Troubleshooting Issues with the Add-In
Error Occurs if you Query an Object Type with many properties and containment objects
Error Message: Proxy server could not handle the request.
Workaround: Use the on-demand approach.
Blank Login Page Appears
Issue: When Operations Hub Proficy Authentication is opened (logged in) in browser and then if you try to connect to Operations Hub Proficy Authentication from Excel Add-in, sometimes, a blank login page appears.
Workaround: Refresh the browser window which pops up authorize window and then, select Open UaaAuthSchemeHandler.
Data Variable Selections are not Retained
Issue: When the data variables are searched and selected from the Object Type hierarchy, previously made selections of data variables (before search) are not retained.
Workaround: Remove the text entered in the Search text box and select Apply for all the previous selections to be applied.
Error Occurs Even Before Performing an Action
Error Message: Failed to get access_token.
Workaround: Get the token from the Operations Hub Proficy Authentication server by selecting Configuration in the add-in.