An unsolicited calculation tag that is triggered by either the
polled tag or the unsolicited tag, and combines the raw samples of
both into a single tag. Use a 0 or 1 second collection interval and
use the following
formula:dim timetag1
dim timetag2
dim tag1
dim tag2
Dim x
tag1 = "T20.di-1.F_CV"
tag2 = "t20.T20.DI-1.F_CV"
x = DateAdd("s", 1,CurrentTime) ' add 1 second to calc time
' Get the timestamp of the newest raw sample for tag1:
timetag1 = previousTime(tag1, x)
' Get the timestamp of the newest raw sample for tag2:
timetag2 = previousTime(tag2, x)
if timetag1 > timetag2 then
' If tag1 triggered me, then:
result = PreviousValue(tag1,CurrentTime)
' If tag2 triggered me, then:
result = PreviousValue(Tag1, CurrentTime)
end if