Family Field Descriptions
GAA Company Records
GAA Company records store information about fields that are defined for the GAA Company family in the baseline GE Digital APM database. This topic provides an alphabetical list and description of fields that exist for the GAA Company family and appear in the GAA Wind Company datasheet, unless otherwise specified. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields.
This family is enabled for site filtering, which means that records in this family can be assigned to a specific site, and will only be accessible to users who are assigned to the same site and have the appropriate license and family privileges. For more information, refer to the Sites section of the documentation.
Field | Data Type | Description | Behavior and Usage |
Asset Key | Numeric | Identifies the Functional Location associated with the Company. |
This field does not appear in the datasheet. |
Company ID | Character | Identifies the Company. |
This field is disabled and automatically populated for all GAA Companies. |
Company Name | Character | Identifies the full name of the Company. |
This field is disabled and automatically populated for all GAA Companies. |
GAA Type | Character | Identifies the type of the Company. |
This field is populated by the MI_GAA_MODULE_TYPE System Code Table and it is automatically populated with the value Wind. This field does not appear in the datasheet. |
GAA Wind Connection Records
GAA Wind Connection records store information about fields that are defined for the GAA Wind Connection family in the baseline GE Digital APM database. This topic provides an alphabetical list and description of fields that exist for the GAA Wind Connection family and appear in the GAA Wind Connection datasheet, unless otherwise specified. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields.
This family is not enabled for site filtering, which means that records in this family can be accessed by any user with the appropriate license and family privileges. For more information, refer to the Sites section of the documentation.
Field | Data Type | Description | Behavior and Usage |
Associated Subgroups | Character | Identifies the Sub Groups that are associated with the Connection. |
This field is required. Each value in the field represents the Sub Group Name of the GAA Wind Sub Group record. You can select one or more values in the field. Note: A Sub Group cannot be associated with more than one Connection.
Authentication URL | Character | Identifies the authentication URL to the external server. |
This field is required. You can enter a value in the field. |
Client ID | Character | Identifies the ID required to establish a connection between GE Digital APM and the external server. |
This field is required. You can enter a value in the field. |
Connection Name | Character | Identifies the name of the connection. |
This field is required. You can enter a value in the field. |
IEC Events URL | Character | Identifies the URL required to import Events from the external server. |
This field is required. You can enter a value in the field. |
Import Job Time (Minutes) | Numeric | Indicates the time beyond which the data import job stops importing Events into GE Digital APM. |
This field is required. You can enter a value in the field. The box is automatically populated with the value 90. You can, however, modify the value in the field. |
Is New API Format? | Boolean | Indicates the format in which you want the imported Events to be processed in GE Digital APM. | The No option is selected by default, indicating that the imported Events will be processed in the default format. You can, however, select the Yes option. |
Username | Character | Identifies the username corresponding to the authentication URL. |
This field is required. You can enter a value in the field. |
Password | Character | Identifies the password corresponding to the authentication URL. |
This field is required. You can enter a value in the field. |
GAA Wind Event Records
GAA Wind Event records store information about fields that are defined for the GAA Wind Event family in the baseline GE Digital APM database. This topic provides an alphabetical list and description of fields that exist for the GAA Wind Event family and appear in the GAA Wind Event datasheet, unless otherwise specified. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields.
This family inherits the site filtering setting of the GAA Wind Unit family. For more information, refer to the Site Filtering section of the documentation.
Field | Data Type | Description | Behavior and Usage |
Actual Production | Numeric | Identifies the actual production of the Unit in megawatt hours. | For a new Event (that is, in the Create Event or Split Event window), you can enter a value in this field. For a split Event, the field is populated by default. You can, however, modify the value in the field. For an existing Event, the field is disabled and populated by default. |
Creation Type | Character | Indicates whether the Event was imported or manually created. | This field does not appear in the datasheet. It contains the following values:
Description | Text | Identifies the description of the Event. | You can enter a value in this field. |
Duration | Numeric | Identifies the difference between the values in the End Date field and the Start Date field. | This field does not appear in the datasheet. It appears as a column in the tables in:
The value in the column appears in the following format: hh:mm:ss. |
End Date | Date | Identifies the end date of the Event. | For a new or split Event, by default, this field is populated with the value that accounts for any gap in time, along with the Start Date field. You can, however, select a value in the field. The value must be greater than that in the Start Date field. For an existing Event, the field is disabled. By default, it is populated with the value in the IEC End Date field after it is converted to a readable date format. |
Error Code | Character | Identifies the validation error. | This field is disabled. |
Event ID | Character | Identifies the Event. | This field is disabled and contains values from the following fields:
Has Error | Boolean | Indicates whether the Event has a validation error. | This field does not appear in the datasheet. If the value in the Error Code field contains the bit value 1 in any position other than the third position, this field will be set to true, indicating that the Event has an error. |
IEC End Date | Character | Identifies the end date and time of the Event in the Unix Epoch time format. | This field does not appear in the datasheet. It is used to populate the End Date field. |
IEC Start Date | Character | Identifies the start date and time of the Event in the Unix Epoch time format. | This field does not appear in the datasheet. It is used to populate the Start Date field. |
IEC Type | Character | Identifies the type of the Event. | This field appears as IEC State in the Events workspace in the Sub Group Summary page. For a new or split Event, the field is required. You can select a value in the field. For an existing Event, the field is disabled. Each value in the field represents a record in the GAA Wind IEC Types family. |
Is Split Event | Boolean | Indicates whether the Event was created by splitting an existing Event. | This field does not appear in the datasheet. |
Mapped NERC Type | Character | Identifies the NERC equivalent of the IEC type, as defined in the mapping record for that IEC type. | This field is disabled. |
NERC Type | Character | Identifies the NERC equivalent of the IEC type. | In the user interface, this field appears as NERC State. For a new Event, the field is blank by default. You can, however, select a value in the field. For an existing or split Event, by default, the field is populated with the value in the Mapped NERC Type field; however, unlike the Mapped NERC Type field, you can select a value in this field. Each value in the field represents a record in the GAA Wind NERC Types family. |
Start Date | Date | Identifies the start date of the Event. | For a new or split Event, by default, this field is populated with the value that accounts for any gap in time, along with the End Date field. You can, however, select a value in the field. The value must be less than that in the End Date field. For an existing Event, the field is disabled. By default, it is populated with the value in the IEC Start Date field after it is converted to a readable date format. |
Sub Group Name | Character | Identifies the Sub Group for which the Event is imported. | This field does not appear in the datasheet. By default, it is populated with the value in the Sub Group Name field of the associated GAA Wind Sub Group. |
Unit Name | Character | Identifies the Unit for which the Event is reported. | This field is disabled. By default, it is populated with the value in the Unit Name field of the associated GAA Wind Unit. |
GAA Wind Group Records
GAA Wind Group records store information about fields that are defined for the GAA Wind Group family in the baseline GE Digital APM database. This topic provides an alphabetical list and description of fields that exist for the GAA Wind Group family and appear in the GAA Wind Group datasheet, unless otherwise specified. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields.
This family is enabled for site filtering, which means that records in this family can be assigned to a specific site, and will only be accessible to users who are assigned to the same site and have the appropriate license and family privileges. For more information, refer to the Sites section of the documentation.
Field | Data Type | Description | Behavior and Usage |
Functional Location Key | Numeric | Identifies the Functional Location associated with the Group. | This field does not appear in the datasheet. |
Group ID | Character | Identifies the Group. |
This field is disabled and automatically populated. |
Group Name | Character | Identifies the full name of the Group. |
This field is disabled and automatically populated. |
Plant Name | Numeric | Identifies the Plant to which the Group belongs. |
This field is disabled and automatically populated with the Plant Name of the corresponding GAA Wind Plant record. The field, however, stores the key of the GAA Wind Plant record. |
GAA Wind IEC And NERC Mapping Records
GAA Wind IEC And NERC Mapping records store information about fields that are defined for the GAA Wind IEC And NERC Mapping family in the baseline GE Digital APM database. This topic provides an alphabetical list and description of fields that exist for the GAA Wind IEC And NERC Mapping family and appear in the GAA Wind IEC And NERC Mapping datasheet, unless otherwise specified. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields.
This family is not enabled for site filtering, which means that records in this family can be accessed by any user with the appropriate license and family privileges. For more information, refer to the Sites section of the documentation.
Field | Data Type | Description | Behavior and Usage |
IEC ID | Character | Identifies the IEC type. |
This field is required. Each value in this field represents the ID of the GAA Wind IEC Types record. You can enter or select a value in this field. |
NERC ID | Character | Identifies the NERC type. |
This field is required. Each value in this field represents the ID of the GAA Wind NERC Types record. You can enter or select a value in this field. |
GAA Wind IEC Types Records
GAA Wind IEC Types records store information about fields that are defined for the GAA Wind IEC Types family in the baseline GE Digital APM database. This topic provides an alphabetical list and description of fields that exist for the GAA Wind IEC Types family and appear in the GAA Wind IEC Types datasheet, unless otherwise specified. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields.
This family is not enabled for site filtering, which means that records in this family can be accessed by any user with the appropriate license and family privileges. For more information, refer to the Sites section of the documentation.
Field | Data Type | Description | Behavior and Usage |
Description | Character | Identifies the description of the IEC type. | You can enter a value in this field. |
ID | Character | Identifies the IEC type. |
This field is used to populate the IEC ID field in the GAA Wind IEC And NERC Mapping record. The field is required. You can enter a value in the field. |
Level | Character | Identifies the level of the IEC type. |
This field is populated by the MI_GAA_WIND_IEC_TYPES_LEVELS System Code Table. You can enter or select a value in this field. |
GAA Wind NERC Types Records
GAA Wind NERC Types records store information about fields that are defined for the GAA Wind NERC Types family in the baseline GE Digital APM database. This topic provides an alphabetical list and description of fields that exist for the GAA Wind NERC Types family and appear in the GAA Wind NERC Types datasheet, unless otherwise specified. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields.
This family is not enabled for site filtering, which means that records in this family can be accessed by any user with the appropriate license and family privileges. For more information, refer to the Sites section of the documentation.
Field | Data Type | Description | Behavior and Usage |
Color Code | Character | Holds the color code for the NERC type |
You can enter a HEX code value. Example: #80ffff If empty value is entered then the color is treated as transparent. |
Description | Character | Identifies the description of the NERC type. |
You can enter a value in this field. |
ID | Character | Identifies the NERC type. |
This field is used to populate the NERC ID field in the GAA Wind IEC And NERC Mapping record. The field is required. You can enter a value in the field. |
Is Mandatory | Boolean | Identifies whether the NERC type is mandatory or not |
GAA Wind Performance Records
GAA Wind Performance Records store information about fields that are defined for the GAA Wind Performance family in the baseline GE Digital APM database. This topic provides an alphabetical list and description of fields that exist for the GAA Wind Performance family and appear in the GAA Wind Performance datasheet, unless otherwise specified. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields.
This family inherits the site filtering setting of the GAA Wind Sub Group family. For more information, refer to the Site Filtering section of the documentation.
Field | Data Type | Description | Behavior and Usage |
Active Turbine Hours | Numeric | Identifies the sum of turbine hours when the value in the Sub Group Status field is Active. | This field is disabled and populated as a result of performance calculations. |
Calendar Hours | Numeric | Identifies the sum of hours in a given month. | This field is disabled and populated by default. |
Contact Turbine Hours | Numeric | Identifies the sum of turbine hours when the Sub Group is synchronized with the power system (that is, when the contactor is closed and the generator is connected to the grid). | This field is disabled and populated as a result of performance calculations. |
Equivalent Forced Derated Turbine Hours | Numeric | Identifies the sum of turbine hours when the output of the Unit is reduced due to a forced event. | This field does not appear in the datasheet. |
Equivalent Maintenance Derated Turbine Hours | Numeric | Identifies the sum of turbine hours when the output of the Unit is reduced due to a maintenance event. | This field does not appear in the datasheet. |
Equivalent Planned Derated Turbine Hours | Numeric | Identifies the sum of turbine hours when the output of the Unit is reduced due to a planned event. | This field does not appear in the datasheet. |
Equivalent Reserve Shutdown Derated Turbine Hours | Numeric | Identifies the sum of reserve shutdown hours in a month when the output of the Unit is reduced due to economic reasons. | This field does not appear in the datasheet. |
Forced Delay Turbine Hours | Numeric | Identifies the sum of hours of delay in a month in the operation of the Unit due to an outage. | This field does not appear in the datasheet. |
Forced Turbine Hours | Numeric | Identifies the sum of turbine hours when the Sub Group is offline due to a forced event (that is, when the wind turbine generator must be removed from service). | This field is disabled and populated as a result of performance calculations. |
Gross Actual Generation | Numeric | Identifies, in megawatt hours, the total wind turbine energy generated by the Units for the Sub Group. |
This field is used to calculate the values in the Net Actual Generation and Net Maximum Capacity fields. By default, it is populated with the sum of the positive actual production values of all the Events for the associated Units.
Note: If the actual production value of an Event is negative, it is ignored. You can modify the value in the field. The value must be either greater than or equal to the value in the Net Actual Generation field.
Important: The value in this field is not dependent on that in the Net Actual Generation field. |
Group Key | Numeric | Identifies the key of the GAA Wind Group that is associated with the Performance Record | This field appears as Group Name on the datasheet displaying the name of the Group based on key. |
Inactive Reserve Turbine Hours | Numeric | Identifies the sum of turbine hours when the value in the Sub Group Status field is Inactive Reserve. | This field is disabled and populated as a result of performance calculations. |
Last Regenerated Date | Date | Identifies the date when the last performance calculations were run. | This field does not appear in the datasheet. |
Maintenance Delay Turbine Hours | Numeric | Identifies the sum of hours of delay in a month in the operation of the Unit due to a maintenance event. | This field does not appear in the datasheet. |
Maintenance Turbine Hours | Numeric | Identifies the sum of turbine hours when the Sub Group is offline due to a maintenance event. | This field is disabled and populated as a result of performance calculations. |
Mothballed Turbine Hours | Numeric | Identifies the sum of turbine hours when the value in the Sub Group Status field is Mothballed. | This field is disabled and populated as a result of performance calculations. |
Net Actual Generation | Numeric | Identifies, in megawatt hours, the net generation recorded at the Sub Group boundary (usually the revenue meter). It is the Gross Actual Generation (GAG) minus line loss, transformer loss, and auxiliary load loss. |
This field is used to calculate the value in the Net Maximum Capacity field. It is populated by default. The value in the field is calculated using the following formula: GAG × (1 − TLE) where:
If GAG is 1000 megawatt hours and TLE is 2%, the value in this field is calculated as follows: 1000 × (1 − 0.02) = 980 megawatt hours You can modify the value in the field. The value must be either less than or equal to the value in the Gross Actual Generation field.
Important: The value in this field is updated whenever the value in the Gross Actual Generation field changes. |
Net Maximum Capacity | Numeric | Identifies the actual generating capability at the Sub Group boundary in megawatts. |
This field is disabled and populated by default. The value in the field is calculated using the following formula: (NAG ∕ GAG) × Capacity × No. of Units where:
Note: The value in this field is updated whenever the value in the Gross Actual Generation field or the Net Actual Generation field changes. |
OMC Equivalent Forced Derated Turbine Hours | Numeric | Identifies the sum of turbine hours when the output of the Unit is reduced due to an Outside Management Control (OMC)-forced event. Note: This is a subset of the equivalent forced derated turbine hours. | This field does not appear in the datasheet. |
OMC Equivalent Maintenance Derated Turbine Hours | Numeric | Identifies the sum of turbine hours when the output of the Unit is reduced due to an OMC-maintenance event. Note: This is a subset of the equivalent maintenance derated turbine hours. | This field does not appear in the datasheet. |
OMC Equivalent Planned Derated Turbine Hours | Numeric | Identifies the sum of turbine hours when the output of the Unit is reduced due to an OMC-planned event. Note: This is a subset of the equivalent planned derated turbine hours. | This field does not appear in the datasheet. |
OMC Forced Turbine Hours | Numeric | Identifies the sum of turbine hours when the Sub Group is offline due to an OMC-forced event. Note: This is a subset of the forced turbine hours. | This field is disabled and populated as a result of performance calculations. |
OMC Maintenance Turbine Hours | Numeric | Identifies the sum of turbine hours when the Sub Group is offline due to an OMC-maintenance event. Note: This is a subset of the maintenance turbine hours. | This field is disabled and populated as a result of performance calculations. |
OMC Planned Turbine Hours | Numeric | Identifies the sum of turbine hours when the Sub Group is offline due to an OMC-planned event. Note: This is a subset of the planned turbine hours. | This field is disabled and populated as a result of performance calculations. |
Planned Delay Turbine Hours | Numeric | Identifies the sum of hours of delay in a month in the operation of the Unit due to the repairs extended beyond their planned period. | This field does not appear in the datasheet. |
Planned Turbine Hours | Numeric | Identifies the sum of turbine hours when the Sub Group is offline due to a planned event. | This field is disabled and populated as a result of performance calculations. |
Plant Key | Numeric | Identifies the key of the GAA Wind Plant that is associated with the Performance Record. | This field appears as Plant Name on the datasheet displaying the name of the Plant based on key. |
Report Configuration Key | Numeric | Identifies the key of the Report Configuration based on which the Performance Record is created. | This field does not appear in the datasheet. |
Report Period | Character | Identifies the period being reported. | This field is disabled. |
Report Year | Numeric | Identifies the year being reported. | This field is disabled. |
Reserve Shutdown Turbine Hours | Numeric | Identifies the sum of turbine hours when the Sub Group is offline due to economic reasons but is available for service. Note: The value in this field does not include the hours when the Sub Group is unavailable due to an outage. | This field is disabled and populated as a result of performance calculations. |
Resource Unavailable Turbine Hours | Numeric | Identifies the sum of turbine hours when the Unit is available but not producing electricity due to environmental conditions that are outside the operating specifications of Unit (that is, low wind or high wind) or due to inspection and calibration. | This field is disabled and populated as a result of performance calculations. |
Retired Unit Turbine Hours | Numeric | Identifies the sum of turbine hours when the value in the Sub Group Status field is Retired. | This field is disabled and populated as a result of performance calculations. |
Revision | Numeric | Identifies the number of revisions made to a Performance Record. This value is used to determine the sync status of the record. | This field does not appear in the datasheet. |
Sub Group Key | Numeric | Identifies the key of the GAA Wind Sub Group that is associated with the Performance Record. | This field does not appear in the datasheet. |
Sub Group Name | Character | Identifies the full name of the Sub Group. | This field is disabled. By default, it is populated with the value in the Sub Group Name field of the associated GAA Wind Sub Group record. |
Sub Group Status | Character | Identifies the status of the entire Sub Group during the period for which the data is entered. | This field is disabled. |
Total Loss Estimate (%) | Numeric | Indicates losses such as line loss, transformer loss, and other auxiliary losses between the Unit and the revenue meter. |
This field is used to calculate the value in the Net Actual Generation field. It does not appear in the datasheet. By default, it is populated with the value in the Total Loss Estimate (%) field of the associated GAA Wind Sub Group Capacity record. Note: The value in this field is not dependent on the values in the Gross Actual Generation and Net Actual Generation fields.
Turbine Hours | Numeric | Identifies the sum of calendar hours for all the Units in the Sub Group. | This field is disabled and populated by default. |
Utility ID | Character | Identifies the NERC Compliance Registry number (NCR #) or voluntary reporting ID (assigned by NERC) of your Company. | This field is disabled. By default, it is populated with the value in the Utility ID field of the associated GAA Wind Sub Group record. |
GAA Wind Plant Records
GAA Wind Plant records store information about fields that are defined for the GAA Wind Plant family in the baseline GE Digital APM database. This topic provides an alphabetical list and description of fields that exist for the GAA Wind Plant family and appear in the GAA Wind Plant datasheet, unless otherwise specified. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields.
This family is enabled for site filtering, which means that records in this family can be assigned to a specific site, and will only be accessible to users who are assigned to the same site and have the appropriate license and family privileges. For more information, refer to the Sites section of the documentation.
Field | Data Type | Description | Behavior and Usage |
City | Character | Identifies the city where the Plant is located. | This field is disabled. |
Company Name | Numeric | Identifies the Company of the Plant. |
This field is disabled and automatically populated with the Company Name of the GAA Wind Company record. The field, however, stores the key of the GAA Wind Company record. |
Country | Character | Identifies the country where the Plant is located. |
This field is disabled and populated by the MI_GAA_WIND_COUNTRY System Code Table. |
Functional Location Key | Numeric | Identifies the Functional Location associated with the Plant. | This field does not appear in the datasheet. |
Plant ID | Character | Identifies the Plant. |
This field is disabled and automatically populated. |
Plant Name | Character | Identifies the full name of the Plant. |
This field is disabled and automatically populated. |
Primary Regulatory Organization | Character | Identifies the first council to which the data will be reported. |
This field is populated with the value NERC and it does not appear in the datasheet. |
Region | Character | Identifies the region where the Plant is located. |
This field is disabled and populated by the MI_GAA_WIND_NERC_REGIONS System Code Table. |
Secondary Regulatory Organization | Character | Identifies the second council to which the data will be reported. | This field does not appear in the datasheet. |
State | Character | Identifies the state or province where the Plant is located. |
This field is disabled and populated by the MI_GAA_WIND_STATES System Code Table. |
GAA Wind Report Configuration Records
GAA Wind Report Configuration records store information about fields that are defined for the GAA Wind Report Configuration family in the baseline GE Digital APM database. This topic provides an alphabetical list and description of fields that exist for the GAA Wind Report Configuration family and appear in the GAA Wind Report Configuration datasheet, unless otherwise specified. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields.
This family is not enabled for site filtering, which means that records in this family can be accessed by any user with the appropriate license and family privileges. For more information, refer to the Sites section of the documentation.
Field | Data Type | Description | Behavior and Usage |
Associated Query | Character | Identifies the query that is used to create a Performance Record or a report. |
This field is required. You can enter the path of the query in this field. Ensure that the query exists in GE Digital APM. |
Associated Subgroups | Character | Identifies the Sub Groups that are associated with the Report Configuration. | Each value in the field represents the Sub Group Name of the GAA Wind Sub Group record. You can select one or more values in the field. |
Description | Text | Identifies the description of the record. | You can enter a value in this field. |
Is Default | Boolean | Indicates whether this record will be associated with a new Sub Group. |
This check box is automatically cleared, indicating that the record will not be associated with a new Sub Group unless you select the check box. |
Is Report | Boolean | Indicates whether this record is used for a Performance Record or a report. |
This check box is automatically selected, indicating that the record is used for a report. Clear the check box if you want the record to be used for a Performance Record. |
Report Name | Character | Identifies the full name of the record. |
This field is required. You can enter a value in this field. |
Report Type | Character | Identifies the type of the record. |
This field is required and populated by the MI_GAA_WIND_REPORT_TYPES System Code Table. You can enter or select a value in this field. |
Reporting Year | Numeric | Identifies the year of the record. |
This field is required. You can enter a value in this field. |
GAA Wind Scheduled Job Records
GAA Wind Scheduled Job records store information about fields that are defined for the GAA Wind Scheduled Job family in the baseline GE Digital APM database. This topic provides an alphabetical list and description of fields that exist for the GAA Wind Scheduled Job family. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields.
This family is not enabled for site filtering, which means that records in this family can be accessed by any user with the appropriate license and family privileges. For more information, refer to the Sites section of the documentation.
Field | Data Type | Description | Behavior and Usage |
Associated Companies | Character | Identifies the companies that are associated with the Scheduled Job. |
This field is required. Each value in the field represents the Company ID of the GAA Company record. You can select one or more values in the field. |
Associated Sub Groups | Character | Identifies the Sub Groups associated with the Scheduled Job. |
This field is required. Each value in the field represents the Sub Group Name of the GAA Wind Sub Group record. You can select one or more values in the field. |
Event Import Start Date | Date | Identifies the start date from when the Event data must be retrieved. | This field is required only if the Job Schedule Type is Recurring or if Job Schedule Type is One Time and Import Duration Type is set to Date Range and Job Type is Event Import Job. |
Import Duration Type | Character | Identifies the type of duration applicable for the import. | This field is required only if the Job Scheduled Type is One Time and Job Type is Event Import Job. This field can contain either of the following values.
Import Month | Numeric | Identifies the month for which the import is scheduled. | This field is required only if the Job Schedule Type is One Time and the Import Duration Type is set as Month and Year or if Job Type is Performance Report Generation Job. |
Import Year | Numeric | Identifies the year for which the import is scheduled. | This field is required only if the Job Schedule Type is One Time and the Import Duration Type is set as Month and Year or if Job Type is Performance Report Generation Job. |
Is Deleted | Boolean | Indicates if the Scheduled job has been deleted. | This field is used to mark a Scheduled Job deleted. |
Job Name | Character | Identifies the name for the Scheduled Job. |
This field is required. You can enter a value in the field. |
Job Schedule Type | Character | Identifies the type of job schedule. | This field is required and can be set to either of the following values:
Job Type | Character | Identifies the type of Job. | This field indicates the type of Scheduled Job that will be run. This field can contain either of the following values:
Log Level | Character | Identifies the level of logging that will be done for the scheduled job. |
This field is required. You can select any of the following values in the field:
Max Retry Count | Numeric | Identifies the maximum number of retries that will be done for the job. |
This field is required. You can enter a value in the field. The box is automatically populated with the value 3. However, you can modify the value in the field. |
Overwrite Existing Data | Boolean | Indicates whether to overwrite the existing data when the Scheduled Job runs. | The field value is selected by default. However, you can clear the box. |
Retry After Hours | Numeric | Indicates the number of hours after which the Scheduled Job will run during a retry attempt. |
This field is required. You can enter a value in the field. The box is automatically populated with the value 2. However, you can modify the value in the field. |
Schedule End Date | Date | Identifies the end date for the Recurring Scheduled Job. |
This field is required only if the Job Scheduling Type is Recurring. |
Schedule Repeat Interval | Character | Indicates the repeat interval for the recurring schedule. |
This field is required only if the Job Scheduling Type is Recurring. You can select any of the following values in the field:
Note: For a recurring Performance Report Job, this field is always set to Monthly.
Schedule Start Date | Date | Identifies the start date of the Scheduled Job. | This field is required. |
Event Import End Date | Date | Identifies the end date till when the Event data must be retrieved. | This field is required only if Job Schedule Type is One Time and Import Duration Type is set to Date Range and Job Type is Event Import Job. |
GAA Wind Sub Group Capacity Records
GAA Wind Sub Group Capacity records store information about fields that are defined for the GAA Wind Sub Group Capacity family in the baseline GE Digital APM database. This topic provides an alphabetical list and description of fields that exist for the GAA Wind Sub Group Capacity family and appear in the GAA Wind Sub Group Capacity datasheet, unless otherwise specified. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields.
This family inherits the site filtering setting of the GAA Wind Sub Group family. For more information, refer to the Site Filtering section of the documentation.
Field | Data Type | Description | Behavior and Usage |
Line Loss | Numeric | Identifies line losses in percentage. |
This field does not appear in the datasheet. |
Month | Character | Identifies the month for which the Sub Group data is reported. |
This field is required and populated by the MI_GAA_WIND_MONTH_LIST System Code Table. You can select a value in the field; however, after the record is saved, the field is disabled. |
Sub Group Name | Numeric | Identifies the Sub Group. | This field is disabled. By default, it is populated with the Sub Group Name of the associated GAA Wind Sub Group record. |
Total Loss Estimate (%) | Numeric |
Indicates losses such as line loss, transformer loss, and auxiliary load loss between the Unit and the revenue meter. |
This field is used to calculate the value in the Net Actual Generation field of a Performance Record. The field is required. You can enter a value in the field. |
Turbine Level Consumption | Numeric | Identifies the consumption by the Unit in megawatt hours. | This field does not appear in the datasheet. |
Year | Numeric | Identifies the year for which the Sub Group data is reported. | This field is required. You can enter a value in the field; however, after the record is saved, the field is disabled. |
GAA Wind Sub Group Records
GAA Wind Sub Group records store information about fields that are defined for the GAA Wind Sub Group family in the baseline GE Digital APM database. This topic provides an alphabetical list and description of fields that exist for the GAA Wind Sub Group family and appear in the GAA Wind Sub Group datasheet, unless otherwise specified. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields.
This family is enabled for site filtering, which means that records in this family can be assigned to a specific site, and will only be accessible to users who are assigned to the same site and have the appropriate license and family privileges. For more information, refer to the Sites section of the documentation.
Field | Data Type | Description | Behavior and Usage |
Annual Average Wind Speed | Numeric | Identifies, in meters per second, the annual average wind speed at a height of 80 meters. | This field is disabled and populated by default. |
Auxiliary Loads | Numeric | Identifies auxiliary losses in megawatt hours. | This field does not appear in the datasheet. |
Average Wind Speed | Numeric | Identifies the average annual wind speed in meters per second. | This field is disabled and populated by default. |
City | Character | Identifies the city where the Sub Group is located. | This field is disabled and populated by default. |
Commissioning Year | Numeric | Identifies the year when the Sub Group was commissioned. | This field is disabled and populated by default. |
Country | Character | Identifies the country where the Sub Group is located. |
This field is disabled and populated by the MI_GAA_WIND_COUNTRY System Code Table. |
Cut-In Wind Speed | Numeric | Identifies, in meters per second, the lowest wind speed at which the Unit will start to generate power. | This field is disabled and populated by default. |
Effective Date | Date | Identifies the effective date for which the Sub Group Ownership Status is reported. | This field is disabled and populated by default. |
Elevation | Numeric | Identifies the elevation of the physical location of the Sub Group in meters. | This field is disabled and populated by default. |
Group Name | Numeric | Identifies the Group of the Sub Group. |
This field is disabled. By default, it is populated with the value in the Group Name of the associated GAA Wind Group record. The field, however, stores the key of the GAA Wind Group record. |
High Cut-Out Wind Speed | Numeric | Identifies, in meters per second, the highest wind speed at which the Unit can generate power before cutting out. | This field is disabled and populated by default. |
ISO Resource ID | Character | A unique identifier provided by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) to link Sub Groups with an ISO market in the event that the ISO requires mandatory GADS reporting. | This field is disabled and populated by default. |
Location Latitude | Numeric | Identifies the degrees of latitude of the physical location of the Sub Group. | This field is disabled and populated by default. |
Location Longitude | Numeric | Identifies the degrees of longitude of the physical location of the Sub Group. | This field is disabled and populated by default. |
Low Cut-Out Wind Speed | Numeric | Identifies, in meters per second, the lowest wind speed at which the Unit can generate power before cutting out. | This field is disabled and populated by default. |
Max Turbine Capacity MW | Numeric | Identifies the maximum capacity that can be produced from a single Unit in the Sub Group. It is used to calculate the value in the Net Maximum Capacity field of a Performance Record. | This field is disabled and populated by default. |
Maximum Operating Temperature | Numeric | Identifies the maximum operating temperature in degrees Celsius. | This field is disabled and populated by default. |
Minimal Operating Temperature | Numeric | Identifies the minimum operating temperature in degrees Celsius. | This field is disabled and populated by default. |
Other Losses | Numeric |
Identifies, in megawatt hours, electrical losses due to transmission between the Unit and the revenue meter. | This field does not appear in the datasheet. |
Plant Name | Numeric | Identifies the Plant of the Sub Group. |
This field is disabled. By default, it is populated with the value in the Plant Name field of the associated GAA Wind Plant record. The field, however, stores the key of the GAA Wind Plant record. |
Reference Anemometer Height | Numeric | Identifies, in meters, the height of the highest anemometer on the reference meteorological tower. Often, the turbine anemometer is used for reference. | This field is disabled and populated by default. |
Region | Character | Identifies the region where the Sub Group is located. |
This field is disabled and populated by the MI_GAA_WIND_NERC_REGIONS System Code Table. |
Reserve Capacity | Numeric | Identifies, in megawatts, the reserve capacity of the Sub Group that is held in reserve. | This field is disabled and populated by default. |
Rotor Diameter | Numeric | Identifies the diameter of the rotor in meters. | This field is disabled and populated by default. |
Rotor Height | Numeric | Identifies the height of the rotor hub in meters. | This field is disabled and populated by default. |
SCADA Manufacturer | Character | Identifies the manufacturer of the SCADA system. |
This field is disabled and populated by the MI_GAA_WIND_SCADA_MANUFACTURERS System Code Table. |
SCADA Model | Character | Identifies the model name of the SCADA system. | This field is disabled and populated by default. |
State | Character | Identifies the state or province where the Sub Group is located. |
This field is disabled and populated by the MI_GAA_WIND_STATES System Code Table. |
Station Service | Numeric | Identifies the station service load in megawatt hours. | This field does not appear in the datasheet. |
Sub Group ID | Character |
Identifies the Sub Group.
| This field is disabled and populated by default. |
Sub Group Name | Character | Identifies the full name of the Sub Group. | This field is disabled and populated by default. |
Sub Group Ownership Status | Character | Identifies the ownership status of the Sub Group. |
This field is disabled and populated by the MI_GAA_WIND_SUBGROUP_OWNERSHIP_STATUS System Code Table. |
Sub Group Status | Character | Identifies the status of the entire Sub Group during the period for which the data is entered. |
This field is disabled and populated by the MI_GAA_WIND_SUBGROUP_STATUS System Code Table. |
Time Zone | Character | Identifies the time zone associated with the Sub Group. | This field is disabled and populated by default. |
Total Installed Capacity | Numeric | Identifies the total capacity for the Sub Group in megawatts. | This field is disabled and populated by default. |
Total Number Of Turbines | Numeric | Identifies the actual number of Units that exist in the Sub Group. It is used to calculate the value in the Net Maximum Capacity field of a Performance Record. | This field is disabled and populated by default. |
Transfer To Utility | Character | Identifies the Utility ID of the Company to which the Sub Group is sold. |
This field is disabled. It is required when the Sub Group Ownership Status being reported has the value Transfer. |
Transformer Losses | Numeric | Identifies transformer losses in megawatt hours. | This field does not appear in the datasheet. |
Turbine Manufacturer | Character | Identifies the name of the manufacturer of the Units in the Sub Group. |
This field is disabled and populated by the MI_GAA_WIND_TURBINE_MANUFACTUERES System Code Table. |
Turbine Model | Character | Identifies the model of the Units in the Sub Group. | This field is disabled and populated by default. |
Turbine Model Version | Character | Identifies the version name of the Units in the Sub Group. | This field is disabled and populated by default. |
Turbine System MW | Numeric | Identifies the System MW (megawatts) rating of a single Unit in the Sub Group. It is used to calculate the value in the Net Maximum Capacity field of a Performance Record. | This field is disabled and populated by default. |
Turbulence Intensity | Character | Identifies the average wind turbulence where the Sub Group is located. |
This field is disabled and populated by the MI_GAA_WIND_TURBULENCE System Code Table. |
Utility ID | Character | Identifies the NERC Compliance Registry number (NCR #) or voluntary reporting ID (assigned by NERC) of your Company. | This field is disabled and populated by default. |
Wind Regime | Character | Identifies the average topography of the area where the Sub Group is located. |
This field is disabled and populated by the MI_GAA_WIND_REGIMES System Code Table. |
Wind Shear | Character | Identifies the average strength of the difference between the speeds of wind. |
This field is disabled and populated by the MI_GAA_WIND_SHEAR System Code Table. |
GAA Wind Unit Records
GAA Wind Unit records store information about fields that are defined for the GAA Wind Unit family in the baseline GE Digital APM database. This topic provides an alphabetical list and description of fields that exist for the GAA Wind Unit family and appear in the GAA Wind Unit datasheet, unless otherwise specified. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields.
This family is enabled for site filtering, which means that records in this family can be assigned to a specific site, and will only be accessible to users who are assigned to the same site and have the appropriate license and family privileges. For more information, refer to the Sites section of the documentation.
Field | Data Type | Description | Behavior and Usage |
Equipment Key | Numeric | Identifies the Equipment associated with the Unit. | This field does not appear in the datasheet. |
Sub Group Name | Numeric | Identifies the full name of the Sub Group of the Unit. |
This field is disabled and automatically populated with the key of the Sub Group Name of the corresponding GAA Wind Sub Group record. |
Unit ID | Character | Identifies the Unit. |
This field is disabled and automatically populated. |
Unit Name | Character | Identifies the full name of the Unit. |
This field is disabled and automatically populated. |