Historian Data Collector Installation

Important: You do not have the latest version of Historian! You are missing out on the newest capabilities and enhanced security. For information on all the latest features, see the Historian product page. For more information on upgrades, contact your GE Digital sales agent or e-mail GE Digital Sales Support. For the most up-to-date documentation, go here.

Installing Historian Data Collectors

You can install the data collectors using the Historian product DVD. Observe the following guidelines when you install Historian Data Collectors:

  • You can install only one each of the iFIX, Machine Edition View, OSI PI, Alarm and Event, File, Calculation, Server-to-Server, or Simulation Collectors on a given computer.
  • You can install multiple OPC Collectors on a single computer, one for each OPC Server that is installed on the machine.
  • Expect an increased processing load if your data source uses iFIX networking.
    Note: iFIX networking does not provide buffering for data from a remote iFIX node. It is recommended that you install a data collector on each iFIX SCADA node to collect data from that iFIX node. This is both faster and more robust.

Installing Historian data collectors:

  1. Insert the Historian install DVD on the computer you designate as a collector node and run the Install program.
  2. In the Install window, select the appropriate Historian Collector in addition to any previously installed components, and click Next.
  3. If you want the destination to be Historian server, select Historian or if you want the destination to be on Predix Cloud, select Predix Cloud. For more information, refer to Installing Collectors with destination on Predix Cloud below.
  4. Specify the name of a Historian Server (the name of the computer on which Historian archive resides) that you will be sending data to.
  5. If you are installing an OPC Collector, when prompted, select an OPC Server(s) from the list that appears in the wizard.
    The install program automatically installs the Historian API with the Collector.

    During installation, the install program automatically names the Data Collector. The registration of the collector with the server occurs automatically the first time the collector starts and successfully connects to the server specified at install time.

    When you install a collector, Historian creates a BufferFiles folder in your Historian directory (typically, C:\Proficy Historian Data\BufferFiles). This folder stores the buffered outgoing data if the connection is lost to the server. Note that these buffer files can grow quite large if you have a lot of tags or are disconnected for a long time.

    Refer to Hardware Requirements to ensure that you have adequate disk space when installing Historian.

Installing Collectors with destination on Predix Cloud
  1. Select Predix Cloud as the destination for the collector to configure bimodal/cloud capable collector.

  2. The Cloud Information and Configuration screen appears when you select Predix Cloud. All the information provided in this screen will be saved to HISTORIANNODENAME registry for the collector. It is not recommended to manually update this key post install, as certain fields are auto generated during install and cannot be updated once the install is complete. For information about the fields on this screen, refer to Cloud Information and Configuration Fields. See Reconfigure Cloud Information and Configuration for updating the cloud information after the install.

  3. The Datapoint Attributes screen appears. The use of datapoint attributes is optional. This can be useful in sending additional metadata to the Predix Time Series.

    Note: If you want to use Datapoint attributes, more information is available on the Predix website, https://www.predix.io/docs - Services > Data Management Services > TimeSeries.
    If you do not want to set the data point attributes, skip this screen and click Next.
  4. The Do you want to use an offline configuration? screen appears.
    1. If you want to install cloud collector using offline configuration, select Offline Configuration. To know more information about Offline Configuration, refer to Offline Configuration for Collectors.


    2. If you want to install the cloud collector using historian configuration, select Historian Configuration. For this you must provide the machine address where Historian Server or Historian client tools (Historian Administrator) are installed in order to browse and configure tags.
    3. Click Next and proceed with further installation.

Silent install of Cloud Collectors

For Silent install of Cloud Collectors, see section: Installing a Collector Silently using the Command Line.

Upgrading cloud collector

Upgrading a cloud collector follows the same steps as upgrading the corresponding Historian Data Collector.

Cloud Information Configuration Fields

The following describes the fields on the Cloud Information and Configuration screen.

Field Description Contact
Cloud Destination Address The URL of a data streaming endpoint exposed by the Predix Time Series instance to which the data should go. Typically, it starts with wss://. Your Predix Time Series administrator can provide this URL.
Identity Issuer The URL of an authentication endpoint for the collector to authenticate itself and acquire necessary credentials to stream to the Predix Time Series. Typically, it starts with https:// and ends with /oauth/token. Your Predix Time Series administrator can provide this URL.
Client ID This field identifies the collector when interacting with the Predix Time Series. This is equivalent to the User name in many authentication schemes. The client must exist in the UAA identified by the Identity Issuer, and the system requires that the timeseries.zones. {ZoneId}.ingest and timeseries.zones.{ZoneId}.query authorities are granted to the client for the Predix Zone ID specified. Your Predix Time Series administrator can provide this information.
Client Secret This field stores the secret to authenticate the collector. This is equivalent to Password in many authentication schemes. Your Predix Time Series administrator can provide this information.
Zone ID Because the Predix system hosts many instances of the Time Series service, the Zone ID uniquely identifies the one instance to which the collector will stream data. Your Predix Time Series administrator can provide this information.
Proxy If the collector is running on a network where proxy servers are used to access web resources outside of the network, then proxy server settings must be provided. This field identifies the URL of the proxy server to be used for both the authentication process and for streaming data. However, it does not affect the proxy server used by Windows when establishing secure connections. As a result, you should still properly configure the proxy settings for the Windows user account under which the collector service runs. Your local IT administrator can provide the proxy server information.

Offline Configuration for Collectors

Offline Configuration helps you to define the configuration properties of a collector (Taglist, Tag properties, and collector interface properties) in XML format. This feature is particularly useful when collectors connect to the Predix Cloud.

When collectors connect to both Historian server and cloud, the Historian Web Admin Console (VB admin or Historian Web admin) provides you the opportunity to add tags, set tag configuration properties, and collector interface properties.

However, when collectors connect to the Predix Cloud, there is no admin console available. Therefore, to add and configure tags when the collector connects to the cloud, you need to use offline configuration.

The path to the Offline Tag ConfigurationFile is provided in the collector registry as: OfflineTagConfigurationFile (Data Type: String). This key contains the path to offline configuration file. For Server to Server Collector the default value is: C:\Program Files (x86)\GE Digital\Historian Server to Server Collector\Config\S2S_Offline_Config.xml

The following tag properties are required for Cloud collector tags:

Mandatory properties for non-historical collector (PI to Cloud, OPCUA to Cloud etc)

Tagname, DataType and Source Address

Mandatory properties for historical collector (Server to Cloud)

Tagname, DataType, Source Address and CalculationDependency

All other properties are not mandatory.

Configuring Collector and Tag Properties

It is recommended that you add the Collector property section above the Tag property section in your configuration XML file.

To enable offline configuration:

  1. During the collector installation process, select the option for Offline Configuration.
    This creates a sample configuration XML file in the path C:\Program Files\GE Digital\<Collector name>\Config.
  2. Add the following collector interface properties to the top of your configuration XML file.
    The following is an example for the Server to Server Collector interface properties:
    <Collector Name="<Collector Name>">
  3. Add your TagList and Tag properties to your XML file.
    <TagList Version="1.0.71">
    <SourceAddress>Result = CurrentValue("SJC1GEIP05.Simulation00002")</SourceAddress>
    <SourceAddress>Result = CurrentValue("SJC1GEIP05.Simulation00002")</SourceAddress>
  4. Add the closing </Import> tag to the end of your XML file.
  5. Save your XML file and copy it to the appropriate directory.
    For example, copy the Server to Server Collector file to C:\Program Files(x86)\GE Digital\Historian Server to Server Collector\Config

    If you have an existing S2S_Offline_Config.xml file, you can rename it S2S_Offline_Config_old.xml and then rename your new XML file S2S_Offline_Config.xml.

Collector Interface Properties

The collector interface properties are written in the following formal in the XML file.
<Collector Name="<Collector Name>">

where <Collector Name> is the collector name found in the ServerToServerCollector.shw file.

You can configure the following properties:

Property Name Possible Values Example
InterfaceType ServerToServer, PI, Custom <InterfaceType>ServerToServer</InterfaceType>
DefaultTagPrefix Any tag prefix name <DefaultTagPrefix>OfflineCloud</DefaultTagPrefix>
CanBrowseSource Yes, No <CanBrowseSource>Yes</CanBrowseSource>
CanSourceTimestamp Yes, No <CanSourceTimestamp>Yes</CanSourceTimestamp>
MinimumDiskFreeBufferSize Size in MB <MinimumDiskFreeBufferSize>150</MinimumDiskFreeBufferSize>
MaximumMemoryBufferSize Size in MB <MaximumMemoryBufferSize>200</MaximumMemoryBufferSize>
ShouldAdjustTime Yes, No <ShouldAdjustTime>Yes</ShouldAdjustTime>
ShouldQueueWrites Yes, No <ShouldQueueWrites>No</ShouldQueueWrites>
SourceTimeInLocalTime Yes, No <SourceTimeInLocalTime>No</SourceTimeInLocalTime>
CollectionDelay Time in seconds <CollectionDelay>2</CollectionDelay>
DefaultCollectionInterval Time in milliseconds <DefaultCollectionInterval>1000</DefaultCollectionInterval>
DefaultCollectionType Polled, Unsolicited <DefaultCollectionType>Unsolicited</DefaultCollectionType>
DefaultTimeStampType Source, Collector <DefaultTimeStampType>Source</DefaultTimeStampType>
DefaultLoadBalancing Yes, No <DefaultLoadBalancing>No</DefaultLoadBalancing>
DefaultCollectorCompression Yes, No <DefaultCollectorCompression>No</DefaultCollectorCompression>
DefaultCollectorCompressionDeadband Double type value <DefaultCollectorCompressionDeadband>0.00000</DefaultCollectorCompressionDeadband>
DisableOnTheFlyTagChange Yes, No <DisableOnTheFlyTagChange>No</DisableOnTheFlyTagChange>
DefaultCollectorCompressionTimeout Time in milliseconds <DefaultCollectorCompressionTimeout>0</DefaultCollectorCompressionTimeout>
DefaultSpikeLogic Yes, No <DefaultSpikeLogic>Yes</DefaultSpikeLogic>
DefaultSpikeMultiplier Any numeric value <DefaultSpikeMultiplier>4</DefaultSpikeMultiplier>
DefaultSpikeInterval Any numeric value <DefaultSpikeInterval>5</DefaultSpikeInterval>
DataRecoveryQueueEnabled Yes, No <DataRecoveryQueueEnabled>No</DataRecoveryQueueEnabled>
DefaultAbsoluteDeadbanding Yes, No <DefaultAbsoluteDeadbanding></DefaultAbsoluteDeadbanding>
DefaultAbsoluteDeadband Double type value <DefaultAbsoluteDeadband>0.00000</DefaultAbsoluteDeadband>
RedundancyEnabled Yes, No <RedundancyEnabled>No</RedundancyEnabled>
RedundancyPrincipalCollector <RedundancyPrincipalCollector></RedundancyPrincipalCollector>
RedundancyIsActiveCollector Yes, No <RedundancyIsActiveCollector>No</RedundancyIsActiveCollector>
InterfaceGeneral1 Customized for each collector <InterfaceGeneral1>10</InterfaceGeneral1>
InterfaceGeneral2 Customized for each collector <InterfaceGeneral2>4</InterfaceGeneral2>
InterfaceGeneral3 Customized for each collector <InterfaceGeneral3></InterfaceGeneral3>
InterfaceGeneral4 Customized for each collector <InterfaceGeneral4></InterfaceGeneral4>
InterfaceGeneral5 Customized for each collector <InterfaceGeneral5></InterfaceGeneral5>

Tag List and Tag Properties

The format of Source Address for the Server to Cloud Collector is typically of format: Result = CurrentValue("SJC1GEIP05.Simulation00002"). For other collectors the format of the source address should be the value expected by the source server, for example, OPC and PI Collector tags typically use the Tag source item id for the SourceAddress.

Server to Cloud Tag Example:

<SourceAddress>Result = CurrentValue("SJC1GEIP05.Simulation00002")</SourceAddress>

OPC Collector Tag Example:

You can configure the following properties:
Property Name Possible Values Example
Tagname Any name <Tagname>simTag1</Tagname>
Description Description of tag <Description>simTag1</Description>
EngineeringUnits Unit of value <EngineeringUnits>Centigrade</EngineeringUnits>
Comment Comment of tag <Comment>simTag1</Comment>
DataType SingleFloat, SingleInteger, DoubleFloat, FixedString, VariableString, Scaled, Byte, Boolean, DoubleInteger, UnsignedSingleInteger, UnsignedDoubleInteger, QuadInteger, UnsignedQuadInteger, Blob, Time, Array, MultiField <DataType>SingleFloat</DataType>
FixedStringLength <FixedStringLength></FixedStringLength>
InterfaceName <InterfaceName></InterfaceName>
SourceAddress Tag source address <SourceAddress>Result = CurrentValue("SJC1GEIP05.Simulation00002")</SourceAddress>
CollectionType Polled, Unsolicited <CollectionType>Unsolicited</CollectionType>
CollectionInterval Interval of collection. Unit depends on TimeResolution. <CollectionInterval>2</CollectionInterval>
CollectionOffset Time in seconds <CollectionOffset>0</CollectionOffset>
LoadBalancing Yes, No <LoadBalancing>No</LoadBalancing>
TimeStampType Source, Collector <TimeStampType>Source</TimeStampType>
HiEngineeringUnits Any numeric value <HiEngineeringUnits>200000.00</HiEngineeringUnits>
LoEngineeringUnits Any numeric value <LoEngineeringUnits>0</LoEngineeringUnits
InputScaling Yes, No <InputScaling>Yes</InputScaling>
HiScale Any numeric value <HiScale>32767.00</HiScale>
LoScale Any numeric value <LoScale>0</LoScale>
SpikeLogic Yes, No <SpikeLogic>Yes</SpikeLogic>
SpikeLogicOverride Yes, No <SpikeLogicOverride>Yes</SpikeLogicOverride>
InterfaceCompression Yes, No <InterfaceCompression>Yes</InterfaceCompression>
InterfaceDeadbandPercentRange Any double type value <InterfaceDeadbandPercentRange>0</InterfaceDeadbandPercentRange>
InterfaceCompressionTimeout Time in milliseconds <InterfaceCompressionTimeout>0</InterfaceCompressionTimeout>
InterfaceAbsoluteDeadband Any double type value <InterfaceAbsoluteDeadband>0</InterfaceAbsoluteDeadband>
InterfaceAbsoluteDeadbanding Yes, No <InterfaceAbsoluteDeadbanding>No</InterfaceAbsoluteDeadbanding>
ConditionCollectionEnabled Yes, No <ConditionCollectionEnabled>No</ConditionCollectionEnabled>
ConditionCollectionTriggerTag Name of tag <ConditionCollectionTriggerTag>simTag1</ConditionCollectionTriggerTag>
ConditionCollectionComparison = , EQ , < , LT , <= , LE , > , GT , >= , GE , != , NE <ConditionCollectionComparison>EQ</ConditionCollectionComparison>
ConditionCollectionCompareValue Any numeric value <ConditionCollectionCompareValue>0</ConditionCollectionCompareValue>
ConditionCollectionMarkers Yes, No <ConditionCollectionMarkers>No</ConditionCollectionMarkers>
NumberOfElements <NumberOfElements></NumberOfElements>
UserDefinedTypeName <UserDefinedTypeName></UserDefinedTypeName>
CalcType Raw, Analytic, PythonExpr <CalcType>Raw</CalcType>
TimeResolution Seconds, Milliseconds, Microseconds <TimeResolution>Seconds</TimeResolution>
InterfaceGeneral1 Customized for each collector <InterfaceGeneral1>10</InterfaceGeneral1>
InterfaceGeneral2 Customized for each collector <InterfaceGeneral2>4</InterfaceGeneral2>
InterfaceGeneral3 Customized for each collector <InterfaceGeneral3></InterfaceGeneral3>
InterfaceGeneral4 Customized for each collector <InterfaceGeneral4></InterfaceGeneral4>
InterfaceGeneral5 Customized for each collector <InterfaceGeneral5></InterfaceGeneral5>

Cloud Collector Specific Registry Configuration

Various registry keys are available for modifying the default behavior of cloud collector. These keys can be added to the specific cloud collectors for altering the default behavior.

For ServerToServerCollector, the keys will be added to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\GE Digital\iHistorian\Services\ServerToServerCollector

ZIP compression: Zip compression is available for Cloud collectors so that the JSON Payload can be compressed with a reduced network bandwidth.

Following registry key is available for compression:

JsonPayloadGzipCompression: Use this registry key to reduce the network usage while the data is transferred from collector to cloud.

Default value: 0, means no compression (if registry key does not exist)

Valid values: 1 to 9. 1 is minimal compression and 9 is maximum compression.

Data Type: DWORD

Registry key for Controlling Max send queue size

CloudMaxOutstandingMsgs: Use this registry key to configure the maximum send queue size.

Default value: 512

Valid values: 24 to 512

Data Type: DWORD

Registry key to save messages in failed queues

FailedMsgQueueEnabled: Use this registry key to save messages in failed queues as backup. This is done when any message fails for any unexpected reason.

Default: 0 (Disabled). (if no registry key)

Valid Values: 0 (Disabled) or 1(Enabled)

Data Type: Binary

Install Multiple Data Collectors for Cloud

The install program typically allows only the install of one specific collector with a single source and destination. After the install, it is possible to run additional collectors of same type. The following example describes how to installing multiple data collector for Server to Cloud. The configuration involves two steps:
  • Creating the service
  • Creating the registry keys

Step-1 Creating the service

  1. Start a command prompt as an administrator.
  2. From command prompt, register the service:
    NOTE: binPath will depend on the installation
    • sc create "S2C_01" binpath= "C:\ Program Files (x86)\GE Digital\Historian Server to Server Collector\Server\ihServerToServerCollector.exe REG=S2C_01" DisplayName= "Historian Server to Cloud 1" start= auto

      [you should see CreateService SUCCESS message]

    • Repeat Step 2 as needed to create additional instances if needed.

      For example, to create a second instance:

    sc create "S2C_02" binpath= "C:\ Program Files (x86)\GE Digital\Historian Server to Server Collector\Server\ihServerToServerCollector.exe REG=S2C_02" DisplayName= "Historian Server to Cloud 2" start= auto

    [you should see CreateService SUCCESS message]

  3. Verify the "Historian Server to Cloud 1" and "Historian Server to Cloud 2" are visible in the service control.
    Step-2 Creating the registry keys:
    1. The following registry entries are required to start Server to Server Collector.
      1. Run the regeditcommand to open the Registry Editor. Navigate to: Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\GE Digital\iHistorian\Services\ServerToServerCollector\S2C_01


        Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\GE Digital\iHistorian\Services\ServerToServerCollector\S2C_02
      2. Create/Modify the following Keysas needed.


      "HISTORIANNODENAME"=" cloud|wss://xx/v1/stream/messages|configServer=xx|identityissuer=xx.predix.io/oauth/token|clientid=xx|" "General3"="DataSourceHistorian"
    2. If collector tag list is coming from an Offline Tag Configuration File, create a string registry called: OfflineTagConfigurationFile and set the path to the xml file where tag list is saved. It is recommended to create a unique file per collector.

      For Server to Server Collector the typical value of OfflineTagConfigurationFile is: C:\Program Files (x86)\GE Digital\Historian Server to Server Collector\Config\ S2C_01_Offline_Config.xml

    3. Start the Server to Cloud Collector to create the full set of registry keys.

Deleting/Uninstalling Multiple Data Collectors for Cloud

To delete the service from command line (running as Administrator):
  1. sc getkeyname to get the proper key for deletion.
  2. sc delete <keyname>

    For example: sc getkeyname Historian Server to Cloud 2

    [SC] GetServiceKeyName SUCCESS

    Name = IHCygNetOne

    sc delete " S2C_02

    [SC] DeleteService SUCCESS

Installing a Collector via the Command Line

Installing a collector can potentially remove a collector that is already installed. For example, if you already installed the OSI PI Collector and then run the silent install for the Server 2 Server Collector, the OSI PI Collector can be uninstalled. If you are installing a new collector on a machine where there is an existing collector that you want to retain, you must use command line parameters for the existing collector as well.
Several Historian collectors can be installed silently. A silent install is a method of installing the application software and requires little or no user interaction. This method allows you to perform an unattended installation as it is not necessary for you to direct the installation process. This command line install applies to the following collectors:
  • Server to Server
  • OSI PI Wonderware Data
  • File Collector
  • Calculation Collector
  • iFIX Collector
  • iFIX Alarm and Event Collector
Command-Line Syntax



-s, -silent

Using either of these flags directs the install to progress silently, with no user interaction.


<CollectorName>_AddLocal (1=install and 0= uninstall)


Note: Cloud parameters do not apply to the File Collector or Calculation Collector.
<CollectorName> _destinationservername
  • For a Historian destination use the machine name.
  • For a Predix Cloud destination, use "Cloud"














Performing a silent install

Important: Installing a collector can potentially remove a collector that is already installed. For example, if you already installed the OSI PI Collector and then run the silent install for the Server 2 Server Collector, the OSI PI Collector can be uninstalled. If you are installing a new collector on a machine where there is an existing collector that you want to retain, you must use command line parameters for the existing collector as well.

  1. Navigate to the Collectors folder on the install media.
  2. Open a command prompt window and enter the following command line: Collectors_Install.exe -s
  3. Add parameters as appropriate and assign the correct values to the parameters using the equal sign (=).
  4. Be sure to replace <CollectorName> with the name of your collector. For example, you might replace <CollectorName> with <HistorianS2SCollector>.
    For example, HistorianS2SCollector_AddLocal=1
    Note: If the parameters are not assigned a value, then the default values are used.
  5. After the Historian collector silent install, you must reboot, otherwise, subsequent installs will fail.

Example 1:

This command installs the Historian Server 2 Server collector and sets the source server to be PC1 and destination server to be PC2.

>Collectors_Install.exe -s HistorianS2SCollector_AddLocal=1 HistorianS2SCollector_sourceservername=PC1 HistorianS2SCollector_destinationservername=PC2

Example 2:

This command installs the Historian File Collector and sets the destination server name to be PC1.

>Collectors_Install.exe -s HistorianFileCollector_AddLocal=1 HistorianFileCollector_destinationservername=PC1

Example 3:

This command installs the Historian Calculation Collector and the File Collector, and sets the destination server name to be PC1 for each collector.

>Collectors_Install.exe -s HistorianCalculationCollector_AddLocal=1 HistorianCalculationCollector_destinationservername=PC1 HistorianFileCollector_AddLocal=1 HistorianFileCollector_destinationservername=PC1

Reconfigure Cloud Information and Configuration

If you want to change or add the cloud parameters after install, then you must run the reconfigure_timeseries.exe available in path: C:\Program Files (x86)\GE Digital\Historian Server to Server Collector\Server.

Please note the path may vary for other collectors. Run the command line under Administrative Privileges to ensure that the registry key is updated. Once the tool is run, it will update the necessary information stored under HISTORIANNODENAME registry key for the specified collector.

Help details are seen when running the tool via command line: reconfigure_timeseries.exe help. Parameters available to reconfigure via the tool:

Parameters Description
-d, --CloudDestAddress Cloud Destination Address, the wss endpoint URL of the Time Series instance.
-g, --ConfigServer An optional configuration server, typically not needed.
-i, --IdentityIssuer Identity issuer URL, typically pointing to an UAA endpoint.
-c, --ClientId Client ID for accessing Time Series.
-s, --ClientSecret Client secret for accessing Time Series.
-z, --ZoneId Zone ID.
-t, --DatapointAttributes Datapoint attributes in JSON, if any.
-p, --Proxy Proxy server, if any.
-n, --InstanceName (Default: ServerToServerCollector) Alternative instance name.
-m, --SubInstanceName (Default: ) Alternative sub instance name for same collector multi instances.
-f, --Force (Default: False) Force write to registry despite warning.
-6, --x64 (Default: False) Set parameter for a x64 collector.
-y, --DryRun (Default: False) Only generate and print the string value that would be written into register.
-o, --Override (Default: False) overide the user provided setting into register, even if not a cloud collector.
--help Display this help screen.

Example: reconfigure_timeseries.exe -d wss://gateway-predix-data-services.run.aws-xxx-pr.ice.predix.io/v1/stream/messages -g none -i app-client-id -c test -s test -z bf0e881d-548a-493f-b855-xxxxxxxxxx -o true -n PiCollector

Troubleshooting the Cloud Collectors

Cloud collectors generates logs during initialization, configuration, and general operation just like regular Historian Data Collectors. These can be found in the general logging folder C:\Proficy Historian Data\LogFiles.

Troubleshoot the collector using one or more of the following:
  • Examining the log files for information.
  • Examining the Windows Event Viewer for error/warnings.
    To enable additional logging for troubleshooting:
    • From the Start menu, select Run and enter Regedit
    • Open the following key folder: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Intellution,Inc.\iHistorian\Services\CloudCollector\<entry>
    • Double-click or create DebugMode DWORD key.
    • Select Base as Decimal.
    • In the Value data field, type 255.
    • Click OK.
    • Close the Registry Editor.

      An ihapi log also should be created in the same LogFiles folder when debug mode is set to 255. If this log is missing, ensure the key exists: Create a string key called LOGFILEPATHin location: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\GE Digital\iHistorian\Services.

      Set the value of this key to the LogFiles folder, typically set to C:\Proficy Historian Data\LogFiles

      Once a proper connection is established to the cloud, an entry similar to below is added to the collector log:

      ConnectionStateChange: [cloud|wss://xx/v1/stream/messages|configServer=xx|identityissuer=xx/oauth/token|clientid=app-client-id|clientsecret=xxxx|zoneid=xxx|dpattributes=|proxy=xx] [Connected]

      When debug mode is set, the ihapi log also shows values being sent to cloud in below format:

      [** Sending to Cloud:] [{"body":[{"name":"G2UA6021FP7E.Simulation00001","datapoints":[[1532371358000,144468.515625000,3]]},{"name":"G2UA6021FP7E.Simulation00002","datapoints":[[1532371358000,63344.218750000,3]]},{"name":"G2UA6021FP7E.Simulation00003","datapoints":[[1532371358000,193340.859375000,3]]},{"name":"G2UA6021FP7E.Simulation00001","datapoints":[[1532371359000,108999.906250000,3]]},{"name":"G2UA6021FP7E.Simulation00003","datapoints":[[1532371359000,60097.050781250,3]]},{"name":"G2UA6021FP7E.Simulation00002","datapoints":[[1532371359000,48536.636718750,3]]}] ,"messageId":496 ,"statusCode":0}]

      This shows the tagname, timestamp, value, and quality of data being sent to cloud.

      Acknowledged messages from cloud are reported in the api debug log as below. This entry contains the number of samples sent/acknowledged for the corresponding message id.

      In ihAPIServerCloud::ReceivedMsg() MsgNum =[496] status =[202] Samples=[6] Size=[580]. ThreadId =[0x6ca0]

      Failed to acknowledge messages are automatically resent to the cloud. Resend is attempted at the most 10 times, once in every 2 minutes. If FailedMsgQueueEnabled is set to 0, failed to send message to the cloud may get purged.

Configuring a Data Collector for Automatic Startup

During the product install, Historian sets all collectors, except the iFIX Collector to automatic startup.

To configure a data collector for automatic startup:

  1. On the Start menu, click Run. (For Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, and Windows 7, click the Windows Start button and click inside the Start Search field ).
  2. Type services.msc and click OK.
    The Services dialog box opens.
  3. Select the appropriate Historian Data Collector.
  4. Click the Startup button.
    The Startup dialog box appears.
  5. Select Automatic from the Startup Type field.
    This configures the collector for automatic startup.
  6. Click the Log on as System Account button.
  7. Click OK.

    You cannot run an iFIX Collector as a Windows service. Instead, you run the iFIX Collector as a background task in iFIX.

    If the Calculation or Server-to-Server Collector fails to start when you start or restart your computer, check if your collector log file contains these messages:
    ERROR:Could not create Historian CEUtils Object. It may not be installed.
    ERROR: (ihInterfaceInitialize) [Could not create Calc Objects.]

    If your log contains these messages, resolve this issue by changing the MachineUpTimeDelay dword for the collector. A longer delay may be required depending upon the hardware specifications and number of services set to start automatically. For example, for the Calculation Collector, try changing the MachineUpTimeDelay dword to a value greater than 120 seconds:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Intellution, Inc.\Historian\Services\CalculationCollector
    For example, for the Server-to-Server Collector, try changing the MachineUpTimeDelay dword to a value greater than 120 seconds:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Intellution, Inc.\Historian\Services\ServerToServerCollector

    After you change the MachineUpTimeDelay dword, restart your computer. If the Collectors do not start, check the log file in the logfiles folder on the collector computer. If the log states that same message, then increase the MachineUpTimeDelay dword value and try again.

Configuring an OPC Data Collector for Automatic Startup

Historian does not configure OPC Collectors to start automatically as a service as some OPC servers do not support this feature. To find out if your OPC Server supports running as a service, refer to OPC Collector Specific Configuration.

  1. On the Start menu, click Run. (For Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, and Windows 7, click the Windows Start button and click inside the Start Search field ).
  2. Type services.msc and click OK.
    The Services dialog box opens.
  3. Select the OPC Historian Data Collector.
  4. Click the Startup button.
    The Startup dialog box appears.
  5. Select Automatic from the Startup Type field.
    This configures the collector for automatic startup.

    If your OPC Server does not support running OPC as a service, you can start the collector from the Historian program group. To start the collector automatically, copy the Start OPC Server icon into the Startup folder of the Programs group.

Configuring an iFix Data Collector for Automatic Startup

To configure an iFix data collector for automatic startup:
  1. Add ihFixCollector.exe to the iFIX Task Configuration list.
  2. In the Task Configuration dialog box, enter runasdos in the Command Line field.
  3. Click OK.
    The collector will start automatically when iFIX starts.

Configuring an OPCUA Data Collector for Automatic Startup

Historian does not configure OPCUA Collectors to start automatically as a service since some OPCUA servers do not support this feature.

The OPCUA Collector will start successfully only when the OPCUA Server it is trying to connect to is available and is running. If the OPCUA Server is not running on the OPCUA Collector, then you will not be able to start on startup.

  1. On the Start menu, click Run. (For Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, and Windows 7, click the Windows Start button and click inside the Start Search field ).
  2. Type services.msc and click OK.
    The Services dialog box opens.
  3. Select the OPCUA Historian Data Collector.
  4. Click the Startup button.
    The Startup dialog box appears.
  5. Select Automatic from the Startup Type field.
    This configures the collector for automatic startup.
  6. Click OK.

Uninstalling a Historian Data Collector

Note: Uninstalling of data collectors will clear the registry. If you have modified any of the registry entries, ensure that you export the registry entries on your local machine. Once the collector(s) are reinstalled, you can use the exported registry entries while reconfiguring the registry.
To remove the data collector software from your computer, but leave the rest of the Historian software:
  1. Insert the Historian install DVD on the computer you designate as a collector node and run the install program.
  2. Navigate to the Collectors screen,
  3. Deselect the collectors that you want to uninstall. If you are uninstalling legacy collectors, uncheck the collectors in the Legacy collectors screen.
  4. Click Next and proceed with the installation. This will uninstall the selected collectors after the installation is complete.
    For information on uninstalling OPC Data Collectors, refer to OPC Data Collectors > Modifying and Uninstalling OPC Collectors .

Uninstalling Cloud Collectors

Uninstalling cloud collectors follows the same steps as uninstalling the corresponding Historian Data Collector.

To uninstall the Cloud Collector:

  1. Navigate from the Control Panel to Programs and Features.
  2. Click Uninstall or Change a Program.
  3. Select Historian Collectors.
  4. Follow the uninstall steps.

Adding an OPC Collector After Install

  1. Insert the Historian install DVD on the computer that you have already installed an OPC Collector on.
  2. When the Welcome screen appears, click Next.
  3. In the Select Components window, select the appropriate Historian Collector, and click Next. Do not uncheck items that are already installed unless you want to remove them.
  4. Click Next.
    The Select Your OPC ProgIDs screen appears.
  5. Select the check box for each OPC Server ProgID that you want to install.
  6. Click Next and proceed with the rest of the install.
    The install program automatically installs the Historian client components with the Collector.

Running Collectors as Console Applications

You can run data collectors either as Windows services or as console applications. The standard procedure, described in this manual, is to run collectors as services. This allows the application to start automatically when you start the PC and allows you to start and stop the application through the Windows Control Panel. You can also configure them to start automatically when you start the system or, in the case of iFIX Collectors, whenever you start iFIX.

Running a collector as a console application can be convenient in some situations, especially during initial configuration, since you can configure all system components and parameters before you start the collector.

  1. Click the Windows Start button.
  2. Select Proficy Historian 5.1pau from the programs menu.
  3. Click the function you want to perform, such as Start an OPC Collector. The collector starts operating.
    Note: When a collector is paused or properly terminated, the archiver inserts an End of Collection marker. This is required for proper calculation of interpolated values for reporting. Using End Task or clicking the Close Window button in the collector's console to terminate the collector will not produce an End of Collection marker and will result in unexpected values in calculated data and/or non-zero plotline representation of data in charting applications.

Stopping a Collector that is Running as a Console App

To stop a collector running as a console application:
Type s at the command prompt in the DOS window and press Enter.
If you try to stop the collector by closing the DOS window, the collector does not execute a normal shutdown process and does not record the shutdown event in the archive. This may cause incorrect timestamps and unidentified gaps in archived data. It may also produce flat-line traces in sections of chart displays that use any Retrieval Mode other than Raw.

Adding a Data Collector to a Historian Server

Since most collectors, including the iFIX Collector, automatically create an entry for themselves when they connect to the Historian Server for the first time, it is not necessary to add a collector to the server manually if the collector can connect to the server.

To change the destination server for a collector, edit the value for the HistorianNodeName key for the collector in the Windows Registry:
where CollectorName is the name of the collector.
Note: On a 64-bit Windows Operating System, all 32-bit components (such as collectors, client tools, and APIs) related registry keys will be located under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\\Intellution,Inc.\iHistorian\.

Removing a Data Collector from a Historian Server

If you restructure your system architecture or rearrange nodes for any reason, you may need to remove a data collector from an Historian Server.
  1. In the Historian Administrator Main screen, click the Collectors link.
    The Collector Maintenance screen appears.
  2. In the list of collectors, select the collector you want to delete.
  3. Click Delete.

    You are asked whether to delete the tags associated with the collector. Selecting Yes removes all tags using that collector's interface name (name matching that of the collector being deleted), but not the data for those tags. It is recommended that you select No. This allows you to resume collection of the tags later.

    Note: Prior to deleting tags, it is recommended to export the tags associated with the collector name to a spreadsheet using the Excel Add-In and then save the spreadsheet for future reference. For more information on exporting tags with the Excel Add-In, refer to Using the Historian Excel Add-In > Exporting Tags.