
About Reports

To submit data to the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC), GAA Wind provides the following types of reports:

  • Performance Report: Provides information about the GAA Wind Sub Group and performance calculations pertaining to the overall wind turbine operation for a particular month. The data contained in this report is used to evaluate the performance and reliability of the assets involved in running a wind turbine and to predict the availability of a wind plant.
  • Sub Group Report: Provides information about the configuration data for a GAA Wind Sub Group. The data includes the design, installed units, location, and operating characteristics pertaining to the wind turbines.

Access a Report


  1. Access the Sub Group Summary page for the Sub Group whose report you want to access.
  2. Select the Reports tab.

    The reports that are associated with the Sub Group appear for each month of the current year.

    Tip: To access reports for a different year, use .
  3. Select the link in the row that contains the report that you want to access.

    The report, which is a Microsoft Excel workbook, is downloaded.

Generate a Report

Before You Begin

  • In the Report Configuration record based on which you want to generate a report, ensure that:
    • The Is Report check box is selected.
    • The Associated Subgroups box contains the Sub Group for which you want to generate a report.
  • If you want to generate a Performance Report, create a Performance Record for the Sub Group for the month and year for which you want to generate the report.

About This Task

This topic describes how to generate a report, which can be a Performance Report or a Sub Group Report depending on the value in the Report Type field in the associated Report Configuration record.


  1. Access the Sub Group Summary page for the Sub Group for which you want to generate a report.
  2. Select the Reports tab.

    The reports that are associated with the Sub Group appear for each month of the current year, until the current month.

    Note: The sync status of a report that has never been generated is OUT OF SYNC.

  3. Select Generate Report next to the month for which you want to generate a report.

    The generated report appears as an .xlsx file.


The sync status of the generated report is SYNCED. If the Performance Record or the Sub Group associated with the report is now modified, the sync status will change to OUT OF SYNC.

What To Do Next

Regenerate a Report

About This Task

If the Performance Record or the Sub Group associated with a report is modified, the sync status of the report will be OUT OF SYNC. You can generate the report again. This topic describes how to regenerate a report, which can be a Performance Report or a Sub Group Report.


  1. Access the Sub Group Summary page for the Sub Group whose report you want to regenerate.
  2. Select the Reports tab.

    The reports that are associated with the Sub Group appear for each month of the current year, until the current month.

  3. Select the row that contains the report that you want to regenerate.
  4. Select .

    The Regenerate Report window appears, indicating that regenerating the report will overwrite the existing report.

  5. Select Yes.

    The report is regenerated.


The sync status of the regenerated report is SYNCED.

What To Do Next

Delete a Report

About This Task

This topic describes how to delete a report (that is, Performance Report or Sub Group Report).


  1. Access the Sub Group Summary page for the Sub Group whose report you want to delete.
  2. Select the Reports tab.

    The reports that are associated with the Sub Group appear for each month of the current year, until the current month.

  3. Select the row that contains the report that you want to delete.
  4. Select .

    The Delete Report window appears, asking you to confirm that you want to delete the report.

  5. Select Yes.

    The report is deleted.

Generate Bulk Reports

Before You Begin

  • In the Report Configuration record based on which you want to generate a report, ensure that the Is Report check box is selected.
  • In the same Report Configuration record, in the Associated Subgroups drop-down list box, select the Sub Groups for which you want to generate the reports.
  • If you want to generate a Performance Report, create a Performance Record for the Sub Group for the month and year for which you want to generate the report. In addition, ensure that the Performance Record is in the Approved state.

About This Task

This topic describes how to generate reports for multiple Sub Groups and months, which can be a Performance Report or a Sub Group Report depending on the Report Type selected in the Generate Reports window.


  1. Access the GAA Wind Overview page.
  2. Select Generate Reports.
    The Report Generation page appears, displaying a table of log files associated with the reports that were generated previously.

  3. Select Generate Reports.
    The Generate Reports window appears.

  4. As needed, enter values in the following fields:
    1. In the Report Type field, select the type for which you want to generate the reports.
    2. In the Company box, select the Company for which you want to generate the reports.
    3. In the Sub Groups box, select the Sub Groups for which you want to generate the reports.
    4. In the Years box, select the year for which you want to generate the reports.
    5. In the Months box, select the months for which you want to generate the reports.
      The Start Report Generation button is enabled.
  5. Select Start Report Generation.


  • The Generate Reports page appears, displaying a row containing the log file that is associated with the reports that are being generated. The table contains the following columns:
    • COMPANY: Contains the Company for which the reports are being generated.
    • LOG: Contains the log file associated with the reports.
    • REPORT TYPE: Contains the type of the reports that are being generated.
    • MONTHS: Contains the months for which the reports are being generated.
    • YEAR: Contains the year for which the reports are being generated.
    • SUB GROUPS: Contains the Sub Groups for which the reports are being generated.
    • STATUS: Contains one of the following values for each row:
      • In Progress: Indicates that the report is being generated.
      • Completed: Indicates that the report has been generated.
      • Completed With Errors: Indicates that the report has been generated, but it has encountered one or more errors.
      • Aborted: Indicates that the report generation job has been cancelled by the user.
    • CREATED BY: Contains the name of the user who started the report generation job.
    • LAST UPDATED DATE: Contains the date and time when the report is generated.
    • TERMINATED BY: Contains the name of the user who canceled the report generation job.
    • TERMINATED DATE: Contains the date and time when the job was canceled.
  • If a report that is being generated already exists in GE Digital APM, it is replaced.

Download Bulk Reports

This topic describes how to download reports that are generated for multiple Sub Groups and months.


  1. Access the GAA Wind Overview page.
  2. Select Generate Reports.
    The Generate Reports page appears, displaying a table of log files associated with the reports that were generated previously.

  3. Select Download Reports.
    The Download Reports window appears.

  4. As needed, enter values in the following fields:
    1. In the Report Type field, select the type for which you want to download the reports.
    2. In the Company box, select the Company for which you want to download the reports.
    3. In the Sub Groups box, select the Sub Groups for which you want to download the reports.
    4. In the Years box, select the year for which you want to download the reports.
    5. In the Months box, select the months for which you want to download the reports.
      The Download Reports button is enabled.
  5. Select Download Reports.
    A Microsoft Excel workbook that contains the reports is downloaded.