Import Historian Data into Power BI Desktop
About this task
This topic describes how to import Historian data into Power BI Desktop.
- Access Power BI Desktop.
Select Connect.
, and then select The From OLE DB window appears.
Select Build.
The Data Link Properties window appears, displaying a list of the Historian OLE DB providers in the Provider section.
Select Next.
The Connection section appears.
Leave the default values as is, and select Test
After the connection succeeds, the connection string is populated in the From OLE DB window.Important: Do not use the connection string that is populated. If you do so, an error occurs.
Change the connection string to
Provider=iHOLEDB.iHistorian.1;PersistSecurity Info=False; USER ID=[<Historian server username>]; Password=[<Historian server password>]; Data Source=[<NLB DNS>]
Select OK.
The OLE DB Provider window appears.
In the Database section, enter ihCloudHistAdmin as the username, and enter the password that you provided in the UAA Configuration field while deploying Proficy Historian for AWS, and then select Connect.A list of Historian tables appears in the Navigator section.If an error message appears after entering the credentials, restart your machine.
- Select the table whose data you want to import, and then select Load.
Data from the selected Historian table appears.