Multiple Parameters

To create a query with multiple parameters, place a question mark (?) for every parameter whose value you want to substitute in the query. For example, if you want an SQL query to match two WHERE conditions, collectorname and tagname, use the following parameterized query:

SELECT* FROM ihtags WHERE collectorname=? AND tagname like ? ORDER BY tagname

When executed, the parameterized SQL query will add the parameters as they are received from the analysis application. In the previous example, the collectorname parameter would be received first, followed by the tagname parameter. Your analysis client will order the parameters based on the query it is running.

Note: If you want to enter wildcard data in your parameterized queries, include the wildcard characters as part of the parameter. For instance, in the previous example, if you want to find any tagnames with the string iFIX in them, pass it the *iFIX* parameter.