RBI Recommendation Management

RBI: Recommendation Management

This workflow describes the process of reviewing the recommendations that are generated by GE Digital APM. You can also create recommendations manually, supersede recommendations, or consolidate recommendations. After the Inspection Plan is approved, you can implement the RBI Recommendation as an Inspection Task in the Inspection Plan page or implement the resulting Action as a task in Asset Strategy Management (ASM).

In the following workflow diagram, the blue text in a shape indicates that a corresponding description has been provided in the sections that follow the diagram. For more information, refer to the topic Interpreting the Workflow Diagrams.

Review Generated Recommended Actions

Persona: Analyst

Review the generated Recommended Actions for applicability, effectiveness, and practicality. If you disagree with the Recommended Actions, you must update them in the associated damage mechanism to mitigate the risk.

Update Recommendation to Mitigate Risk

Persona: Analyst

If you think that implementing the generated recommendation will not mitigate the risk, update the recommendation with details on how to improvise it so that the risk is mitigated to below the risk threshold values.

Does Unmitigated DM Exist?

Persona: Analyst

Verify if there is a damage mechanism for which the risk is not mitigated to below the risk threshold values. This can happen when the damage mechanism does not have an agreed-upon inspection strategy defined. In such cases, the damage mechanism is identified as unmitigated.

Assess Mitigated Risk

Persona: Analyst

Assess the mitigated risk of the damage mechanisms for which the risk is not mitigated to below the risk threshold values.

Create Recommended Actions Manually

Persona: Analyst

For DMs whose recommendations are not created by the Inspection Strategies, if further risk mitigation is needed, then manually create appropriate Recommended Actions. The risk mitigation can be based on several factors that include (but are not limited to):

  • Collective experience of the team
  • Statutory compliance
  • Industry standards

Review Inspection Plan

Persona: Analyst

The Recommendations created from an RBI analysis will be available for review within the Inspection Plan for the asset. You can review all the Recommendations for each damage mechanism.

Mark Not Required

Persona: Analyst

If a recommendation becomes invalid or redundant due to the implementation of another recommendation, you can mark it as Not Required. For example, if there is a time based and risk based recommendation for the same damage mechanism with the same task type, you can choose to mark either of the recommendation as Not Required.

Approve Inspection Plan

Persona: Analyst

As a result of the reconciliation process, recommendations that are superseded, consolidated, and not required remain in the system for auditing purposes. After the Inspection Plan is approved, the recommendations that are in the Approved state can be implemented as Inspection Tasks in the Asset Strategy Management page or in the Inspection Plan page.

Asset Strategy Management

Persona: Analyst

Go to the Asset Strategy Management Workflow.

Risks and Actions

Persona: Analyst

After you approve an Inspection Plan, the recommendations linked to the asset are converted into actions. The damage mechanisms are converted into risks.