About Recovery Mode
Normally, the Server-to-Server collector operates in a real-time mode. A real-time mode is when the collector is polling data or has subscribed to events and triggers calculations based on these events occurring in real-time. Messages are also sent as they occur. Recovery mode allows you to recover tag and alarm data when the connection between the collector and the source server is re-established. After a connection loss, the configuration settings for the Server-to-Server collector determine how much tag and alarm data is recovered and if messages are included in the recovery.
When Does Recovery Occur?
- When the collector is started.
- When the collector is resumed after a pause.
- When there is an on-the-fly change (similar to a pause and resume). Only tags in the new tag configuration are recovered.
- When there has not been a collector stop and start, but the connection to the source Historian is restored.
What Happens When Recovery Occurs?
- Set up subscriptions for all alarms and trigger tags.
- Perform recovery in chronological order (oldest to newest).
- Perform message recovery, if enabled.
- Begin polling and processing subscriptions in real-time mode.
- Event-based tags: This includes the data from the last write time until now. The system retrieves all tags.
- Messages: The system checks for new messages and verifies errors. Once the system verifies a connection to the destination, it sends the messages one at a time.
- Alarm data: This includes all alarm data from the last write time until now.
If your formula contains tags not in the trigger list or dependencies exist among tags (for example, if a calculation tag is a trigger for another calculation tag), you might not recover all data.