Starting an iFIX Collector Instance

To start an instance of the iFIX collector, use one of the following options:
  • Using iFIX SCU: Add the collector to the iFIX System Configuration (SCU) startup list. The collector then starts automatically whenever you start iFIX. This is the preferred way of starting the collector.
    • To run the default iFIX collector instances (the ones created during the installation of collectors), set the task parameters to runasdos as shown in the following image.

    • To run additional instances of the iFIX collectors, set the task parameters to NOSERVICE REG=<<CollectorInterfaceName>>, as shown in the following image for a collector with the interface name win2019dj2_iFix_1.

      Note: To find out the collector interface name:
      • If you have added the iFIX collector using Configuration Hub, the interface name is displayed in the COLLECTOR NAME column in the Collectors section.
      • If you have added the iFIX collector using the RemoteCollectorConfigurator utility, the interface name is the value that you have provided for the InterfaceName parameter while adding the collector instance.
    If you set the start-up mode to normal, you can manage the instances using Configuration Hub.
  • As a console application: From the Windows Start menu, select Historian iFix Collector > Start iFIX Collector. Similarly, to start an iFIX Alarms and Events collector, select Historian iFix Alarms and Events Collector > Start iFIX AE Collector.
  • Using Configuration Hub: You can start collector instances and manage them using Configuration Hub. For information on the expected behavior and recommended configuration of the iFIX collectors based on the running mode of iFIX, refer to About Adding an iFIX Collector Instance.