Working with Blob Data
Historian is capable of storing many different data types, such as Floating Point, Integer, String, Binary, and BLOB (undetermined binary data type, such as an Excel spreadsheet, a PDF file, or a Word file). The source of the data defines the ability of Historian to collect specific data types.
The following example demonstrates how to read and write a file into Historian. It contains a sample script for adding, writing, and reading a tag of BLOB data type. You will need to change the server name, folder, and file names as appropriate.
Dim MyServer As Server
Private Function Connect1() As Boolean
If Not MyServer Is Nothing Then
End If
Set MyServer = Nothing
Set MyServer = New Server
Connect1 = MyServer.Connect("FRIEDENTHAL")
End Function
Private Function AddTag(Tagname As String) As Boolean
Dim Tags As TagRecordset
Dim NewTag As Tag
Set Tags = MyServer.Tags.NewRecordset
Set NewTag = Tags.Add(Tagname)
NewTag.DataType = Blob
AddTag = Tags.WriteRecordset
End Function
Private Function WriteBlob(Tagname As String, TimeStamp As Date, ByteArray() As Byte, FileName As String) As Boolean
Dim Data As DataRecordset
Dim NewValue As DataValue
Set Data = MyServer.Data.NewRecordset
Set NewValue = Data.Add(Tagname, TimeStamp)
NewValue.Value = ByteArray
NewValue.DataQuality = Good
'Store the file name as a comment
NewValue.AddComment FileName
WriteBlob = Data.WriteRecordset
End Function
Private Function ReadBlob(Tagname As String, TimeStamp As Date, ByteArray() As Byte, FileName As String) As Boolean
Dim Data As DataRecordset
Dim NewValue As DataValue
Set Data = MyServer.Data.NewRecordset
With Data.Criteria
.Tagmask = Tagname
.StartTime = DateAdd("s", -1, TimeStamp)
.EndTime = DateAdd("s", 1, TimeStamp)
.SamplingMode = RawByTime
End With
With Data.Fields
End With
ReadBlob = Data.QueryRecordset
ByteArray = Data.Item(1).Item(1).Value
FileName = Data.Item(1).Item(1).Comments.Item(1).Comment
End Function
Function ReadFile(FileName$, fileDirectory$) As Variant
Dim ByteArray() As Byte
Dim FileLen As Long
Dim MyByte As Byte
Dim i As Long
Dim fName As String
fName = fileDirectory + FileName
Open fName For Binary Access Read As #1 ' Open file for reading.
FileLen = LOF(1) - 1
ReDim ByteArray(FileLen)
For i = 0 To FileLen
Get #1, , MyByte
ByteArray(i) = MyByte
Close #1
ReadFile = ByteArray
End Function
Function WriteFile(fName, ByteArray() As Byte)
Dim FileLen As Long
Dim i As Long
FileLen = UBound(ByteArray)
Open fName For Binary Access Write As #1
For i = 0 To FileLen - 1
Put #1, , ByteArray(i)
Close #1
End Function
Private Sub RunTest()
Dim ByteArray() As Byte
Dim i As Integer
Dim TheTime As Date
Dim FileName As String
FileName = "iHvbs.log"
Const ReadFileDirectory = "C:\"
Const WriteFileDirectory = "C:\Temp\"
ReDim ByteArray(0 To 9)
If Not Connect1() Then
MsgBox "Did Not Connect"
Exit Sub
End If
If Not AddTag("TestBlob2") Then
MsgBox "Did Not Add Tag"
Exit Sub
End If
'Read the input file
ByteArray = ReadFile(FileName, ReadFileDirectory)
TheTime = Now
'Write the file to Historian
If Not WriteBlob("TestBlob2", TheTime, ByteArray, FileName) Then
MsgBox "Did Not Write Blob"
Exit Sub
End If
Erase ByteArray
FileName = ""
'Read back the file from Historian
If Not ReadBlob("TestBlob2", TheTime, ByteArray, FileName) Then
MsgBox "Did Not Read Blob"
Exit Sub
End If
FileName = WriteFileDirectory + FileName 'copy file to the write directory
WriteFile FileName, ByteArray
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
End Sub