SIL Analysis
About Safety Integrity Level (SIL) Analysis
A Safety Integrity Level (SIL) analysis lets you assess the safety instrumented systems in your facility to ensure that they are adequately safeguarding your equipment, locations, and processes.
When you conduct an SIL analysis, you will:
- Assess the level of safety integrity per instrumented function, using the GE Digital APM Risk Matrix interface or via a Layer of Protection Analysis (LOPA). Based on the defined risks, the GE Digital APM system calculates the overall SIL for the safety instrumented system.
- Verify the SIL of the safety instrumented system using the SIL Verification feature, which lets you make up the safety instrumented system and calculate the ability of a protective instrument loop to meet the required SIL for that process. The GE Digital APM system uses equations defined by International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) to calculate the probability of failure on Demand average (PFD Avg) or probability of failure per hour (PFH).
- Determine whether further safeguarding is necessary, based on the SIL maintained by those safety instrumented systems.
About Revision History
The Revision History feature allows you to manage the revisions made for an entire analysis. When you create an SIL Analysis, you link records in multiple families to the SIL Analysis. When you complete an analysis (i.e., it has been approved), you will change the state of the SIL Analysis to Complete. When you do so, a snapshot is taken of the SIL Analysis and each record linked to it.
When the state of an SIL Analysis is changed to Complete, one record in each of the following families will be created:
- SIL Analysis Revision
- Logic Solver Revision
- Instrumented Function Revision
- LOPA Revision
- PHA Internal Assessment Revision
- Risk Matrix Internal Assessment Revision
- External Assessment Revision
Each Revision record stores a snapshot of the source record as it appeared when the state of the SIL Analysis was changed.
If you re-evaluate the SIL Analysis, the state of the SIL Analysis will change again to the Complete. A second set of Revision records will be created, and so on.
About the SIL Analysis Team
The Safety Integrity Level (SIL) analysis team is a group of members who will complete the SIL analysis. You can add GE Digital APM users and non-GE Digital APM users to the SIL analysis team.
- GE Digital APM users will have an existing GE Digital APM Security User and an associated Human Resource record that was created automatically when the Security User was created.
- Non-GE Digital APM users will not have a GE Digital APM Security User or a Human Resource record. To add a non-GE Digital APM user to the SIL analysis team, you will need to create a Human Resource record for that user. You can do so via the SIL Analysis Team Members page or using GE Digital APM Tools.
Team Member Roles
SIL analysis team member roles serve as a reference of which SIL analysis team member is responsible for a given task related to the SIL analysis. Any member of the SIL analysis team can be assigned a role within the SIL analysis team. The following roles are available for an SIL analysis:
- Owner : The team member who is responsible for assets represented in the SIL analysis. After you assign a team member the role of Owner, that team member's name will appear in the Owner field in the SIL Analysis.
- Facilitator : The team member who is in charge of conducting the analysis and organizing the team.
There can be only one Process Owner and one Facilitator per analysis.
Access an SIL Analysis
Create an SIL Analysis
What To Do Next
- Add Team Members to the SIL Analysis
Access the SIL Analysis Summary
Before You Begin
- You can access the SIL Analysis summary only if you are a member of one of the following Security Groups:
- MI SIS Administrator
- MI SIS Engineer
- MI SIS User
You can perform the various tasks on this page based on the privileges granted to these Security Groups.
Access the Revision History of an SIL Analysis
Access the SIL Analysis Team Members Section
About This Task
This topic describes how to access the Team Members section of an SIL Analysis, from where you can access the list of team members in the analysis, add new ones, assign roles to team members, or modify or delete them.
Access the Reference Documents in SIS Management
About This Task
This topic describes how to access the Reference Documents section in SIS Management, from where you can access a list of Reference Documents linked to an SIL Analysis, create a new one, or modify or delete an existing one.
Access the Recommended Actions Pane
About This Task
The Recommendations that appear on the Recommended Actions pane are filtered based on your selection.
- If you access an SIL Analysis, the Recommended Actions pane displays a list of Recommendations linked to all the Instrumented Functions in the SIL Analysis.
- If you access an Instrumented Function, the Recommended Actions pane displays a list of Recommendations linked only to that Instrumented Function.
What To Do Next
Access the Mitigated Risk
Before You Begin
- Assess the SIL value of the Instrumented Function using one of the following SIL Assessments:
- Associate the SIL Assessment with the Instrumented Function. The Risk Assessment associated with the SIL Assessment will be linked to the Instrumented Function.
- Create a Recommendation for the Instrumented Function.
About This Task
This topic describes how to perform a mitigated risk assessment for an Instrumented Function in an SIL Analysis.
- A Risk Assessment record that stores the details of the mitigated risk is created and linked with the Instrumented Function.
Change the State of an SIL Analysis
About This Task
This topic describes how to change the state of an SIL Analysis starting from Planning to Complete, while assigning each state to a user.
Generate a Report for an SIL Analysis
About This Task
This topic describes how to generate the following reports for an SIL Analysis:
- SIL Analysis report
- Instrumented Function report
- Protective Instrument Loop report
Delete an SIL Analysis
When you delete the SIL Analysis, the following related records are also deleted:
- Instrumented Functions
- Logic Solvers
- Inspection Tasks
- Risk Assessments
- SIL Assessments
- Protective Instrument Loops: They are deleted only if the elements in the loop are not shared with other loops belonging to different SIL Analyses.
The following records associated with the SIL Analysis are required as part of standard audit procedure and are not deleted when the SIL Analysis is deleted:
- Proof Test Templates
- Proof Tests
- Proof Test Details
- Recommendations