms By Id Method
Purges a single alarm as identified by its alarm ID.
object.AlarmIdsName | Data Type | Description |
AlarmIds | Long | Alarm ID of the alarm. |
Boolean. Returns TRUE if the alarm is purged.
Dim Status As ihStatus
Dim ReturnStatus As Boolean
Dim Alarms() As Long
Dim NumberOfAlarms As Long
Dim i As Long
Status = ihSTATUS_FAILED ReturnStatus = False
NumberOfAlarms = (UBound(AlarmIds) + 1)
ReDim Alarms(0 To NumberOfAlarms - 1) As Long
On Error GoTo errc
For i = 0 To NumberOfAlarms - 1
Alarms(i) = AlarmIds(i)
Next i
Status = ihPurgeAlarmsById(MyServer.Handle, Alarms(0), NumberOfAlarms, 0)
If Status <> ihSTATUS_OK Then err.Raise 1, , "Error Purging alarms by Id[" + ErrorDescription(Status) + "," + CS ReturnStatus = True
PurgeAlarmsById = ReturnStatus errc:
zLastError = "Purge Alarms By Id>> " + err.Description
PurgeAlarmsById = ReturnStatus
End Function
Purge Alarms Method
Purges or deletes the alarms from the Archiver.
Name | Data Type | Description |
BackupFile | String | The file that stores the purged alarm data. |
ShouldZipAlarms | Boolean | Indicates whether the alarms should be zipped into file or not. |
StartTime | Date | Start time of the alarms. |
EndTime | Date | End time of the alarms. |
Boolean. Returns TRUE if the alarms are purged.
Dim Status As ihStatus
Dim AlarmsStartTime As ihTimeStruct Dim AlarmsEndTime As ihTimeStruct Dim ShouldZip As ihBoolean
Dim ReturnStatus As Boolean
Status = ihSTATUS_FAILED ReturnStatus = False
AlarmsStartTime = Date_To_UTC(StartTime) AlarmsEndTime = Date_To_UTC(EndTime)
If ShouldZipAlarms = True Then
ShouldZip = ihTRUE Else
ShouldZip = ihFALSE End If
On Error GoTo errc
Status = ihPurgeAlarms(MyServer.Handle, BackupFile, ShouldZip, AlarmsStartTime, AlarmsEndTime, 0)
If Status <> ihSTATUS_OK Then err.Raise 1, , "Error Purging alarms [" + ErrorDescription(Status) + "," + CStr(St
ReturnStatus = True PurgeAlarms = ReturnStatus errc:
zLastError = "Purge Alarms>> " + err.Description
PurgeAlarms = ReturnStatus
End Function
Method Reference Q-T
QueryArray Method (Archives Object)
This function returns a list of properties of an Archive found on the Historian server.
object.QueryArray(ArchiveName, Params, SortAscending, ArrayOrientation, ArraySize, ReturnCount, ReturnArray)
Name | Data Type | Description |
ArchiveName | String | Name of the Archive to return information on. |
Params | Variant | A list of the parameters to retrieve on the specified Archive. |
SortAscending | Boolean | Sorting preference for the returned list of properties. |
ArrayOrientation | Integer | The desired orientation of the returned array. |
ArraySize | Long | The desired size of the returned array. |
ReturnCount | Long | The number of rows returned in ReturnArray |
ReturnArray | Variant | A returned array which contains the requested properties. |
Boolean. Success/Failure.
QueryArray Method (Collectors Object)
This function returns a list of properties for a set of Collectors.
object.QueryArray(CollectorName, Params, SortAscending, ArrayOrientation, ArraySize, ReturnCount, ReturnArray)
Name | Data Type | Description |
CollectorName | String | Name of the Collector to return information on. |
Params | Variant | A list of the parameters to retrieve from the Collectors. |
SortAscending | Boolean | Sorting preference for the returned list of properties. |
ArrayOrientation | Integer | The desired orientation of the returned array. |
ArraySize | Long | The desired size of the returned array. |
ReturnCount | Long | The number of rows returned in ReturnArray |
ReturnArray | Variant | A returned array which contains the requested properties. |
Boolean. Success/Failure.
QueryArray Method (DataRecordset Object)
This function returns an array of data records from the Historian server.
object.QueryArray(Params, SortAscending, ArrayOrientation, ArraySize, ReturnCount, ReturnArray)
Name | Data Type | Description |
Params | Variant | A list of the parameters to retrieve. |
SortAscending | Boolean | Sorting preference for the returned list of properties. |
ArrayOrientation | Integer | The desired orientation of the returned array. |
ArraySize | Long | The desired size of the returned array. |
ReturnCount | Long | The number of rows returned in ReturnArray |
ReturnArray | Variant | A returned array which contains the requested properties. |
Boolean. Success/Failure.
QueryArray Method (MessageRecordset Object)
This function returns an array of Messages from the Historian server.
object.QueryArray(Params, SortAscending, ArrayOrientation, ArraySize, ReturnCount, ReturnArray)
Name | Data Type | Description |
Params | Variant | A list of the parameters to retrieve. |
SortAscending | Boolean | Sorting preference for the returned list of properties. |
ArrayOrientation | Integer | The desired orientation of the returned array. |
ArraySize | Long | The desired size of the returned array. |
ReturnCount | Long | The number of rows returned in ReturnArray |
ReturnArray | Variant | A returned array which contains the requested properties. |
Boolean. Success/Failure.
QueryArray Method (TagRecordset Object)
This function returns an array of Tags from the Historian server.
object.QueryArray(Params, SortAscending, ArrayOrientation, ArraySize, ReturnCount, ReturnArray)
Name | Data Type | Description |
Params | Variant | A list of the parameters to retrieve. |
SortAscending | Boolean | Sorting preference for the returned list of properties. |
ArrayOrientation | Integer | The desired orientation of the returned array. |
ArraySize | Long | The desired size of the returned array. |
ReturnCount | Long | The number of rows returned in ReturnArray. |
ReturnArray | Variant | A returned array which contains the requested properties. |
Boolean. Success/Failure
QueryRecordset Method (DataRecordset Object)
Executes the DataValue query based on the fields and criteria specified.
Boolean. Returns whether or not the QueryRecordset operation succeeded.
Dim I As Integer
Dim J As Integer
Dim K As Integer
Dim strComment$
Dim lngInterval As Long
Dim TagCount As Integer
Dim strDataQuality As String
Dim iDataRecordset As iHistorian_SDK.DataRecordset
Dim iDataValue As iHistorian_SDK.DataValue
Dim lEndTime&, lStartTime&, lNumSamples&
Dim lNumSeconds, lNumSamplesPerSecond
On Error GoTo Error_Handle
If CheckConnection = True Then
If lbTags.Text = "" Then
MsgBox "No Tag Selected", vbOKOnly, "SDK Sample" Exit Sub
End If
Set iDataRecordset = ConnectedServer.Data.NewRecordset
'reset lstValues.Clear
'build query
With iDataRecordset
'filter code
If txtFilterTag.Text <> "" Then
.Criteria.FilterTagSet = True
.Criteria.FilterTag = txtFilterTag.Text
.Criteria.FilterComparisonModeSet = True
'comparison mode
Select Case cboComparisonMode.Text
Case Is = "Equal"
.Criteria.FilterComparisonMode = 1
Case Is = "NotEqual "
.Criteria.FilterComparisonMode = 2
Case Is = "LessThan"
.Criteria.FilterComparisonMode = 3
Case Is = "GreaterThan"
.Criteria.FilterComparisonMode = 4
Case Is = "LessThanEqual"
.Criteria.FilterComparisonMode = 5
Case Is = "GreaterThanEqual"
.Criteria.FilterComparisonMode = 6
End Select
.Criteria.FilterModeSet = True
'filter mode
Select Case cboFilterMode.Text
Case Is = "ExactTime"
.Criteria.FilterMode = 1
Case Is = "BeforeTime"
.Criteria.FilterMode = 2
Case Is = "AfterTime"
.Criteria.FilterMode = 3
Case Is = "BeforeAndAfterTime"
.Criteria.FilterMode = 4
End Select
.Criteria.FilterComparisonValue = txtFilterValue.Text
End If
.Criteria.Tagmask = lbTags.Text
.Criteria.StartTime = dtStartTime.Value
.Criteria.EndTime = dtEndTime.Value
'get sample mode
Select Case cboSampleMode.Text
Case Is = "Interpolated"
.Criteria.SamplingMode = 2 'interpolated
Case Is = "Raw By Number"
.Criteria.SamplingMode = 5 'raw by number
Case Is = "Raw By Time"
.Criteria.SamplingMode = 4 'raw by time
Case Is = "Current Value"
.Criteria.SamplingMode = 1 'current value
Case Is = "Calculated"
.Criteria.SamplingMode = 6 'calculation
Case Is = "Trend"
.Criteria.SamplingMode = 3 'trend
End Select
If .Criteria.SamplingMode = 5 Then
'if raw by number get direction
If optDirectionForward.Value = True Then
.Criteria.Direction = 1 'forward
.Criteria.Direction = 2 'backward
End If
End If
'if calculation get calc mode
If .Criteria.SamplingMode = 6 Then
Select Case cboCalculationMode.Text
Case Is = "Average"
.Criteria.CalculationMode = 1 'average
Case Is = "Standard Deviation"
.Criteria.CalculationMode = 2 'standard deviation
Case Is = "Total"
.Criteria.CalculationMode = 3 'total
Case Is = "Minimum"
.Criteria.CalculationMode = 4 'minimum
Case Is = "Maximum"
.Criteria.CalculationMode = 5 'maximum
Case Is = "Count"
.Criteria.CalculationMode = 6 'count
Case Is = "Raw Average"
.Criteria.CalculationMode = 7 'raw average
Case Is = "Raw Standard Deviation"
.Criteria.CalculationMode = 8 'raw standard deviation
Case Is = "Raw Total"
.Criteria.CalculationMode = 9 'raw total
Case Is = "Minimum Time"
.Criteria.CalculationMode = 10 'minimum time
Case Is = "Maximum Time"
.Criteria.CalculationMode = 11 'maximum time
Case Is = "Time Good"
.Criteria.CalculationMode = 12 'time good
End Select
End If
If optSamplingByNumber.Value = True Then
.Criteria.NumberOfSamples = Int(txtNumSamples.Text) Else
Select Case cboTimeUnits.Text
Case Is = "Milliseconds"
.Criteria.SamplingInterval = Int(txtInterval.Text) Case Is = "Seconds"
.Criteria.SamplingInterval = Int(txtInterval.Text) * 1000
Case Is = "Minutes"
.Criteria.SamplingInterval = Int(txtInterval.Text) * 60000
Case Is = "Hours"
.Criteria.SamplingInterval = Int(txtInterval.Text) * 3600000
Case Is = "Days"
.Criteria.SamplingInterval = Int(txtInterval.Text) * 86400000
End Select
End If
VB.Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass 'wait wait wait lStartTime = Timer
'do query
If Not .QueryRecordset Then lEndTime = Timer
MsgBox "Query Failed..." & Chr(13) & iDataRecordset.LastError
VB.Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault
Exit Sub
End If
lEndTime = Timer VB.Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault lNumSamples = 0
TagCount = iDataRecordset.Item(1).Count
For I = 1 To iDataRecordset.Tags.Count
For J = 1 To iDataRecordset.Item(I).Count
Set iDataValue = iDataRecordset.Item(I).Item(J) Select Case iDataValue.DataQuality
Case Is = 1
strDataQuality = "Good" Case Is = 2
strDataQuality = "Bad" Case Is = 3
strDataQuality = "Unknown"
Case Else
strDataQuality = "ERROR" End Select
strComment = ""
For K = 1 To iDataValue.Comments.Count
strComment = strComment & " " & iDataValue.Comments(K).Comment
Next K
lstValues.AddItem Format(iDataValue.TimeStamp, "MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss") & _
Space(10) & CStr(iDataValue.Value) & vbTab & strDataQuality & vbTab & strComment lNumSamples = lNumSamples + 1
Next J
Next I
End With
lNumSeconds = lEndTime - lStartTime lNumSamplesPerSecond = lNumSamples If lNumSeconds > 0 Then
lNumSamplesPerSecond = lNumSamples / lNumSeconds
End If
txtReadTime.Caption = lNumSamples & " returned in " & lEndTime - lStartTime & " seconds (" & lNumSamplesPerSec
Caption = "Output values for " & lbTags.Text & " (" & TagCount & ")" VB.Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault 'done
MsgBox "Not Connected"
End If
Exit Sub
VB.Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault
Select Case Err.Number
Case Is = 6 'overflow
MsgBox "Error Number: " & Err.Number & Chr(13) & "Description: " & Err.Description & Chr(13) & "Check numb
Case Is = 13 'type mismatch
MsgBox "Error Number: " & Err.Number & Chr(13) & "Description: " & Err.Description & Chr(13) & "Check numb
Case Is = 91
MsgBox "Error Number: " & Err.Number & Chr(13) & "Check connection to server"
Case Else
MsgBox "Error Number: " & Err.Number & Chr(13) & Err.Description, vbOKOnly, "Error"
End Select
QueryRecordset Method (MessageRecordset Object)
Executes the message query based on the fields and criteria specified.
Boolean. Success/Failure.
Dim MyRecordset As iHistorian_SDK.MessageRecordset
Dim I As Integer
Dim J As Integer
Dim lEndTime&, lStartTime&, lNumMessages& Dim lNumSeconds&, lNumMessagesPerSecond&
If CheckConnection = True Then
' Get A New Recordset
Set MyRecordset = ConnectedServer.Messages.NewRecordset
' Return Timestamp, Message Number, and Message String Fields In Query
With MyRecordset.Fields
.TimeStamp = True
.MessageNumber = True
.MessageString = True
End With
' Query messages for given start and end time
With MyRecordset.Criteria
.StartTime = dtMessageStart.Value
.EndTime = dtMessageEnd.Value
If txtMessageContains.Text <> "" Then
.MessageString = txtMessageContains.Text
End If
End With
VB.Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass ' wait wait wait
' Run Query lStartTime = Timer
If Not MyRecordset.QueryRecordset Then lEndTime = Timer
MsgBox "Query Failed..." & Chr(13) & MyRecordset.LastError
VB.Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault
Exit Sub
End If
lEndTime = Timer
' reset output list lstRetrievedMessages.Clear
' display all messages lNumMessages = 0
For J = 1 To MyRecordset.Item.Count
lstRetrievedMessages.AddItem Format(MyRecordset.Item(J).TimeStamp, "MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss") & _
vbTab & MyRecordset.Item(J).MessageString lNumMessages = lNumMessages + 1
Next J
' calculate performance statistics lNumSeconds = lEndTime - lStartTime lNumMessagesPerSecond = lNumMessages If lNumSeconds > 0 Then
lNumMessagesPerSecond = lNumMessages / lNumSeconds
End If
VB.Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault
txtReadTime.Caption = lNumMessages & " returned in " & lEndTime - lStartTime & " seconds (" & lNumMessagesP
End If
QueryRecordset Method (TagRecordset Object)
Executes the tag query based on the fields and criteria specified.
Boolean. Returns whether the QueryRecordset operation succeeded.Example
Dim MyTags As iHistorian_SDK.Tags
Dim MyRecordset As iHistorian_SDK.TagRecordset
Dim lStartTime&, lEndTime&, lNumSeconds&, lNumTagsPerSecond& Dim I As Integer
On Error GoTo errc lbTags.Clear
' If we are connected to server
If CheckConnection = True Then
' Query all the tagnames
Set MyTags = ConnectedServer.Tags
Set MyRecordset = MyTags.NewRecordset
MyRecordset.Criteria.Tagname = txtTagMask.Text
If txtDescriptionMask.Text <> "" Then
MyRecordset.Criteria.Description = txtDescriptionMask.Text
End If MyRecordset.Fields.Clear
MyRecordset.Fields.Tagname = True
VB.Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass
lStartTime = Timer
If Not MyRecordset.QueryRecordset Then Err.Raise 1, , "Tag Query Failed: " + MyRecordset.LastError
lEndTime = Timer
For I = 1 To MyRecordset.Item.Count
lbTags.AddItem MyRecordset.Item(I).Tagname
Next I
VB.Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault
' Calculate performance statistics
lNumSeconds = lEndTime - lStartTime
lNumTagsPerSecond = MyRecordset.Item.Count
If lNumSeconds > 0 Then
lNumTagsPerSecond = MyRecordset.Item.Count / lNumSeconds
End If
lblAddTime.Caption = MyRecordset.Item.Count & " tags returned in " & lEndTime - lStartTime & " seconds (" & lN MyRecordset.ClearRecordset
Set MyRecordset = Nothing
MsgBox "Not connected"
End If
Exit Sub errc:
MsgBox "TestBrowseTags >> " + Err.Description
QueryTagAlias Method (TagRecordset Object )
This function returns a list of tag aliases for the tag name passed in. Pass in the current name of the tag and this function will return if there are any previous names for the tag due to tag rename.
Syntax object.QueryTagAlias(TagNames(), NumberofTags, TagAlias(), NoOfAliases)
Name | Data Type | Description |
TagNames() | String | Name of the tags to return information on. |
NumberofTags | Long | Total count of tag names passed in. This must be equal to 1. |
TagAlias() | String | List of 0 or more tag aliases. |
NoOfAliases | Integer | The number of tag aliases returned. |
Boolean. TRUE if successful. FALSE otherwise.
QueryUserDefinedType Method (UserDefinedType Object)
Queries the Historian Server and loads all the User Defined Types that match the query mask.
Name | Data Type | Description |
Server | Server | The reference to the Historian Server object. |
QueryMask | String | A mask string that can be used to search for UserDefinedType on the Historian Server. The string can include wild-card characters like "*" and "?". |
Boolean. Indicates whether the query was successful.
Reload Method (Collector Object)
object.Reload(StartTime, EndTime, [Tags])
Name | Data Type | Description |
StartTime | Date | The time that you want the reload to begin at (read-only). |
EndTime | Date | The time that you want the reload to end at (read-only). |
Tags | Variant | The specified tag names either in an array of tag names, or in a tagRecordset object for tags that you want to reload (optional). |
Boolean. Returns whether or not the Reload operation succeeded.
Remove Method (TagDependencies Object)
Name | Data Type | Description |
Tagname | Variant | Name of the tag to remove (optional), default = ""). |
Boolean. Whether the Remove operation succeeded.
RemoveServer Method (ServerManager Object)
Removes the specified server from the list of registered servers on the client.
Name | Data Type | Description |
ServerName | String | Computer name of the Historian server (read/write). |
Boolean. Whether the server was successfully removed from the list.
Rename Method (Tags Object)
object.Rename(newTagName, (Optional) RenamePermanent)
Name | Data Type | Description |
newTagName | String | Name of the new tag to rename. |
RenamePermanent (Optional) | Boolean | Pass TRUE to permanently rename a tag. |
Boolean. Returns whether or not the Rename operation succeeded.
Restore Alarms Method
Restores the alarms.
Name | Data Type | Description |
RestoreFileName | String | The name of the file to be restored to the absolute path. |
Boolean. Returns TRUE if the alarms have been restored.
Dim Status As ihStatus
Dim ReturnStatus As Boolean Status = ihSTATUS_FAILED ReturnStatus = False
On Error GoTo errc
Status = ihRestoreAlarms(MyServer.Handle, RestoreFileName, 0)
If Status <> ihSTATUS_OK Then err.Raise 1, , "Error in restoring the alarms [" + ErrorDescription(Status) + "," ReturnStatus = True
RestoreAlarms = ReturnStatus errc:
zLastError = "Purge Alarms>> " + err.Description
RestoreAlarms = ReturnStatus
End Function
SaveSet Method (EnumeratedSets Object)
Saves the Enumerated Set that has been passed into the Historian Server.
Name | Data Type | Description |
SetToSave | EnumeratedSet | The set that is passed in to be saved. |
SaveSet Method (UserDefinedType Object)
Saves the UserDefinedType that has been passed into the Historian Server.
Name | Data Type | Description |
Handle | Long | Server handle. |
MySet | UserDefinedType | The UserDefinedType to be saved. |
DataType | ihDatatype | The data type of the UserDefinedType |
Boolean. Returns TRUE if the UserDefinedType is saved.
SaveToCollectorProperty Method (OPCFilters Object)
Saves the current filter configuration in the Collector object.
Name | Data Type | Description |
Collector | Variant | The Collector object in which to save the filtering information. |
Boolean true on success, false otherwise.
SaveUserCalcLibrary Method (Server Object)
Saves the given user calculation library to the Server object. This will update the set of user-created functions and subroutines available for calculations on this Server. The new calculation library must be passed in as an array of UserCalcFunctions.
This list of functions will replace any existing user calculation library on the Server. To save an empty calculation library, pass a non-array value such as Empty.
Name | Data Type | Description |
UserCalcFunctions | Variant | Array of UserCalcFunction objects. |
Boolean. Returns whether or not the calculation library was saved successfully.
Dim MyServer As New iHistorian_SDK.Server
Dim MyUserCalcFunctions() As iHistorian_SDK.UserCalcFunction
Dim MyNewFunction As New iHistorian_SDK.UserCalcFunction
' Connect to the local server
If Not MyServer.Connect("", "", "") Then
err.Raise 1, , "Failed to connect to the local server" End If
' Load the calculation library
MyServer.LoadUserCalcLibrary MyUserCalcFunctions
' Create a new function
MyNewFunction.Name = "Sum"
MyNewFunction.Definition = "Function Sum(a, b)" & vbCrLf & "Sum = a + b" & vbCrLf & "End Function"
' Add it to the loaded library
If IsArray(MyUserCalcFunctions) Then
ReDim Preserve MyUserCalcFunctions(UBound(MyUserCalcFunctions) + 1) Else
ReDim MyUserCalcFunctions(0) End If
Set MyUserCalcFunctions(UBound(MyUserCalcFunctions)) = MyNewFunction
' Save the changes to the calculation library
If Not MyServer.SaveUserCalcLibrary(MyUserCalcFunctions) Then err.Raise 1, , "Failed to save the calculation library"
End If
SelectAll Method (TagRecordset Object)
Selects each tag in the current TagRecordset. Use in conjunction with the Master tag to perform bulk update operations on the selected tags of the TagRecordset.
' Query for tags
Set MyRecordset = MyServer.Tags.NewRecordset
' Select all tags
' Update the HiEngineeringUnits for all tags
MyRecordset.Master.HiEngineeringUnits = 300
' Commit changes
SetFields Method (DataRecordset Object)
Sets the DataValue fields to return from the Historian server when a DataRecordset query is executed.
Name | Data Type | Description |
Params | Variant | Array of DataValue fields to set. |
Boolean. Success / Failure
SetFields Method (MessageRecordset Object)
Set a list of desired Fields to be returned for the messages.
Name | Data Type | Description |
Params | Variant | Array of Message fields |
Boolean. Success / Failure
SetFields Method (TagRecordset Object)
Sets the Fields to retrieve in the TagRecordSet.
Name | Data Type | Description |
Params | Variant | The array of field values to set. |
Boolean. Success / failure.
SetNames Method (EnumeratedSets Object)
This function returns an array of names of all the loaded Enumerated Sets within the Historian server object.
String Array.
ShowErrorListDialog Method (Server Object)
Displays a dialog box that details errors messages accumulated during the current session of the Server object. Each message is timestamped at the time the error generated and includes an error message translated into the locale of the client when possible.
' On error display the error list dialog
If MyServer.ErrorList.count > 0 Then
End If
SubscribeAlerts Method (Messages Object)
- To subscribe to messages of specific types, supply a topic.
- To subscribe to all topics, do not supply a topic. Subscribe all is the default.
- Subscribe to individual topics by making multiple calls to the SubscribeAlerts with different topics.
- To subscribe to all topics, call SubscribeAlerts and pass 0.
- To unsubscribe to a specific topic or all topics, call SubscribeAlerts and supply the Subscribe parameter set to False.
The Alert_Received event of the Messages object reports alert messages to the client asynchronously.
object.SubscribeAlerts(Topic, Subscribe)
Name | Data Type | Description |
Topic | ihMessageTopic | Topics of Alerts to subscribe to (optional, default = All). |
Subscribe | Boolean | Flag to subscribe / unsubscribe to alerts (optional, default = True). Set to False to unsubscribe. |
Boolean. Returns whether or not the SubscribeAlerts operation succeeded.
SubscribeChanges Method (Tags Object)
Subscribes to changes in tag configuration. The Historian server publishes messages to any client signed up for tag configuration changes as modifications are saved to the tag database.
The system reports tag configuration messages asynchronously to the client through the ChangeReceived event of the Tags Object.
To unsubscribe to a specific tag, or all tags, call SubscribeChanges and supply the Subscribe parameter set to False.
object.SubscribeChanges(Tagname, Subscribe)
Name | Data Type | Description |
Tagname | String | Name of tag to Subscribe for configuration changes (read-only). |
Subscribe | Boolean | Flag to Subscribe/Unsubscribe to tag changes (default = True). |
Boolean. Returns whether or not the SubscribeChanges operation succeeded.
SubscribeData Method (Data Object)
Subscribes to changes in the current value of a specific tag. The Historian server publishes messages as new values are received to any client signed up for current value changes. To qualify as a new current value, any new data point must have a newer timestamp than the previously established current value. Values received by the Historian server have passed a deadband check by the collector reporting the data. Since new current values have not been compressed, however, values reported as current may not exactly match those that reach the archive.
You can use the MinimumElapsedTime, in milliseconds, to throttle the rate at which current values are reported to a specific server connection. If the same tag is subscribed twice, the last supplied MinimumElapsedTime is used. If MinimumElapsedTime is not supplied, or is zero, the system reports all current values.
The system reports current values asynchronously to the client through the DataReceived event of the Data object.
To unsubscribe to a specific tag, or all tags, call SubscribeData and set the Subscribe parameter to False.
object.SubscribeData(Tagname, MinimumElapsedTime, Subscribe)
Name | Data Type | Description |
Tagname | String | Name of the tag to Subscribe for current values (read-only). |
MinimumElapsedTime | MinimumElapsedTime | Minimum elapsed time (ms) between values (read-only). |
Subscribe | Boolean | Flag to subscribe/unsubscribe to current values (read-only). |
Boolean. Operation success / fail
SubscribeMessages Method (Messages Object)
Subscribes to messages reported by the Historian Server. The Historian Server publishes messages as messages are received to any client signed up for messages. As an option, you may supply a topic to subscribe only to messages of specific types. If you do not supply a topic, all topics are subscribed. You can subscribe to individual topics by making multiple calls to the SubscribeMessages method with different topics, or pass 0 to subscribe to all topics.
The system reports alert messages asynchronously to the client through the Message_Received event of the Messages object.
To unsubscribe to a specific topic, or all topics, call SubscribeMessages and set the Subscribe parameter to False.
object.SubscribeMessages(Topic, Subscribe)
Name | Data Type | Description |
Topic | ihMessageTopic | Topics of messages to Subscribe to (optional, default = True). |
Subscribe | Boolean | Flag to un/subscribe to a specific topic (optional, default = True). |
Boolean. Operation success / fail
Substitutions Method (MessageFields Object)
Determines whether the Substitutions should be returned in the MessageRecordset query.
Dim maMyMessages As iHistorian_SDK.MessageRecordset
Set MyMessages = GetServer.Messages.NewRecordset With MyMessages.Fields
.Topic = True
.TimeStamp = True
.MessageString = True
.Substitutions = True
End With
TestCalculation Method (Tag Object)
Runs the calculation currently stored in the Calculation property. This calculation will be run with a current time of "Now". The results of the calculation will be stored in the Value and DataQuality parameters.
If an error occurs during the test, a description of the error will be stored in the ErrorMessage parameter.Syntax
object.TestCalculation(Value, DataQuality, ErrorMessage)
Name | Data Type | Description |
Value | Variant | Value of the calculation result. |
DataQuality | String | Quality of the calculation result. |
ErrorMessage | String | Description of any error that occurred during the test. |
Boolean. Operation success / fail
TranslateMessage Method (Server Object)
Returns a translated message or prompt based on the current locale and the MessageNumber specified. If no translation is available for the current locale, the method uses the default message.
Connection To Server:[1]
Failed With Error Number: [2]
requires two substitutions, the first being the server, and the second being the error number. Connection To Server: USGB014
Failed With Error Number: 65535.
object.TranslateMessage(MessageNumber, DefaultMessage, Substitutions)Name | Data Type | Description |
MessageNumber | Long | Message or prompt number to translate (read-only). |
DefaultMessage | String | Default message to translate (optional, read-only). |
Substitutions | ParamArray | Ordered substitutions into message (optional, read-only). |
String. The translated message text.
Dim MyServer As New iHistorian_SDK.Server
Dim MyPrompt As String
' Connect to the default server
If Not MyServer.Connect Then
err.Raise 1, , "Failed to authenticate on server " + MyServer.ServerName
End If
' Translate the prompt from the connected server
MyPrompt = MyServer.TranslateMessage(549, "User: [1]", MyServer.Username)
' Prompt is translated to "User: Fred"
Method Reference U-Z
UnSelectAll Method (TagRecordset Object)
Applies to:
Clears all selections in the current TagRecordset. See the SelectAll method and the Master Tag Property.
' Clear any current selection MyRecordset.UnSelectAll
UserCalcFunctionsFromString Method (Server Object)
Applies to:
Converts the given string to an array of user calculation functions. The string is assumed to have been generated from a call to UserCalcFunctionsToString.If no functions exist in the string, UserCalcFunctions will be set to Empty.
object.UserCalcFunctionsFromString(FuncStr, UserCalcFunctions)
Name | Data Type | Description |
FuncStr | String | String to convert. |
UserCalcFunctions | Variant | Resulting array of UserCalcFunction objects. |
Boolean. Conversion successful / failed.
UserCalcFunctionsToString Method
Applies to:
Converts the given array of user calculation functions to a string.
To convert an empty set of functions, pass a non-array value such as Empty.
object.UserCalcFunctionsToString(UserCalcFunctions, FuncStr)
Name | Data Type | Description |
UserCalcFunctions | Variant | Array of UserCalcFunction objects. |
FuncStr | String | String resulting from conversion |
Boolean. Conversion successful / failed.
WriteArray Method (DataRecordset Object)
Applies to:
false current DataRecordset
before it imports the specified file.Syntax
Name | Data Type | Description |
DataArray | Variant | Data Array to be written to the Historian archiver. |
Boolean. Write succeeded / failed.
WriteRecordset Method (DataRecordset Object)
Applies to:
Saves changes made to the DataRecordset object to the Historian server. If DataValues have not changed, the method does not write DataValues to the server.
Boolean. Write succeeded / failed.
WriteRecordset Method (MessageRecordset Object)
Applies to:
Saves changes made to the MessageRecordset object to the Historian server. Only new messages are written to the server.
Boolean. Write succeeded / failed.
WriteRecordset Method (TagRecordset Object)
Applies to:
Saves changes made to the TagRecordset Object to the Historian server. If tags have not changed, they are not re-written to the server.
Name | Data Type | Description |
UseMasterTag | Boolean | Whether to apply Master tag changes to all tags (read-only optional). |
Boolean. Write succeeded / failed.X
XML Method (DataRecordset Object)
Applies to:
Returns an XML document fragment representing the DataValues and DataFields contained in the current DataRecordset.
object.XML([XMLHeader], [StartIndex], [EndIndex])
Name | Data Type | Description |
XMLHeader | String | XML to include before the DataRecordset XML (optional). |
StartIndex | Long | Index of first tag to include in XML (optional). |
EndIndex | Long | Index of last tag to include in XML (optional). |
String. An XML document fragment string.Example
Dim Recordset As DataRecordset
' Get A New Data Recordset
Set Recordset = MyServer.Data.NewRecordset
' Fill In Criteria, Get One Tag For Yesterday
With Recordset.Criteria
.Tagmask = "MyNode.OneTag.F_CV"
.StartTime = DateAdd("d", -1, Now)
.EndTime = Now
End With
' Fill In Fields, Timestamp and Value
With Recordset.Fields
.TimeStamp = True
.Value = True End With
' Print XML to Debug Window
Debug.Print Recordset.XML
XML Method (MessageRecordset Object)
Applies to:
Returns an XML document fragment representing the Messages and MessageFields contained in the current MessageRecordset.Syntax
object.XML([XMLHeader], [StartIndex], [EndIndex])
Name | Data Type | Description |
XMLHeader | String | XML to include before message XML (read-only, optional). |
StartIndex | Long | Index of first message to Include in XML (read-only, optional). |
EndIndex | Long | Index of last message to include in XML (read-only, optional). |
String. An XML document fragment string.
XML Method (TagRecordset Object)
Applies to:
Returns an XML document fragment representing the Tags and TagFields contained in the current TagRecordset.Syntax
object.XML([XMLHeader], [StartIndex], [EndIndex])
Name | Data Type | Description |
XMLHeader | String | XML to include before the TagRecordset XML (read-only, optional). |
StartIndex | Long | Index of first tag to Include in XML (read-only, optional). |
EndIndex | Long | Index of last tag to include in XML (read-only, optional). |
Dim Recordset As TagRecordset
' Get a new tag recordset
Set Recordset = MyServer.Tags.NewRecordset
' Fill in criteria, aet all tags
With Recordset.Criteria
.Tagname = "*"
End With
' Fill in fields, get tagname and description
With Recordset.Fields
.Tagname = True
.Description = True
End With
' Print XML to debug window
Debug.Print Recordset.XML