BQM_Alr begins executing when the project starts.


  • Is located in the CIMPLICITY process control.
  • Picks the job from the directory and posts it to specific device.
  • BQM_Alr debug file.
  • BQM_Alr debug information.

BQM_Alr debug file

If Debug_Bqma=1 is in debugbco.txt.


  • Generates a debug file named ErrorInBQM_ALR_<ProjectName>.err.
  • Places the file in c:\TEMP.

BQM_Alr Debug information

Information in ErrorInBQM_ALR_<ProjectName>.err includes:

Success conditions

Data about successfully printing and moving the job from the Active to the History folder is located after the statements.

  • In GetCMAData
  • In GetDevList

Failure conditions

Data about failure conditions includes:

  • Missing data is located after the statements:
  • GetCMAData
  • GetDevList
  • Search for token “PATH:” and the path should be <SpoolLocation>\<ProjectName>\ACTIVE\<DeviceName>.


Path: C:\Temp\IBC1\Yane\Active\FINEPRINT1

  • Search for tokens “pPrinterInfo->Status: ” & “pJob->Status: ”

If any one token is not 0, there is an Error State on the device.

  • Search for token “No of GenFlds: ” & “No of TokensInFile: ”.

If the count does not match, the uob will be moved to an Invalid directory.