The Alarms Section

In the Alarms section, you can back up, purge, and restore alarms. This topic describes the fields in each subsection in the Alarms section.

The Alarms tab contains the following action buttons. Select a button to perform the action indicated by the name.

In the Alarms, you can set the following parameters:

The Backup / Purge Alarms Subsection

Table 1. Alarm Parameters
Field Description
Start Time The start time for backing up, purging, or restoring alarms. Enter a value in the following format: mm-dd-yyyy hh:mm:ss
End Time The end time for backing up, purging, or restoring alarms. Enter a value in the following format: mm-dd-yyyy hh:mm:ss

The Restore Alarms Subsection

Field Description
Select File The backup file that you want to restore.