Back up Historian Archive Files

Back up your Historian archive files periodically to ensure your data is protected. Historian bundles alarms and events data with tag data in its backup files, and stores them as ZIP files. After an archive has been backed up, it can be stored to a shared network location, stored off-site, or written to physical media.


The .IHC file is automatically backed up when, and only when, you back up the "current" archive .IHA file. By default, the .IHC backup path is the same as the archives path. The .IHC uses the following naming convention: ComputerName_Config-Backup.ihc If the default backup path is different than the archives path, the .IHC file is copied to the backup folder with the standard .IHC naming convention ComputerName_Config.ihc.

If you back up an archive more than once, the backup tool will (by default) attempt to use the same name for the backup file and will detect that an archive with the same name already exists. Rename the backup archive file or move the original backup archive file from the target backup directory.