Family Field Descriptions
RCM FMEA Analysis Records
This topic provides an alphabetical list and description of the fields that exist for the RCM FMEA Analysis family and appear on its datasheet. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields. This list is not comprehensive.
This family is enabled for site filtering, which means that records in this family can be assigned to a specific site, and will only be accessible to users who are assigned to the same site and have the appropriate license and family privileges. For more information, refer to the Sites section of the documentation.
Field | Data Type | Description | Behavior and Usage |
Analysis Identification | |||
Analysis End Date | Date/Time | The end date for the analysis. | You can use the Calendar feature to select the date on which the analysis should end. |
Analysis ID | Character | The ID of the analysis. | Generated automatically by the system. Cannot be modified. |
Analysis Long Description | Text | A more detailed description of the analysis. | You can enter a description manually. |
Analysis Re-Evaluation Date | Date/Time | The date scheduled between the start and end dates to re-evaluate analysis parameters. | This date cannot be before the Analysis Start Date. |
Analysis Short Description | Text | A brief description of the analysis. | This is a required field. |
Analysis Start Date | Date/Time | The start date for the analysis. | You can use the Calendar feature to select the date on which the analysis should begin. |
Analysis Type | List | The type of analysis. | Generated automatically by the system. Cannot be modified. |
System Definition | |||
System Boundary Description | Text | Details for the system boundary. | You can enter a description manually. |
System Criticality | Character | The level of criticality for the system being analyzed. | This value is based on criticality evaluation outside of GE Digital APM, and therefore must be entered manually. |
System Criticality Basis | List | The criticality basis for a system. | This field will contain one of the following values:
System ID | Character | The ID for the system. | Enter a value manually in the text box. |
System Long Description | Text | Details for the system. | You can enter a description manually. |
System Name | Character | The name of the system. | Enter a value manually in the text box. |
System Notes | Text | Any notes necessary for the system. | You can enter your notes manually. |
System Primary Drawing Number | Numeric | The number that references a drawing or diagram of the system. | This value is based on an indexing system outside of GE Digital APM, and therefore must be entered manually. |
RCM FMEA Template Records
This topic provides an alphabetical list and description of the fields that exist for the RCM FMEA Template family and appear on its datasheet. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields. This list is not comprehensive.
This family is enabled for site filtering, which means that records in this family can be assigned to a specific site, and will only be accessible to users who are assigned to the same site and have the appropriate license and family privileges. For more information, refer to the Sites section of the documentation.
Field | Data Type | Description | Behavior and Usage |
Analysis Type | List | The type of analysis the template is based on. | This field is populated automatically with FMEA and cannot be modified. |
Approved Date | Date/Time | The date on which the template was approved. | You can use the Calendar feature to select the date on which the template was approved. |
Approver | Character | The person who approved the template. | Enter the name and/or title of the approver. |
Author | List | The user that created the template. | This field is generated automatically and cannot be modified. |
Created On | Date/Time | The date on which the template was created. | This field is generated automatically and cannot be modified. |
Criticality | Character | The degree to which an asset is functionally or economically important. | This field is read-only and populated automatically. |
Description | Text | Details for the template. | You can enter a description manually. |
Duty | Character | The duty cycle context under which the asset is operating (i.e., continuous or standby). | This field is read-only and the value is populated by the APT template data load. |
ID | Character | The ID of the template. | This is a required field. It can be modified, but each template ID must remain unique. |
Service | Character | The process and environmental conditions under which the asset is operating. | This field is read-only and the value is populated by the APT template data load. |
Status | List | The status of the template. | This field will contain on of the following values:
Template Category | Character | Any category name you want to assign to the template. | Enter a category in the field. |
Template Notes | Text | Any additional information you want to provide about the analysis template. | Enter additional notes in the field. |
Type | Text | The family of the record from which the template was created. | This field is generated automatically and cannot be modified. |
RCM FMEA Asset Records
This topic provides an alphabetical list and description of the fields that exist for the RCM FMEA Asset family and appear on its datasheet. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields. This list is not comprehensive.
This family is enabled for site filtering, which means that records in this family can be assigned to a specific site, and will only be accessible to users who are assigned to the same site and have the appropriate license and family privileges. For more information, refer to the Sites section of the documentation.
Field | Data Type | Description | Behavior and Usage |
Asset Description | Text | Description of the asset. | You can enter a description manually. |
Asset ID | Character | The original Equipment ID for the asset. | Populated automatically when you select an asset from the Asset Finder. This is a required field. |
Asset Type | List | The type of asset. | Generated automatically by the system. Can be modified, if needed. This is a required field. |
Purpose Statement | Text | Purpose of the asset. | You can enter a description manually. |
FMEA Asset ID | Character | The ID for the asset specific to the FMEA module. | Generated automatically by the system. Cannot be modified. |
RCM FMEA Failure Effect Records
This topic provides an alphabetical list and description of the fields that exist for the RCM FMEA Failure Effect family and appear on its datasheet. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields. This list is not comprehensive.
This family is enabled for site filtering, which means that records in this family can be assigned to a specific site, and will only be accessible to users who are assigned to the same site and have the appropriate license and family privileges. For more information, refer to the Sites section of the documentation.
Field | Data Type | Description | Behavior and Usage |
Effect ID | Character | The ID of the failure effect. | Generated automatically by the system. Cannot be modified. |
Effect Impact | List | The level at which the failure effect has an impact. | The field will contain one of the following values:
Effect Long Description | Text | Description of the failure effect. | You can enter a description manually. |
Effect Name | Character | The name of the failure effect. | Enter a value manually in the text box. This is a required field. |
Unmitigated Driving Risk Category | List | Unmitigated risk category from failure mode Risk section. | Generated automatically by the system. Cannot be modified. |
Unmitigated Driving Risk Rank | Numeric | Unmitigated risk rank value assigned from failure mode Risk section. | Generated automatically by the system. Cannot be modified. |
Unmitigated Financial Risk | Numeric | Unmitigated risk value assigned from failure mode Risk section. | Generated automatically by the system. Cannot be modified. |
Unmitigated Risk | Numeric | Unmitigated risk value assigned from failure mode Risk section. | Generated automatically by the system. Cannot be modified. |
RCM FMEA Failure Mode Records
This topic provides an alphabetical list and description of the fields that exist for the RCM FMEA Failure Mode family and appear on its datasheet. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields. This list is not comprehensive.
This family is enabled for site filtering, which means that records in this family can be assigned to a specific site, and will only be accessible to users who are assigned to the same site and have the appropriate license and family privileges. For more information, refer to the Sites section of the documentation.
Field | Data Type | Description | Behavior and Usage |
Damage Code | Character | The code associated with the damage type. | This value is based on an indexing system outside of GE Digital APM, and therefore must be entered manually. |
Failure Mechanism | Character | The physical, electrical, chemical, and mechanical factors which cause a failure individually or in combination with other factors. | Enter factors which have induced the failure. |
Failure Mechanism Description | Text | Description of the failure mechanism. | Enter a description for the failure mechanism. |
Failure Mode ID | Character | The ID of the failure mode. | Generated automatically by the system. Cannot be modified. |
Failure Mode Long Description | Text | Description of the failure mode. | Enter a description for the failure mode. |
Failure Mode Name | Character | The name of the failure mode. | This is a required field. |
Failure Pattern | List | The type of failure pattern exhibited by the asset. | The field will contain one of the following values:
Maintainable Item | Character | An item from an EAM system, failure codes, etc. | This value is based on an indexing system outside of GE Digital APM, and therefore must be entered manually. |
PF Interval | Numeric | The interval value for potential to failure of the asset. | Enter the number of the interval to be combined with the PF Interval Units. |
PF Interval Units | List | Unit of measurement for the potential to failure of the asset. | The field will contain one of the following values:
Related Asset ID | Character | The ID for the asset related to the failure mode. | This field contains a list of assets that are linked to the analysis. You can select any ID in the list. The selected asset will be linked to subsequent recommendation records. This is a required field. |
Related Asset Type | List | The type of the asset that is related to the failure mode. | The Related Asset Type field is automatically populated with the Asset Type value from the associated Asset record. Note: If you modify the value in the Related Asset ID field of an existing Failure Mode record, the links to any recommendations will also be updated. Note, however, that if RCM FMEA Task records have been linked to the Recommendation record, changing the Related Asset ID in the Failure Mode record will not update the link to the Task record. The RCM FMEA Task record will continue to be linked to the RCM FMEA Asset or Asset record to which the Recommendation record was linked when the Task record was originally created. |
RCM FMEA Recommendation Records
This topic provides an alphabetical list and description of the fields that exist for the RCM FMEA Recommendation family and appear on its datasheet. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields. This list is not comprehensive.
This family is enabled for site filtering, which means that records in this family can be assigned to a specific site, and will only be accessible to users who are assigned to the same site and have the appropriate license and family privileges. For more information, refer to the Sites section of the documentation.
Field | Data Type | Description | Behavior and Usage |
Recommendation | |||
Asset ID | Character | The ID for the asset associated with the recommendation. | This field's value is automatically populated. |
Asset Shutdown Required? | Boolean | Indicates whether or not the asset must be physically shut down after implementing the action. | Select the check box to flag for an equipment shutdown after the action is applied. |
Business Impact | List | Indicates the scope of impact for carrying out the recommendation. | This field contains a list of the following values:
Select the value that defines the level of impact to carry out the recommendation. |
Comments | Text | Any additional information pertaining to the recommendation. | N/A |
Create Work Request? | Boolean | Indicates whether or not a work request should be generated for this recommendation. | Select the check box if you want a work request to be automatically generated for this recommendation. |
Recommendation Description | Text | A description for the recommendation. | N/A |
Recommendation Headline | Character | The title of the recommendation record. | This is a required field. |
Recommendation ID | Character | A unique ID for the recommendation. | This field's value is automatically populated. |
Target Completion Date | Date/Time | Target date for the recommendation's action to be executed. | Use the date/time selectors to select the date and time by which the action must be executed. |
Technical Number | Character | The technical number for the associated asset of the recommendation. | This field's value is automatically populated. |
Work Request Equipment | Text | The specific equipment associated with the work request. | This field's value is automatically populated. |
Work Request Functional Location | Text | The specific functional location associated with the work request. | This field's value is automatically populated. |
Work Request Reference | Text | The reference ID for the work request. | This field's value is automatically populated. |
Action Information | |||
***Failure Finding Activity*** | See an explanation of the Failure Finding Activity cell values. | ||
Action Type | List | The type of action associated with the recommendation. | This field contains a list of the following values:
Select the action type from the corresponding action. The values are driven by system code table MI_ACTION_TYPE. |
Display FFI Units As | List | The unit used to indicate the FFI value. | N/A |
Estimated Cost | Numeric | The estimated cost for carrying out the action. | Enter the numeric value for the estimate cost of implementing the recommendation. |
Estimated Cost Basis | Text | An explanation for the estimated cost of carrying out the action. | N/A |
FFI | Numeric | Indicates frequency of failure finding tasks. | N/A |
Interval | Numeric | The number of the interval unit corresponding to how often the action should be performed. | This value corresponds with Interval Units to give the complete frequency with which the action should be performed. |
Interval Units | List | The unit of the interval corresponding to how often the action should be performed. | This value corresponds with Interval to give the complete frequency with which the action should be performed. |
Nonrecurring | Boolean | Indicates whether the action should be on a recurring basis or only once. | Select the check box if you only want the action performed once instead of on a recurring basis. |
Performance Interval | Numeric | Reference value for the interval of the performance of the action. | The values in the Performance Interval field is not used in any calculations in ASM. You can use them as reference values, but no logic is executed based on the values. All calculations that require an interval are based on the values in the Interval field and the Interval Units field. |
Performance Interval Units | List | Reference value for the interval units of the performance of the action. | The values in the Performance Interval Units field is not used in any calculations in ASM. You can use them as reference values, but no logic is executed based on the values. All calculations that require an interval are based on the values in the Interval field and the Interval Units field. |
Recommended Resource | Text/List | A custom entry for a resource to execute action. | Use the drop-down list and enter text into the add caption box that corresponds to the custom resource. |
Use Calculated FFI Results | Boolean | Indicates whether or not you want to use the calculated FFI results. | N/A |