Standard Windows Features
Click File>Setup on the CimView menu bar.
A Print Setup dialog box opens.
Enter your printer specifications.
Note: If you are connected to printers on a network, you can access those printers by clicking the Network button and opening a Connect to Printer dialog box.
Click OK to close the Print Setup dialog box and save your specifications.
Print Screen
Do one of the following.
- Click File>Print on the CimView menu bar.
- (If the toolbar is visible) click the Print button.
A Print dialog box opens.
- (Optional) change printer specifications that were entered in the Print Setup dialog box.
Print one or more copies of the screen.
Exit CimView
Do either of the following.
- Click File>Exit on the CimView menu bar.
- Click the Windows Exit button
Other Windows Buttons
Maximize the window. The screen remains the same size, unless the Zoom to best fit button is depressed. Make the window resizable. The screen remains the same size, unless the Zoom to best fit button is depressed. Minimize the window.