Add a System

Before you begin

Install Historian on the machine that you want to add. If you want to create a stand-alone system, install single-server Historian. If you want to create a horizontally scalable system, install Historian primary server.

About this task

If you want to manage a Historian system using Configuration Hub, you must add it to Configuration Hub.

When you access Configuration Hub for the first time, a default Historian system is available. In a distributed environment, the primary server of this system is the machine whose Configuration Hub details you enter while installing Web-Based Clients. This topic describes how to add another system.
Note: Adding a Historian system is specific to the logged-in user.


  1. Access Configuration Hub.
  2. In the Navigation section, select .
    The Add System window appears.
  3. Provide values as specified in the following table.
    Field Description
    SYSTEM NAME Enter a name for the Historian system. This name must be unique for a user.
    HISTORIAN SERVER Enter the host name or the IP address of the system that you want to add. This name must be unique for a user.
    DESCRIPTION Enter a description for the system.
    Set as Default System Select this check box if you want to set this system as the default one. If you do so, when you access Configuration Hub, this system appears by default (that is, this system is selected, and all the related information appears in the main section). The default system varies with the user.
  4. Select Add.
    The Historian system is added, and it appears in the Navigation section.

What to do next