Add a Collector Instance

Before you begin

  • Install collectors.
  • For an iFIX collector, if iFIX is not running in a Windows-service mode, an error occurs when you add the collector instance. Refer to About Adding an iFIX Collector Instance for expected behaviour and configuration recommendations.
  • If the destination of a collector is an Azure IoT Hub device, ensure that the device is running.

About this task

Before you begin using a collector, you must add an instance of the collector. You can add multiple instances of the same collector or instances of multiple collectors where you have installed the collectors.
For an ODBC collector, a single mapping file is used by multiple instances.
Note: When you install collectors, if iFIX and/or CIMPLICITY is installed on the same machine as the collectors, instances of the following collectors are created automatically:
  • The iFIX collector
  • The iFIX Alarms & Events collector
  • The OPC Classic Data Access collector for CIMPLICITY
  • The OPC Classic Alarms and Events collector for CIMPLICITY
You can begin using these collectors, or create more instances as needed.

This topic describes how to add a collector instance using the RemoteCollectorConfigurator utility. You can also add a collector instance using Configuration Hub. If you want to add an offline collector instance, refer to Add an Offline Collector Instance.


  1. If you want to use an interactive UI:
    1. Run the RemoteCollectorConfigurator.exe file. By default, it is located in the following folder: C:\Program Files\GE Digital\NonWebCollectorInstantiationTool.
      A list of options to manage collector instances appears.
    2. Connect to the collector machine by entering 1 or 2, depending on whether collectors are installed locally or on a remote machine.
    3. Enter 4.
      You are prompted to choose between entering the installation parameters manually and providing a JSON file.
    4. If you want to manually enter the parameters and values, enter 1, and then run the following command:

      If you want to use a JSON file containing the installation parameters and values, enter 2, and then enter the path to the JSON file that you have created. Instead of manually creating the JSON file, you can use the RemoteCollectorConfigurator utility to generate it automatically.

      You can leave the Historian username and password blank if there are no Historian security user groups.

      For information on the parameters, refer to Collector Instance Parameters.
  2. If you want to use the Command Prompt window:
    1. Access the installation folder of the RemoteCollectorConfigurator utility. By default, it is C:\Program Files\GE Digital\NonWebCollectorInstantiationTool.
    2. Run Command Prompt in this location.
    3. If you want to manually enter the installation parameters and values, run the following command:
      RemoteCollectorConfigurator.exe "<Destination Historian>" "<Destination Historian username>" 
      "<Destination Historian password>" InterfaceCreateViaCmd "{\"<parameter>\":\"<value>\",
      If you want to use a JSON file containing the installation parameters and values, run the following command:
      RemoteCollectorConfigurator.exe "<Destination Historian>" "<Destination Historian username>" 
      "<Destination Historian password>" InterfaceCreateViaFile "<path to the JSON file>"

      Instead of manually creating the JSON file, you can use the RemoteCollectorConfigurator utility to generate it automatically.

      If ih security groups are available, you must enter the Windows username and password of the destination Historian. If you have enabled the Enforce Strict Collector Authentication option in Historian Administrator, you must provide the credentials of a user who is added to at least one of the following security groups:
      • iH Security Admins
      • iH Collector Admins
      • iH Tag Admins
      For information on the parameters, refer to Collector Instance Parameters.


The collector instance is added.

What to do next

Specify the tags whose data you want to collect using the collector. For the CollectorDestination parameter:
  • If you have entered Historian, access Historian Administrator, and manage the tag configuration. For information, refer to Configure Tags.
  • If you not entered a value, modify the offline configuration file of the collector. By default, this file is available in the following location: <installation folder of Historian>\GE Digital\<collector name>. For information, refer to Creating Offline Configuration XML file.