Previously, even if you disabled future data, when you attempted to
collect future data, instead of displaying an error message, a success
message was displayed although future data was not stored. This issue
has been resolved in Historian 2023. |
DE138535 |
Previously the Data Archiver crashed when querying for more than one
collector. This issue has been resolved in Historian 2023. |
DE165564 |
Previously, the option to recalculate was disabled for iHTagAdmin
users. This issue has been resolved by changing the security and user
permissions. |
DE167016 |
Previously, there were issues in the OPC UA HDA collector redundancy.
These issues have been resolved. |
DE168191 |
Previously, if you updated the collection interval and compression
values, tag data was not collected. This issue has been
resolved. |
DE170431 |
Previously, a login to the Archiver with no user failed (Security
message which says that Unknown (\) failed login). This issue has been
resolved in Historian 2023. |
DE154221 |
Previously, the ifixAEcollector.exe shut down from time-to-time.
This issue has been resolved in Historian 2023. |
DE178154 |
Previously, when trying to create a chart in the Historian Trend
Client while using domain security an "Unkown error" message appeared.
This issue has been resolved in Historian 2023. |
DE184585 |
Previously, the Excel Add-In threw an error “Compile error in hidden
module: frmTagSearch.” This issue has been resolved in Historian
2023. |
DE184584 |
When Historian switched to a new archive, calculations stop working.
Bad CalcFailed is received on the calculation. |
DE176969 |
Previously, memory consumption is high for the
Diagnostic Manager. Optimizations were done to minimize memory
consumption of this service. |
DE177422 |
The Calculation Collector ignores the data quality. These tags have
good values in Historian Administrator for 'Last 10 values'. To solve
it, we restarted the OPC Kepware collector. |
DE175743 |
Previously, memory consumption was high for the UA HAD Server.
Optimizations were done to minimize memory consumption of this
service. |
DE185245 |
Previously, memory consumption was high for Client Manager.
Optimizations were done to minimize memory consumption of this
service. |
DE187941 |
The HDA Collector shut down when adding a new tag. This issue has
been resolved in Historian 2023. |
DE181238 |
The Filtered Data dialog was not displayed properly in Proficy
Historian Excel Add-in. This issue has been resolved in Historian
2023. |
DE173096 |
When browsing the tag on the Historian, Swedish characters appears as
?? instead of the real characters. This issue has been resolved in
Historian 2023. |
DE191441 |
The OLE-DB provider query failed when a non-existing tag was in the
first position. This issue has been resolved in Historian 2023. |
DE183849 |
Issues with OPC redundancy have been fixed in Historian 2023. |
DE188552 |
Previously, a Linked Server - access denied (c000005) with SQL 2016
message may appear. This issue has been resolved in Historian
2023. |
DE186000 |
Previously, the Server-Server Collector was not working properly.
This issue has been resolved in Historian 2023. |
DE191561 |
Historian 2023 includes support for the FMG Query regarding the
upcoming DCOM hardening from Microsoft (CVE-2021-26414). |
DE178873 |
Previously, the OLE DB problem max value query did not send output to
what was the expected result. This issue has been resolved in Historian
2023. |
DE121596 |
Previously, the OPC UA Collector could not handle handle Swedish
letters. This issue has been resolved in Historian 2023. |
DE121597 |
Previously, when a connection from the OPC Server to the PLC was
broken, data in Historian still had a quality flag "Good". It's now it’s
fixed. |
DE125668 |
Previously, we were getting the actor field set to null from ihSql.
This issue has been resolved in Historian 2023. |
DE171154 |
Previously, ihSql was providing an alarm type= Alarm history - API
Error. This issue has been resolved in Historian 2023. |
DE168388 |
Previously, the Alarm Backup, Purge, and Restore operation did not
return the A&E Database to its previous status. This issue has been
resolved in Historian 2023. |
DE109010 |
Previously, random duplicate Alarm Comments generated. This issue is
now fixed to eliminate duplicate alarm comments. |
DE120509 |
Previously, the SQL Server A&E Database result could become
corrupt and was not able to get all Alarms & Events information.
This issue has been resolved in Historian 2023. |
DE128453 |
Previously, the Upgrade AEDB 6.0 - 8.0 - Emergency Stop Requested was
not included in the VerifyScriptsLog.log. This issue has been resolved
in Historian 2023. |
DE186522 |
Previously, index timeouts during install resuled in performance
issues. This issue has been resolved in Historian 2023. |
DE186523 |
Using Configuration Hub, you cannot define a calculation formula for
a tag for a Calculation collector. You can, however, define a
calculation formula using Historian Administrator or other Web-based
Clients. |
DE171279 |
Previously, when a user logged in to Historian Web Admin or Trend
Client and did not have permissions, the following message appeared:
"Access Denied: Insufficient privileges for the user." The spelling of
this error has been corrected in Historian 2023. |
DE181771 |
Previously, in the presence of Security groups, the ihTagAdmin users
were not able to see tag details in the third panel in Configuration
Hub. This has been resolved in Historian 2023.
DE189223 |
Previously, the Historian Web Administrator did not accept negative
values for the Engineering Unit Range. This has been resolved in
Historian 2023.
DE177133 |
Previously, the Time selection in web Trend Client was not possible.
In Historian 2023, trending moved from the Trend Client to
Configuration Hub. the new architecture resolves this issue.
DE197676 |
Previously, installation of Operation Hub 2022 was failing. It is now
resolved in Historian 2023.
DE197675 |
Previously, after adding an OPC UA Collector in Configuration hub,
the Secured Connectivity and User Security options could not be
changed. This issue has now has been resolved in Historian
2023. |
DE177011 |
Previously, when you added File Collector tags via Configuration Hub
(via the Add Manually option), you were unable to associate those tags
with the File Collector. This issue has been resolved in Historian
2023. |
DE179318 |