OSI PI Collector-specific Field Descriptions

The following figure shows the OSI PI Collector configured to collect data from an OSI PI archive on localhost, logging in as the piadmin user. It is also configured for a maximum recovery time of 4 hours.

The following table describes the OSI PI Collector-specific configuration fields.

This field...Indicates...
PI ServerThe name of the computer that OSI PI is running on. This should match the server entry in the OSIsoft About PI-SDK utility.
PI UsernameThe user name required to connect to the OSI PI Data Archive. PI trusts are not supported and an explicit PI user must be set.
PI PasswordThe password required to authenticate with the OSI PI Data Archive. If no password is configured for the OSI PI user, this field can be left blank.
MaxRecovery Time (hr)The Maximum Recovery time in hours.