Sign your Screens

Once you have ensured that the certificate is in the PEM format, you can use that certificate to sign your screens by performing the following steps:

  1. Open the command prompt and locate the folder where you have your screens.
  2. Run the CimSignTool [Location where you have the certificate\*.crt] [ScreenName.cim].
    For example, CimSignTool C:\MyCertificates\screen_security.crt MyScreen.cim
    Note: You can use the CimSignTool to sign multiple screens using the same certificate.
    A .sig file with the same name as the screen that was signed is created.
    For example, MyScreen.cim.sig.
    Note: For CimView to consider that a screen is signed, you must ensure that the respective .sig file is always in the location where you have that screen.