Collection Definitions of a HAB Collector
Parameter | Description |
DEFINITION NAME | The name of the collection definition. A value is required and
must be unique. Important: You must
not change the name after the collector starts collecting data.
If, however, you want to change the name after the collector has
started collecting data, refer to FAQs on the HAB
Collector. |
STATUS | Indicates whether the collection definition is enabled. If an error occurs while processing the collection definition, the collector automatically disables the collection definition. |
FAMILY | The name of the Habitat family from which you want to collect data (for example, EMS, DTS). A value is required and must be unique. |
APPLICATION | The name of the Habitat application from which you want to collect data (for example, SCADA). A value is required. |
DATABASE | The name of the Habitat database from which you want to collect data (for example, SCADAMOM). A value is required. |
RECORD TYPE | The name of the HDB record from which you want to collect data (for example, ANALOG,POINT,COUNT). A value is required. Enter any record type that contains the composite key and MRID fields (because the collector uses these two fields to create tags). |
COLLECTION TYPE | Indicates whether you want to perform polled or unsolicited data
KEY | The value that will be used to filter tags for data collection. A value is required. You can use the wildcard character * to get a range of values. For example, if you want to collect data from all tags that begin with SUBSTN.LAKEVIEW, enter: SUBSTN.LAKEVIE*.*.*.*.* |
PREFIX FIELD | The prefix that you want to use for tags. You can provide a different value for each collection definition, which helps you identify tags based on the collection definition. |
TAG NAME FIELD | Determines how the tags created in Historian must be named. A value is required. For example, if you want the tags to be named after the value in the LOC_CIRCLG field, enter LOC_CIRCLG. When you do so, if the value in the LOC_CIRCLG field in Habitat is DOUGLAS, the tag created in Historian will be named <TagPrefix value>.<AlarmPrefix value>.DOUGLAS. You can enter multiple values separated by commas. For example, if you want the tags to be named after the values in the LOC_CIRCLG and PRIOR_CIRCLG fields, enter LOC_CIRCLG,PRIOR_CIRCLG. When you do so, if the values in the LOC_CIRCLG and PRIOR_CIRCLG fields are Douglas and 1 respectively, the tag created in Historian will be named <TagPrefix value>.<AlarmPrefix value>.DOUGLAS.1. |
MRID FIELD | The MRID of the record. A value is required. If, however, MRID is not available, enter the composite key or any other unique identifier of the record. |
DESCRIPTION FIELD | The description of the tag. A value is required. |
VALUE FIELD | The name of the property that stores the tag value in Habitat. A value is required. You can enter multiple values, separated by commas. One Historian tag will be created for each value you enter in this field. |
TIMESTAMP FIELD | The name of the property that stores the timestamp of a tag in Habitat. You can use a HDB timestamp or custom/alias timestamps. Examples: For analog, you can use:
QUALITY FIELD | The name of the property that stores the tag quality in Habitat. |
SAMPLE RATE | The rate at which you want to collect or poll data. A value is required. For example, if the sample rate is 10 seconds:
SAMPLE UNIT | The unit of measurement for the sample rate. A value is required. Valid values:
PERMANENT | Indicates whether you want to store the data in buffer files in Habitat in the event of a connection loss. We strongly recommend that you set this parameter to true to prevent loss of data. |
Parameter | Description |
DEFINITION NAME | The name of the collection definition. A value is required and
must be unique. Important: You must
not change the name after the collector starts collecting data.
If, however, you want to change the name after the collector has
started collecting data, refer to FAQs on the HAB
Collector. |
STATUS | Indicates whether the collection definition is enabled. If an error occurs while processing the collection definition, the collector automatically disables the collection definition. |
FAMILY | The name of the Habitat family from which you want to collect data (for example, EMS, DTS). A value is required and must be unique. |
APPLICATION | The name of the Habitat application from which you want to collect data (for example, SCADA). A value is required. |
DATABASE | The name of the Habitat database from which you want to collect data (for example, ALARMLIST). A value is required. |
RECORD TYPE | The name of the HDB record from which you want to collect data (for example, CIRCLG, ALMQ). A value is required. Enter any record type that contains the composite key and MRID fields (because the collector uses these two fields to create tags). |
KEY | This field is not applicable to alarms. Enter *. |
TAG NAME FIELD | Determines how the tags created in Historian must be named. A value is required. For example, if you want the tags to be named after the value in the LOC_CIRCLG field, enter LOC_CIRCLG. When you do so, if the value in the LOC_CIRCLG field in Habitat is DOUGLAS, the tag created in Historian will be named <TagPrefix value>.<AlarmPrefix value>.DOUGLAS. You can enter multiple values separated by commas. For example, if you want the tags to be named after the values in the LOC_CIRCLG and PRIOR_CIRCLG fields, enter LOC_CIRCLG,PRIOR_CIRCLG. When you do so, if the values in the LOC_CIRCLG and PRIOR_CIRCLG fields are Douglas and 1 respectively, the tag created in Historian will be named <TagPrefix value>.<AlarmPrefix value>.DOUGLAS.1. |
PREFIX | The prefix that you want to use for tags. A value is required. You can provide a different value for each collection definition, which helps you identify tags based on the collection definition. |
VALUE | The name of the property that stores the tag value in Habitat. A value is required. You can enter multiple values, separated by commas (for example, TEXT_CIRCLG, PRIOR_CIRCLG, TIME_CIRCLG). The values will then be concatenated in the corresponding Historian tag. |
TIMESTAMP | This field is not applicable to alarms. Leave the field blank. You can use the VALUE FIELD field to provide the timestamp (for example, TIME_CIRCLG). |
QUALITY | This field is not applicable to alarms. Leave the field blank. |
DISABLED | Switch the toggle to enable alarm filtering. You can then collect data only for the filtered alarms. |
ALARM LOCATION | The alarm location based on which you want to filter alarm data. A value is required if alarm filtering is enabled. You can enter multiple values separated by commas (for example, LA,NY). The default value is *, which indicates that data for that parameter is not filtered. |
ALARM AREA | The alarm area based on which you want to filter alarm data. A value is required if alarm filtering is enabled. You can enter multiple values separated by commas (for example, LAKEVIEW,RICHVIEW). The default value is *, which indicates that data for that parameter is not filtered. |
ALARM CATEGORY | The alarm category based on which you want to filter alarm data. A value is required if alarm filtering is enabled. You can enter multiple values separated by commas (for example, PressureSensor,MotionSensor). The default value is *, which indicates that data for that parameter is not filtered. |
ALARM PRIORITY | The alarm priority based on which you want to filter alarm data. A value is required if alarm filtering is enabled. You can enter multiple values separated by commas (for example, 1,2). The default value is *, which indicates that data for that parameter is not filtered. |
ALARM EXCEPTION | The alarm exception based on which you want to filter alarm data. A value is required if alarm filtering is enabled. You can enter multiple values separated by commas. The default value is *, which indicates that data for that parameter is not filtered. |
SAMPLE RATE | The rate at which you want to collect data. A value is required. |
SAMPLE UNIT | The unit of measurement for the sample rate. A vaue is required. Valid values:
PERMANENT | Indicates whether you want to store the data in buffer files in Habitat in the event of a connection loss. We strongly recommend that you set this parameter to true to prevent loss of data. |