Overview of Post-Installation Tasks
- If you do not want strict authentication, disable the Enforce Strict Client Authentication and Enforce Strict Collector Authentication options under Historian Administrator > Data Stores > Security.
While installing the Historian server, if you have allowed the installer to create Historian security groups, create a local Windows user with the format <Web-based Clients server name>.admin, and add the user to the ihSecurityAdmins group. This user will log in to Web-based Clients.
Alternatively, you can create Proficy Authentication users in an external Proficy Authentication and map their security groups.
Depending on whether the Historian server will use local or domain security groups, select the appropriate option in the Historian Administrator.
- Ensure that the Windows user that you have specified while installing collectors is added to the iH Security Admins and iH Collector Admins groups.
- Enable trust for a client certificate for Configuration Hub.
- Enable trust for a self-signed certificate on ChromeEnable trust for a self-signed certificate on Chrome.
- Import an issuer certificate.