RBI Analysis Export
About RBI Analysis Export
RBI Analysis Export workspace allows you to review analyses that you can select for the export with the related component data. You can also export the Analysis and Component data in the RBI data loader template format for easy data modification and re-importing.
When to Export
- Export is useful when you want to evergreen or re-assess existing analyses based on triggers such as time, process variations, inspection, or thickness updates. These changes can include the implementation of risk mitigation strategies or maintenance based on your inspection plan.
- Export is also useful for providing a quick solution to bulk edit current analyses in the Created state and their related components. After exporting the records which need to be modified, you can update the records in the resulting excel file. After updating, you can re-import using the RBI Data loader process.
What to Export
- Asset: The query returns the analyses of the assets that are available after the selected value in the asset hierarchy. By default, this parameter displays the current asset hierarchy context of the RBI Overview page when you navigate to the RBI Analysis Export workspace.
- Analysis State: The query returns analyses for only those assets which are in the selected state, Created or Active. The default value of this parameter is Created.
- Asset: Equipment and Functional location
- RBI Component:
- Criticality RBI Component – Cylindrical Shell
- Criticality RBI Component – Exchanger Bundle
- Criticality RBI Component – Exchanger Header
- Criticality RBI Component – Exchanger Tube
- Criticality RBI Component – Piping
- Criticality RBI Component – Tank Bottom
- RBI_Criticality_Analysis: RBI Criticality Analysis
- Consequence_Evaluation: Criticality Consequence Evaluation
- DME_Environmental_Cracking: Criticality Env. Crack. Deg. Mech. Eval
- DME_External_Corrosion: Criticality Ext. Corr. Deg. Mech. Eval
- DME_Internal_Corrosion:Criticality Int. Corr. Deg. Mech. Eval
- DME_Other: Criticality Other Damage Mech. Eval
- Degradation_Mechanism: RBI Degradation Mechanisms
RBI Analysis Export Data
The RBI Analysis Export allows you to bulk review the analyses and related data, and subsequently import it to GE Digital APM. You can export the data in the RBI 580 Data Loader format to enable importing and updating data.
- Asset: Equipment ID, CMMS System, Equipment Technical Number
- RBI_Component: Asset Lookup Fields, Component, Component Type, Component Family
- RBI_Criticality_Analysis: Component Lookup Fields, Analysis Unique ID
- Consequence_Evaluation: Analysis Lookup Fields, Consequence
- All DME Sheets: Analysis Lookup Fields, Damage Mechanism
- Degradation_Mechanism: Analysis Lookup Fields, Damage Mechanism
- System Fields: You cannot edit these fields. These fields are maintained by GE Digital APM
- Output Fields: These fields are calculative. You cannot set these fields. Output fields are fields, which are not copied when an analysis is duplicated.
The default datasheet in the Family Management determines the fields to be exported for each family. If there is no datasheet marked as Default in Family Management for a family, then the fields from the first available datasheet is used.
System Fields Excluded from Export
Field ID | Field Caption |
MI_CCRBICOM_CALC_INV_N | Calculated Inventory |
MI_RBICOMPO_FUNCT_LOCAT_C | Functional Location |
Field ID | Field Caption |
MI_AN_ANALY_ID_CHR | Analysis ID |
MI_AN_ANALY_START_DATE_DT | Analysis Start Date |
MI_AN_ANALY_TYPE_CHR | Analysis Type |
MI_CRITANAL_COMP_C | Component |
MI_CRITANAL_COMP_TP_C | Component Type |
MI_CRITANAL_EQ_ITEM_TYPE_C | Criticality Item Type |
MI_MRBIANAL_GEN_FAIL_FREQ_N | Generic Failure Frequency |
Field ID | Field Caption |
MI_CRDEMEEV_FAIL_FREQ_N | Failure Frequency |
MI_RBDEMEEV_DEG_MEC_DESC_C | Degradation Mechanism Description |
RBI Analysis Export Best Practices
- The RBI Analysis Export workspace displays the Analyses in the Created state by default. Using the RBI 580 Data Loader template, you can review the data for the analyses and re-import them into GE Digital APM. When you re-import the data, any modifications that are made to the RBI Analyses and RBI Component data in GE Digital APM, are updated. The RBI Analysis, CE, and DME updated are looked up based on the defined lookup fields and the Analysis Unique ID (MI_ANALYSIS_ID).
- To export an active analysis with a state other than Created and re-import it as a new analysis in a Created state, consider the following steps:
- Select Active for the Analysis State query parameter to return the active analysis and export.
- Update the MI_ANALYSIS_ID column on the analysis, consequence evaluation and degradation mechanism evaluation sheets to a unique value before importing the file into GE Digital APM.
This creates a new Analysis with ID matching the value provided in the data loader template.
- Data will be exported using your login and culture settings. Important: Only users with the same unit of measure and culture settings can re-import through the Risk Based Inspection (RBI) 580 Data loader.
- You cannot export Custom Damage Mechanism Evaluations (DME). Only baseline DME families can be exported.
Access the RBI Analysis Export Workspace
About This Task
- The analyses that are displayed for export are either 580 or 581 analyses. You can choose which analyses should be displayed by default by setting the value of the RBI Analysis Type Preference dropdown in the RBI Global Preferences page.
- RBI PRD Criticality analyses and RBI Pipeline analyses are not supported for export.
- Access the Risk Based Inspection Overview page.
- Select the Actions button.
- Select Export Analyses.
The RBI Analysis Export workspace appears, displaying analyses to export. By default, the analyses will be filtered based on the asset hierarchy using the key passed from the Risk Based Inspection Overview and in Created state.
- You can use the filter to change the default analyses displayed. When you select the filter button, a query prompt will be displayed where you can change the Asset Hierarchy Asset or the Analysis State.
- When both RBI 580 and RBI 581 are licensed, you can override the default preference for the type of analyses displayed for export by setting the value of the Analysis Type dropdown in the RBI Analysis Export workspace.
Export Analyses
About This Task
The RBI Export functionality allows you to export one or more analyses and its related data from the RBI Analysis Export page. The export allows you to bulk review analyses and its related data and subsequently import it back to GE Digital APM. To facilitate this functionality, the data is exported to a file which is in the RBI 580 Data Loader format to allow for importing and updating the data.