Error Code Definitions

The following table provides the values and definitions for the ErrorCode parameter.
Table 1. Error Code Definitions
Error Code Value:Error Code Definition
Success = 0Operation successful.
Failed = -1Operation failed.
Timeout = -2Operation failed due to timeout.
NotConnected = -3Not connected to Historian server.
CollectorNotFound = -4The given collector does not exist on the server.
NotSupported = -5Operation not supported.
DuplicateData = -6Attempt to overwrite an existing data sample.
InvalidUsername = -7Bad user name or password.
AccessDenied = -8Insufficient permissions for operation.
WriteInFuture = -9Attempted data write too far in the future.
WriteArchiveOffline = -10Attempted data write to an offline archive.
WriteArchiveReadonly = -11Attempted data write to a read-only archive.
WriteOutsideActiveRange = -12Attempted data write beyond the configured active range.
WriteNoArchiveAvailable = -13Attempted data write with no available archives.
InvalidTagname = -14The requested tag was not found.
LicensedTagCountExceeded = -15Number of licensed tags exceeded.
LicensedConnectionCountExceeded = -16Number of licensed server connections exceeded.
InternalLicenseError = -17Internal license error.
NoValue = -18No available tag data.
DuplicateCollector = -19The given collector name already exists on the server.
NotLicensed = -20Server or feature is not licensed.
CircularReference = -21Circular reference detected in calculation.
BackupInsufficientSpace = -22Insufficient disk space to perform backup.
InvalidServerVersion = -23Operation unsupported due to server version.
QueryResultSizeExceeded = -24Upper limit on query results exceeded.
DeleteOutsideActiveRange = -25Attempted data delete outside allowed modification interval.
AlarmArchiverUnavailable = -26Alarms and Events subsystem unreachable.
ArgumentException = -27A supplied argument is invalid.
ArgumentNullException = -28A supplied argument is NULL.
ArgumentOutOfRangeException = -29A supplied argument is outside the valid range.
InvalidEnumeratedSet = -30The requested Enumerated Set was not found.
InvalidDataStore = -31The requested data store was not found.
NotPermitted = -32Operation not permitted.
InvalidCustomDataType = -33The Custom data type is not supported.
InvalidArchiveName= -41N/A
InvalidSession = 1Session id is invalid.
SessionExpired = 2Session has expired.
UnknownError = 3Unknown error, please check server log.
NoValidClientBufferManager= 4No valid client buffer manager.
NoValueInDataSet = 5No value in returned data set.
TagNotExisting = 6Tag doesn't exist.
ClientBufferManagerCommunicationError = 7Service call to central buffer server fail.
TagTypeNotSupported=8Tag type is not supported.
ValueTypeNotMatchTagDataType = 9Value type doesn't match tag data type.
InvalidParameter=10Invalid query parameter.
TagSearchResultIsHuge = 11Tag Search Criteria result was more than 5000.
InvalidHistorianServer=12No valid server or historian server name isn't in the server list.
ihSTATUS_INVALID_INTERFACETYPE = -49 The collector type is not valid.
ihSTATUS_INTERFACE_START_FAIL = -50 Starting the collector has failed.
ihSTATUS_INTERFACE_STOP_FAIL = -51 Stopping the collector has failed.