Deploy SAP

Deploy the SAP Adapters for the First Time

The following outlines the steps that you must complete to deploy and configure this module for the first time.

About This Task

These instructions assume that you have completed the steps for deploying the basic APM system architecture.

These tasks may be completed by multiple people in your organization. We recommend, however, that the tasks be completed in the order in which they are listed.

Configure the Context File Directory for Multiple SAP Systems

APM Connect allows you to extract data from multiple SAP Systems using the Master Job to extract from multiple systems. You must set up the appropriate directory structures.

About This Task

Additionally, jobs are automatically configured to run a full extraction or load per context file for each job cycle, allowing different configurations per SAP System.

Important: This step is required only if you are using multiple SAP Systems from which you plan on extracting data. If you are not using multiple SAP systems, you can skip this procedure and proceed to the next step, install the SAP Java connector, in the APM Connect Base First-Time Deployment Workflow.


  1. On the machine on which you installed APM Connect, navigate to the following location: C:\APMConnect\Config\.
  2. Create a new folder for each SAP System using the following folder structure: C:\APMConnect\Config\<SAP System Name>.
  3. In each SAP system folder, place a copy of the context file.
  4. Label each copy of the context file using the following format: SAP_<system name>_Contextfile.xml.
    Important: You must label the context file with SAP_ at the beginning of the file name, or APM Connect will be unable to read the context file during the extraction.
    The directory structure is in place with the complete file path: C:APMConnect\Config\<SAP system name>\SAP_<SAP system name>_Contextfile.xml.For example, a configured directory will resemble the following: C:\APMConnect\Config\Q-66\SAP_Q66_Contextfile.xml.

Enable Multiple Cultures From a Single Source System

To enable data flow when there are multiple cultures configured for a single source system, you must complete the following steps.


  1. Create a context file for each culture originating from a specific source system.
    1. Assign a CMMS_ID and TARGET_CMMS_ID that indicates the culture.
      For example, consider a source system that supports both French and Spanish. Your CMMS_ID and TARGET_CMMS_ID for the two systems could resemble SRC1_client_FR and SRC1_client_ES.
  2. Create the Intermediate Repository database for the first CMMS_ID you define.
  3. For each additional CMMS_ID defined in Step 1.a, run the addSourceSystem job.
  4. For each CMMS_ID defined in Step 1.a, create an EAM system record, using the CMMS_ID in the System Name field.
  5. Select Test Connection for each EAM System record you created.


You have configured APM Connect to support multiple cultures from a single source system.

Configure the Context File

This topic describes how to access and configure parameters in these context files.

Before you can run a job in the APM Connect Administration Center, you must specify a set of connection parameters and corresponding values to establish a connection between APM Connect components, APM, and your EAM system. Each of these connections is used when running a job, and it is required. The connections are established via context files.

Tip: The SAP Adapters support connections between multiple SAP systems and multiple APM databases by using one context file for each SAP system or APM database.


  1. On the APM Connect server, access your context file. If you installed it in the default location, navigate to the following folder: C:\APMConnect\Config
  2. Configure the context file for your type of deployment.
    Important: Changes made to the context file will override changes made in the Context parameters section of APM Connect Administration Center.

    To configure the context file, enter the appropriate values for each parameter into the context file according to the following table.

    Interface Mode Selection
    ParametersDescriptionDefault or Recommended Value
    SAP_CLOUD_ENABLEDDetermines whether the Adapter will be used in a cloud environment.You must enter one of the following values:
    • true: Adapter will be run in the cloud.
    • false: Adapter will be run on premises.
    LOAD_MERIDIUM_APMDetermines whether the data will be loaded into the Meridium database.You must enter one of the following values:
    • true: Data will be loaded into the Meridium database.
    • false: Data will not be loaded into the Meridium database.
    LOAD_DIGITAL_APMDetermines whether the data will be loaded into the Predix database.You must enter one of the following values:
    • true: Data will be loaded into the Predix database.
    • false: Data will not be loaded into the Predix database.
    CMMS_IDThe CMMS ID is used as the identifier for your SAP system, and is <SAP System ID>-<SAP Client ID>.

    For example, if your System ID is D03 and your Client ID is 001, then your CMMS ID would be DO3-001.

    This value is required.

    Enter a unique value.

    Note: When supporting multiple cultures from a single source system, the value indicates the language of the culture.
    TARGET_CMMS_IDThis parameter indicates the CMMS ID that receives data and matches the value of CMMS_ID.

    This value is required only when enabling multiple cultures from a single source system.

    Enter a unique value.

    Note: When supporting multiple cultures from a single source system, the value indicates the language of the culture.
    SOURCE_SYSTEM_TYPEIdentifies the type of system connecting with APM.

    This value is required.

    You must enter one of the following values:

    • SAP: If the source system is SAP.
    • SAP-PI: If the source system is SAP-PI.
    Intermediate Repository (IR) Connection
    ParametersDescription Default or Recommended Value
    IR_HOSTThe IP address of the IR.Enter the host name of the PostgresSQL server. If you installed APM Connect using the default settings, then the value is localhost.
    IR_PORTThe port number of the IR.Enter your PostgreSQL port. The default value is 5432.
    IR_DATABASEThe database in which the IR data is stored.Enter a name for the IR database. This value will be used to create the IR database.
    IR_SCHEMAThe schema in which the IR database will be created.The default value is public.
    IR_USERIDThe IR user name.Enter the user name for the PostgresSQL database. The default user name is postgres.
    IR_PASSWORDThe IR system password.Enter the password for the PostgresSQL database that was created during installation.
    SAP Connection
    ParametersDescription Default or Recommended Value
    SAP_CLIENTThe SAP client from where the data is imported.Enter a unique value.
    SAP_HOSTThe IP address or the host name of the SAP application server.Enter a unique value.
    SAP_LANGUAGEThe language in which the SAP system sends messages to APM Connect.The default value is EN.
    SAP_SYSTEM_NUMBERThe instance number of the SAP application server.Enter a unique value.
    SAP_USERIDThe SAP system user ID.Enter a unique value.
    SAP_PASSWORDThe SAP system password.Enter a unique value.
    SAP_SYSTEM_TIMEZONEThe SAP Application Server Operating System time zone.The default value is EST.
    SAP_FILE_ENCODINGDetermines the encoding of the source data. The default value is UTF8.

    All the character encoding supported by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) are correct.

    EXTRACT_NUM_PARALLEL_JOBDetermines the maximum number of SAP background jobs allowed during extraction. The recommended value is 10.
    IR_LOAD_NUM_PARALLEL_JOBSDetermines the maximum number of SAP background jobs allowed during loading.The recommended value is 10.
    File System
    ParametersDescription Default or Recommended Value
    PLSAP_INPUTThe path of the directory you created, which SAP uses to place data files used by APM Connect.Enter a unique value.
    PLSAP_OUTPUTThe path of the directory used by APM Connect to search for the files created by SAP. This directory should be shared with the SAP server.Enter a unique value.
    IR_TALEND_OUTPUTThe temporary workspace used when moving files from SAP to APM Connect.Enter your unique directory path.
    SFTP_STAGING_DIR The temporary storage location for files that are waiting to be loaded.Enter your unique value (for example, C:\APMConnect\Staging).
    LOG_BASE_DIRThe location where the EAM logs need to be generated. This location needs to be the share location where APM can reach for the EAM logs. For installation, it has to be some sub-folder within the share location setup for the Data Loaders.Example: C:\APMConnect\DataLoaderFiles\<DataSource>\EAMLogs\
    UNC_FILE_PATHProvide the same location where the Log Files are created for the EAM interfaces. The file path must be in UNC format as the APM Application Server would need to access the generated logs.Example: \\<APMCShareFolderName>\<DataSource>\EAMLogs\
    ParametersDescription Default or Recommended Value
    APM Connection
    Note: The APM Connection Parameters are not required for a cloud deployment.
    APM_API_APP_SERVERThe APM API application server name.Enter the name of your APM API server.
    APM_API_USE_SSLSpecifies whether the APM API application uses SSL.The valid values are:
    • true: The API application uses SSL.
    • false: The API application does not use SSL.

    The default value is false.

    APM_APP_SERVERThe APM application server name.Enter the name of your APM server.
    APM_DATASOURCEThe APM data source to which the data will be exported.Enter the name of your APM data source.
    APM_USERIDThe APM Framework user ID.Enter a unique value.
    APM_PASSWORDThe APM Framework password.Enter a unique value.
    ParametersDescription Default or Recommended Value
    MANUAL_RUNDetermines how the date parameters will be treated.You must enter one of the following values:
    • true: The dates specified in the context files will be used. Additionally, the dates of the last successful run stored in the database will not be updated.
    • false: The date range used during the extraction will be the date of the last successful record as stored in the database. Each time a job is run successfully, the database is updated with those dates and all the subsequent runs will use the dates from the last successful record.
    MULTI_OBJECTS_ENABLEDDetermines if different types of objects that are logically related to each other can be classified into a single class type.

    For example, you can use class type 023 to classify both materials and batches.

    You must enter one of the following values:
    • true: Used if the SAP system is enabled to allow multiple objects.
    • false: Used if the SAP system is not enabled to allow multiple objects. This is the default value.
    TECHNICAL_CHARACTERISTICS_ENABLEDDetermines if the technical characteristics of Equipment or Functional Location will be extracted. You must enter one of the following values:
    • true: If you are using Equipment or Functional Location Adapter.
    • false: If you are not using Equipment or Functional Location Adapter. This is the default value.
    ParametersDescription Default or Recommended Value
    MAINT_PLANTThe ID(s) of the Maintenance Plant whose data you want to extract.Plant values cannot exceed four characters.
    LANGUAGEThe SAP code that represents the language of the description to transfer data into APM.The value must be a single character.
    CREATE_DATE_STARTThe date value that limits the data extracted to records created on or after the specified date.Date must be entered in the following format: YYYYMMDD.
    CREATE_DATE_ENDThe date value that limits the data extracted to records created on or before the specified date.Date must be entered in the following format: YYYYMMDD.
    CHANGE_DATE_STARTThe date value that limits the data extracted to records changed on or after the specified date.Date must be entered in the following format: YYYYMMDD.
    CHANGE_DATE_ENDThe date value that limits the data extracted to records changed on or before the specified date.Date must be entered in the following format: YYYYMMDD.
    Equipment Filter Criteria
    ParametersDescription Default or Recommended Value
    EQUIPMENT_NOThe number that identifies the Equipment record that you want to extract.Equipment number should not exceed 18 characters. You cannot exceed 500 Equipment numbers.

    For multiple Equipment records, separate the numbers using commas.

    EQUIPMENT_CATEGORYThe ID of the Equipment category that limits the Equipment records extracted.Equipment category ID must be a single character.

    For multiple Equipment categories, separate the IDs using commas.

    EQUIPMENT_TYPEThe ID of the Equipment type that limits the Equipment records extracted.Equipment type ID should not exceed 10 characters.

    For multiple Equipment types, separate the IDs using commas.

    EQUIPMENT_CLASSThe ID of the Equipment classification that limits the Equipment records extracted.Equipment classification ID should not exceed 18 characters.

    If an Equipment has multiple classifications, if you specify any one of those classifications, the Equipment record will be extracted.

    For multiple Equipment classifications, separate the IDs using commas.

    Functional Location Filter Criteria
    ParametersDescription Default or Recommended Value
    FLOC_NOThe ID of the Functional Location that limits the Functional Location records extracted.Functional Location ID should not exceed 40 characters. You cannot exceed 500 Functional Location numbers.

    For multiple Functional Locations, separate the IDs using commas.

    FLOC_TYPEThe ID of the Functional Location type that limits the Functional Location records extracted.Functional Location type ID should not exceed 10 characters.

    For multiple Functional Location types, separate the IDs using commas.

    FLOC_CLASSThe ID of the Functional Location classification that limits the Functional Location records extracted.Functional Location classification ID should not exceed 18 characters.

    For multiple Functional Location classifications, separate the IDs using commas.

    FLOC_CATEGORYThe ID of the Functional Location category that limits the Functional Location records extracted.Functional Location category ID must be a single character.

    For multiple Functional Location categories, separate the IDs using commas.

    Planned Work Filter Criteria
    ParametersDescription Default or Recommended Value
    MAINTENANCE_PLANMaintenance Plan ID number that defines the Planned Work data that you want to extract.The Maintenance Plan ID is 12 characters. If this filter is not specified, all Planned Work data is extracted.
    Work History Filter Criteria
    ParametersDescription Default or Recommended Value
    NOTIFICATION_NOThe number that identifies the Notification record that you want to extract.Notification number should not exceed 12 characters.

    For multiple Notification records, separate the numbers using commas.

    WORK_ORDER_NOThe number that identifies the Work Order record that you want to extract.Work Order number should not exceed 12 characters.

    For multiple Work Order records, separate the numbers using commas.

    NOTIFICATION_TYPEThe Notification type that limits the Work Order records that you want to extract.Notification type should not exceed two characters.

    For multiple Notification types, separate the Notification types using commas.

    WORK_ORDER_TYPEThe ID of the Work Order type that limits the orders that you want to extract.Work Order type should not exceed four characters.

    For multiple Work Order types, separate the IDs using commas.

    WORK_ORDER_SYSTEM_STATUSThe Work Order systems status that limits the Work Orders that you want to extract.Work Order system status should not exceed four characters.
    WORK_ORDER_USER_STATUSThe Work Order user status that limits the Work Orders that you want to extract.Work Order user status should not exceed four characters.
    NOTIFICATION_SYSTEM_STATUSThe Notification system status that limits the notifications that you want to extract.Notification system status should not exceed four characters.
    NOTIFICATION_USER_STATUSNotification user status that limits the notifications that you want to extract.Notification user status should not exceed four characters.
    CREATE_TIME_STARTThe time value that limits the data extracted to records created on or after the specified time.Time must be in the following format: HHMMSS.
    CREATE_TIME_ENDThe time value that limits the data extracted to records created on or before the specified time.Time must be in the following format: HHMMSS.
    CHANGE_TIME_STARTThe time value that limits the data extracted to records changed on or after the specified time.Time must be in the following format: HHMMSS.
    CHANGE_TIME_ENDThe time value that limits the data extracted to records changed on or before the specified time.Time must be in the following format: HHMMSS.
    Work Management
    ParametersDescription Default or Recommended Value
    MAINTENANCE_PLANThe number that identifies the maintenance plan record.The maintenance plan number must not exceed 12 characters.
    INSPECTION_FAMILYDetermines the family to which the Inspection records are associated.To use the default association, enter the value MI_TASKINSP.
    INSPECTION_CONDITIONDetermines the SAP control key used to identify trigger values for Inspection records.The parameter requires the following specific syntax: <SAP Table>-<SAP Field> EQ '<Key Value 1>,<Key Value 2>,<Key Value 3>, etc.'

    To use the default configuration, enter the following value: PLPO-STEUS EQ 'ZMI1'.

    CALIBRATION_FAMILYDetermines the family to which the Calibration records are associated. To use the default configuration, enter the value MI_TASKCALB.
    CALIBRATION_CONDITIONDetermines the SAP control key used to identify trigger values for Calibration records.The parameter requires the following specific syntax: <SAP Table>-<SAP Field> EQ '<Key Value 1>,<Key Value 2>,<Key Value 3>, etc.'

    To use the default configuration, enter the following value: PLPO-STEUS EQ 'ZMI2'.

    ParametersDescription Default or Recommended Value
    Note: The Queue parameters apply only to cloud deployment.
    QUEUE_HOSTThe queue host name.Enter your unique value, which was provided during installation.
    QUEUE_HOST_1An additional queue host name.Enter your unique value, which was provided during installation.
    QUEUE_HOST_2An additional queue host name.Enter your unique value, which was provided during installation.
    QUEUE_PORTThe queue port.Enter your unique value, which was provided during installation.
    QUEUE_PORT_1An additional queue port.Enter your unique value, which was provided during installation.
    QUEUE_PORT_2An additional queue port.Enter your unique value, which was provided during installation.
    QUEUE_USERThe queue user name.Enter your unique value, which was provided during installation.
    QUEUE_PASSWORDThe queue password.Enter your unique value, which was provided during installation.
    CUSTOMER_NAMEThe coded customer name.Enter your unique value, which was provided during installation.
    USE_SSLProvides for encryption and authentication of the data and its transmission to the server.Enter a unique value.
    TRUSTSTORE_FILELocation of the file with all the necessary keys and certificates for data transfer to the server using the active message queue.Enter a unique value.
    TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORDPassword of the trust store for APM Connect to retrieve the keys.Enter a unique value.
    ParametersDescription Default or Recommended Value

    SFTP Connection is supported only for the SAP Adapters, and configuration is required only if you are using FTP to transfer information between your systems.

    Important: If you are using an SAP System with the SAPFTP_SERVERS table, you must configure that table to activate SFTP servers according to the SAP Help system. You can refer to SAP OSS 1605054 for more details. Typically, this will apply to any SAP version later than ECC6 EHP5.
    PLSAP_FTP_HOSTThe SFTP server host name.Enter a unique value.
    PLSAP_FTP_USERIDThe SFTP server user name.Enter a unique value.
    PLSAP_FTP_PASSWORDThe SFTP server password.Enter a unique value.
    PLSAP_FTP_PORTThe SFTP server port.If the default configuration was followed, enter the following value:
    • 22: For SFTP connection.
    PLSAP_FTP_MODEThe mode by which files are copied.Enter one of the following values:
    • SERVER: To use file shares.
    • SFTP: To use standard secure FTP.
    • WS for the Webservice Transfer.
    PLSAP_FTP_SCAN_DIRThe remote SFTP directory used to scan for files.Enter a unique value.
    PLSAP_FTP_NUM_OF_RETRYThe number of times to scan the SFTP server for files.10
    PLSAP_FTP_SLEEP_TIMEThe time in seconds between scans.10
    PLSAP_SFTP_SCP_COMMANDThe command name created when establishing the SFTP transfer in SAP.Enter a unique value.
    ParametersDescription Default or Recommended Value
    Note: The SFTP parameters apply only to cloud deployment.
    SFTP_HOSTThe SFTP server host name.Enter your unique value, which was provided during installation.
    SFTP_USERIDThe SFTP server user name.Enter your unique value, which was provided during installation.
    SFTP_PASSWORDThe SFTP server password.Enter your unique value, which was provided during installation.
    SFTP_PORTThe SFTP server port.Enter your unique value, which was provided during installation.
    SFTP_LANDING_DIRThe directory path where the shared files are stored.Enter your unique value, which was provided during installation.
    USE_SSH_KEYDetermines if SSH security configuration will be used by the adapters. You must enter one of the following values:
    • true: SSH configuration will be used.
    • false: SSH configuration will not be used.
    SSH_PRIVATE_KEYThe directory where the SSH key is stored. Enter a unique value. The SSH key must be generated by the user in the openSSH format. This key can be stored in any directory on the APM Connect server, but it is recommended to store it in the following directory: C:\APMConnect\Config
    ParametersDescription Default or Recommended Value
    Email Notification
    Note: The Email Notification parameters apply only to cloud deployment.
    EMAIL_FROMThe email address from which the notification email will be sent. Enter a unique value.
    EMAIL_TO The email address(es) to which the email will be sent. Enter a unique value.
    FAILURE_DETAIL_REPORT_ENABLEDIndicates whether the failure detail report will be sent when a record fails to load.

    You must enter one of the following values:

    • true: The failure detail report, detailing the records that failed to load into APM and the reason for failure, will be sent.
    • false: The failure detail report will not be sent.
    FAILURE_DETAIL_REPORT_JRXML_FILE_PATHDirectory where the JasperReport file to generate the failure detail report in PDF will be delivered. Enter a unique value.
    LOAD_SUMMARY_REPORT_ENABLED Indicates whether the load complete report will be loaded with each extraction.

    You must enter one of the following values:

    • true: The load complete report, detailing the number of records that were extracted and successfully loaded into APM, will be sent.
    • false: The load complete report will not be sent.
    LOAD_SUMMARY_REPORT_JRXML_FILE_PATHDirectory where the JasperReport file to generate the summary detail report in PDF will be delivered. Enter a unique value.
    REPORT_TARGET_DIRDirectory where the report file will be delivered.Enter a unique value.
    SMTP_HOSTThe host for SMTP installation the APM Connect server. Enter a unique value.
    SMTP_PORTThe port for SMTP. The default value is 25.
    ParametersDescription Default or Recommended Value
    EQUIPMENT_THRESHOLDThe maximum number of records that should be transferred from SAP to APM in a single run of the Equipment Adapter.The default value is 100000.
    FLOC_THRESHOLDThe maximum number of records that should be transferred from SAP to APM in a single run of the Function Location Adapter.The default value is 100000.
    WORKHISTORY_THRESHOLDThe maximum number of records that should be transferred from SAP to APM in a single run of the Work History Adapter.The default value is 50000.
    OVERRIDE_GUARDRAILS Indicates whether the job will continue if the number of records exceeds the defined threshold.The default value is Y, which means that the job will run regardless of the number of records included. A warning notification will also be sent to the email address specified in the EMAIL_TO parameter within the Email Notification Parameters section of this file. If you set this parameter to N, the job will be terminated when the number of records exceeds the defined threshold, and an error notification will be sent.
    ParametersDescription Default or Recommended Value
    SAP PI
    Note: Enter the appropriate values for the following parameters into the context file only if you are deploying the SAP Adapters for Process Integration (SAP PI) (in which case the parameter SAP_USE_PI should have the value true).
    SAP_USE_PIDetermines whether the SAP PI connection will be used.You must enter one of the following values:
    • true: SAP PI connection will be used.
    • false: SAP PI connection will not be used. This is the default value.
    SAP_SYSTEM_IDThe system IDs of the SAP systems from which you want to extract data.Enter a unique value.
    SAP_PI_HOSTThe SAP PI server host. Enter a unique value. For example:
    • - when not using SSL.
    • - when using SSL.
    SAP_PI_PORTThe SAP PI server port. Enter a unique value.
    SAP_PI_RECEIVER_PARTYThe receiver party configured in the SAP PI ID configurations. This is optional and unique to the user.
    SAP_PI_RECEIVER_SERVICEThe receiver service configured in the SAP PI ID configurations.This is optional and unique to the user.
    SAP_PI_SENDER_PARTYThe sender party configured in the SAP PI ID configurations.This is optional and unique to the user.
    SAP_PI_SENDER_SERVICEThe sender service configured in the SAP PI ID configurations.If not specified, the default value is Meridium_APMConnect. The value must match what is in the communication channel in SAP.
    SAP_PI_USERIDThe SAP PI user ID.Enter a unique value.
    SAP_PI_PASSWORDThe SAP PI password. Enter a unique value.
    COMPRESS_TYPE Determines if the files will be compressed and the method of compression that is used.

    You must enter one of the following values:

    • None: Files are not compressed.
      Note: If you do not compress files, large extractions will take a long time.
    • SAPCAR: Files are compressed by SAP. This is the recommended value. If used, you must install the SAPCAR file on the APM Connect server.
    • ZIP: Files are compressed through a standard zip method.
    COMPRESS_SAP_COMMAND_NAMEThe value of the command name created.You must enter one of the following values:
    • ZSAPCAR: The command name for SAP compression.
    • ZSZIP: The command name for standard compression.
    FILE_MOVE_USE_PIDetermines if APM Connect should use SAP PI to extract and load data. You must enter one of the following values:
    • true: SAP PI will move the data from SAP to APM Connect.
    • false: APM Connect will directly copy the data from SAP.
    MAX_FILE_WAIT_SECDefines how long the PI Adapters will wait for the extraction to complete before the job times out.The recommended value is 1000.
    SAP_PI_AAEIf you are using SAP 7.3 or above, you may use the Advanced Adapter Engine (AAE). This parameter allows this functionality to be used during extraction. You must enter one of the following values:
    • true: If you are using AAE.
    • false: If you are not using AAE. This is the default value.

Configure Site Reference Values

To assign site references to records using values other than those in the baseline configuration, you must modify the autojoin_control table in the Intermediate Repository.

About This Task

Important: Site Reference records corresponding to the site references that you specify must exist in APM before you can transfer records.


  • Configure the Site Reference Value to Use an Indirect Site Reference Value
    1. Access a database browser tool, and then access your Intermediate Repository (PostgreSQL) database.
    2. Locate the autojoin_control table, and then locate the site_reference column.
      Tip: For details about what each column in the autojoin_control table contains, see About Site Filtering Configuration.
    3. Update the value in the site_reference column using the format #FIELD_ID#, where FIELD_ID represents the ID of the field from which you want to populate the site reference value.

      For example, if you want the site reference value to be the value in the SAP Maintenance Plant field of the corresponding Equipment or Functional Location.

      • Where the value #MI_FNCLOC00_SAP_SYSTEM_C# occurs, replace the value with #MI_FNCLOC00_MAINT_PLNT_C#
      • Where the value #MI_EQUIPOO_SAP_SYSTEM_C# occurs, replace the value with #MI_EQUIP000_MAINT_PLANT_C#

      When you import record into APM from your SAP System, its Site Reference Key will be the value in the field that you specified. In the example above, the Site Reference Key will be the SAP Maintenance Plant of the corresponding Equipment or Functional Location.

  • Configure the Site Reference Value to be A Specific Site Name
    1. Access a database browser tool, and then access your Intermediate Repository (PostgreSQL) database.
    2. Locate the autojoin_control table, and then locate the site_reference column.
      Tip: For details about what each column in the autojoin_control table contains, see About Site Filtering Configuration.
    3. Where the value #MI_EQUIPOO_SAP_SYSTEM_C# occurs, replace the value with the Site name as defined in a APM Site Reference record.

      When you import records into APM from your SAP System, its Site Reference Key will be the name of the Site as defined in the Site Reference record.

Configure MI_EQUIP000_CST_CNR_C as an Indirect Site Reference

In this example, the database browser tool used in this example is pgAdmin4, the IR database name is SAP_UDLP_EAMClient. You can use the database browser of your choice.

  1. On your APM Connect server, open pgAdmin4.

    PgAdmin4 is open displaying your available servers.

  2. Navigate the server tree to the appropriate IR database, access your tables.

    In this example, the path is Servers(2)\roaperflabvm3\Databases\SAP_UDLP_EAMClient\Schemas(1)\public\Tables (81). The list of tables in your IR database are visible.

  3. Locate the table autojoin_control, right click, and then select the View Data drop-down.

  4. Select View All Rows.

    The Query -1 tab is populated with the autojoin table.

  5. In each row, in the site_reference column, enter #MI_EQUIP000_CST_CNR_C#
    Tip: This example assumes that the existing values in the site_referencecolumn correspond to values in the MI_EQUIP000 and MI_FNCLOC00 families. If they do not, you must also update the apm_site_reference_family column to the corresponding family.
    The value in the MI_EQUIP000_CST_CNR_C field will be used to populate the Site Reference Key in corresponding records.

Mount a File Share

This topic details the basic process for setting up a file share based on your operating systems.

Before You Begin

Important: The process can vary greatly between organizations based on network configurations. Additionally, this procedure should be completed by an administrator with the expertise to manage network configurations.
  • Be sure that you understand the recommended configurations to enable file shares within the APM Connect architecture.
  • You will need access to the Linux console and root privileges on your Linux server.
  • You will need the APM Connect server service account user name and password.
  • You should be a network administrator with working knowledge of your network configurations.

About This Task

To enable writing files between the servers within your APM Connect architecture, file shares need to be mounted. Generally, this process involves, creating a file share to be mounted, then mounting the file share, and then making the file share permanent.


  • Create a File Share on a Windows Server, and then Mount the Share to a Linux Server
    1. On your APM Connect server (i.e., the Windows server on which you want to create the share), create a new folder for file sharing.
      Note: This share can be anywhere on your APM Connect server and can have any name.
    2. Right-click on the new folder, and then select Properties.
      The <Folder Name> Properties window appears.

    3. Select the Sharing tab, and then select Advanced Sharing.
      The Advanced Sharing window appears.

    4. Select the Share this folder check box.
      The other fields on the window are enabled.
    5. Optionally, edit the name in the Share name: box. If you do not edit this name, the name will default to the folder name.
    6. Select Permissions.
      The Permissions for <Folder Name> window appears.

    7. Select Add….
      The Select, Users, Computers, Service Accounts, or Groups window appears.

    8. In the Enter the object names to select (examples) box, enter the name of your APM Connect service account user.
      Note: The user must have permission to read and write to the shared folder.
    9. Select OK.
      The Select, Users, Computers, Service Accounts, or Groups window closes.
    10. On the Permissions for <Folder Name> window, in the Permissions for <Service User Name> box, in the Allow column select the Full Control check box, the Change check box, and the Read check box.
    11. Select OK.
      The Permissions for <Folder Name> window closes.
    12. On the Advanced Sharing window, select OK.
      The Advanced Sharing window closes. Then, on the <Folder Name> Properties window, in the Network File and Folder Sharing section, the Network Path: subsection is populated.
    13. Record the network path.
    14. Access your SAP PI server or your SAP server (i.e., the Linux server to which you want to mount the share) via a Linux Command Line Editor tool (for example, Vim or Nano).
    15. Determine an existing directory that will be used as the share, or create a new directory.
    16. In that directory, to initiate the connection between your source and target share, execute a mount command. The command will likely require the APM Connect service account user, source of the file share folder you created on the APM Connect server, and target for the share on your Linux server.
      Tip: The exact mount command will vary based on the system that you are using. An example of a mount command is mount -t smbfs -o username=Administrator //recurring/c$ /mnt/recurring
    17. To verify that the new mount is configured correctly, enter the command mount.

      The mount appears in the list of mounted shares.

      Tip: At this point, you should be able to write files from one share to another. To test, place a file in the source folder on the Windows machine, and then the file should appear in the target directory on the Linux machine.
    18. On the Linux machine, navigate to the file /etc/fstab.
      Tip: Mounting the share into the /etc/fstab file makes the file share permanent meaning that upon reboot the file share is still be mounted. If you do not execute the mount in this location, once the machine is rebooted the mount will be disconnected.
    19. Open the file to be edited using a data base editor (for example Vim or Nano).
    20. Add a new line to the file defining the share, mount point, file system driver, and options.
      • The following is an example of the statement syntax: //<Source Folder Name> /<Target Folder Name <Systems Type or Driver> username=username password=<password> 02.
      • Additionally, the following is the same entry with sample values: //APMConnectServer1/WindowsSharedFolder /opt/LinuxSharedFolder cifs –o username=APMConnectSeriveAccount1 password=APMConnect 0 2
    21. Close the file, and then return to the root directory.
    22. To unmount the share created, execute the command umount (i.e., if the original mount directory was /opt/LinuxFileShare, then execute the command unmount /opt/LinuxFileShare).
      Tip: You must unmount the share from the original location for it to be mounted from the /etc/fstab file.
    23. Execute the command mount.

      The original mount directory does not appear in the list of mounted shares, and the new share in the /etc/fstab folder can be mounted.

    24. Execute the command mount –a.
      Tip: Executing the command will read the configuration from the /etc/fstab file, and then preform the mount operation based on the parameters in the file.
    25. To verify that the share has been mounted, execute the command mount.

      The new mount point added to the /etc/fstab file appears in the list.

      At this point, you can place a file on the APM Connect server in the shared folder, and it will be transferred to the shared Linux folder.

  • Create a File Share on a Linux Server, and then Mount the Share to a Linux Server
    1. Access your SAP Server (i.e., the Linux server to which you want to mount the share) via a Linux Command Line Editor tool (for example, Vim or Nano).
    2. Ensure that the nfs-kernel-server service is installed and running.
      Important: The name of this service can vary based on the Linux system.
    3. Create the directory that will be mounted to your SAP PI server or your SAP server.
    4. To grant the remote server permission to mount a local directory, locate the file /etc/exports.
    5. In that file, enter the directory you created in Step 3, and then identify the server that can mount the directory.
      For example, if you wanted to create the directory /opt/PI_FileShare and grant all users permissions to mount that directory, then you would enter the following: /opt/PI_FileShare *(rw, sync, no_root_squash, not_subtree_check).
      Tip: You can find all of the export options and access control lists in the manual file accessed by executing the command man exports.
    6. Restart the service /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server.
    7. Access your SAP PI server or your SAP server (i.e., the Linux machine to which you want to mount the share).
    8. Create a directory to which files will be written from the share.
    9. Execute the mount command to mount the exported directory on to the SAP PI server or the SAP server.
      • The exact mount command will vary based on the system that you are using. An example of a mount command is mount
      • For example, if your SAP server hostname is SAPServer1, your source directory is /opt/PI_FileShare, and your target directory is /opt/SAP_FileShare, you would enter the following: mount SAPServer1: /opt/PI_File_Share /opt/SAP_FileShare
    10. The directory created in step 3 appears in the list of mounted directories.
      Tip: At this point, you should be able to write files from one share to another. To test, place a file in the source folder on the Windows machine, and then the file should appear in the target directory on the Linux machine
    11. On the Linux machine on which the share will be mounted, navigate to the file /etc/fstab.
      Tip: Mounting the share into the /etc/fstab file makes the file share permanent, meaning that upon reboot the file share will still be mounted. If you do not execute the mount in this location, once the machine is rebooted the mount will be disconnected.
    12. Open the file to be edited using a database editor (for example, Vim or Nano).
    13. Add a new line to the file defining the share, mount point, file system driver, and options.
      • The following is an example of the statement syntax: <exporting server hostname>:<exported Folder Name> <Target Folder Name> <Systems Type or Driver> 0 2.
      • Additionally, the following is the same entry with sample values: /opt/mountpointFolder nfs 0 2
    14. Close the file, and then return to the root directory.
    15. To unmount the share in the directory created in step 8, execute the command umount.

      For example if the original mount directory was /opt/LinuxFileShare, then execute the command unmount /opt/LinuxFileShare.

      Tip: You must unmount the share from the original location for it to be mounted from the /etc/fstab file.
    16. Execute the command mount –a.
      Tip: Executing the command will read the configuration from the /etc/fstab file, and then preform the mount operation based on the parameters in the file.
    17. To verify that the share has been mounted, execute the command mount.

      The new mount point added to the /etc/fstab file appears in the list.

      At this point, you can place a file on the APM Connect server in the shared folder, and it will be transferred to the shared Linux folder.

Establish SFTP Transfer in a Windows SAP Server

If you use SFTP to transfer files between SAP, APM Connect, and APM, you must complete additional configuration in SAP. You must download a PuTTy file and set up command names in SAP to use the PuTTy file.

About This Task

Note: If you using SAP PI, then you can skip this procedure.


  1. On your SAP system, in a browser, navigate to the PuTTY website.
  2. Download the following PuTTy file: pscp.exe.
  3. Copy it into the PATH on your SAP system. The recommended directory is %WINDIR%/System32.
  4. In SAP, run the transaction code SM69.
  5. In the External Operation System Commands screen, select .
  6. In the Definition section, in the Operating system command box, enter following systems command: pscp.
  7. Select Save.


The PuTTy file is on the SAP system, and the corresponding command names are set up.

Secure Data Transfer to a Linux SAP Server

To enable secure SFTP data transfer from a Linux SAP server, you must first set up SSH.

Before You Begin

  • The remote SAP system must have a version of SSH installed, for example, OpenSSH.
  • The computer you use to connect to the remote server must have a version of SSH installed.
  • You must be able to transfer your public key to the remote system. Either, you must be able to log in to the remote system with an established account user ID and password or have an administrator on the remote system add the public key to the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file for your account.


  1. Log in to the computer you are using to access the remote system, and, on the command line, enter ssh-keygen -t rsa.
  2. At the resulting prompt, enter a file name and a password for the generated key.
    Alternatively, you can press Enter to generate the key into a default file: ~/.ssh/ The remainder of this procedure will reference the generated file as ~/.ssh/
  3. Enter the command SCP or SFTP to copy the key file you created in step 2 to your account on the remote system.
    For example, scp ~/.ssh/ username@remoteserver:.
  4. At the system prompt, enter your password.
    The system copies the key file to the account home directory on the remote system.
  5. Log in to the remote system with your credentials.
  6. Optional: If your account on the remote system does not contain a ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file, create one.
    For example:
    mkdir -p ~/.ssh
    touch ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
  7. On the remote system, on the command line, enter cat ~/ >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys.

    The content of the generated key file is copied into a new line in the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file. You can verify the contents of the file by entering more ~/.ssh/authorized_keys.


A secure connection to your Linux SAP server is established.

Establish SFTP Transfer in a Linux SAP System

If you use SFTP to transfer files from a Linux SAP server, you must complete additional configuration in SAP and the SAP server operating system. This procedure describes how to create a shell script that SAP uses when transferring data to APM.

About This Task

Note: The shell script can have any name, but this procedure uses MI_SCRIPT.SH for clarity.


  1. In a text editor, create a file, for example, MI_SCRIPT.SH, with contents as shown in the following example.
    #The following 5 arguments listed are retrieved from SAP: 
    #$1	-sftp (constant)
    #$2	-pw   (constant)
    #$3	password (PLSAP_FTP_PASSWORD)
    #$4	Source file (PLSAP_INPUT+<interface>+filename.*)
    #$5	USER@HOST:
    sftp $5 <<EOF  
    put $arg1
  2. Copy the file MI_SCRIPT.SH into a directory on your SAP system.
    For simplicity, you should use the SAP home path.
  3. In SAP, run the transaction code SM69.
  4. In the External Operation System Commands screen, select .
  5. In the Definition section, in the Operating System Command box, enter a value based on the following table.
    Location of the scriptValue of Operating System Command
    The script is in the SAP home pathMI_SCRIPT
    Some other locationThe full file path, for example, /home/h8sadm/scripts/MI_SCRIPT.SH
  6. Select Save.


The script file is on the SAP system, and the corresponding command names are set up.

Establish Data Transfer via Web Services

You can establish data transfer using Web Services by creating RFC Destination in SAP. If you use Web Services to transfer data between SAP and APM Connect, you must complete additional configuration steps in SAP.

About This Task


  1. In SAP, run the transaction code SM59.
  2. In the RFC Connections screen, select HTTP Connections to External Server, and then select to create RFC Destination.
  3. In the RFC Destination box, enter APMCONNECT.
    Note: To give a different name, job customizations can be done in the APM Connect server.
  4. Select the Technical Settings tab, in the section that appears enter the values:
    • Target Host: Enter the server name where the EAMFileReciver service is deployed.
    • Service No.: Enter the port number of the EAMFileReciver service.
    • Path Prefix: Enter one of the following values:
      • If you are not using SAP PI/PO: /services/EamFileReceiver
      • If you are using SAP PI/PO:
        • For Advanced Adapter Engine (AAE): /XISOAPAdapter/MessageServlet?senderParty=&senderService= GE_APM_SAP &receiverParty=&receiverService=&interface=EAMFileReceiver_Out&
        • For non-Advanced Adapter Engine (AAE): /sap/xi/engine?type=entry&Sender.Service=GE_APM_SAP&^EamFileReceiver_out
      Note: GE_APM_SAP is the default Sender Service name in SAP PI. If you are using a different service name, update the Sender Service value accordingly.
  5. In the Logon & Security tab, select one of the following:
    • Basic Authentication: Select if you are using SAP PI.
    • Do Not Use a User: Select if you are not using SAP PI.
  6. Select Save.


The RFC Destination is created in the SAP system.

Create File Share Folder Structure

Data files written by SAP are placed in a specific directory defined by the context parameter PLSAP_INPUT. This topic describes how to create the appropriate directory structure.


Note: This task is not required if you are using Web Services to transfer data between SAP and APM Connect.

  1. Navigate to the folder into which your SAP system writes files.
    Note: This folder will be different for each customer, but will likely be labeled PLSAP_INPUT.
  2. Create a new folder for each of the following:
    • FLOC\ARC
    • WMI\ARC


The directory is created, and SAP will write files to the specified location.

Install the ABAP Base Service Pack Add-on

Before You Begin


  1. On a machine from which you can access the SAP Server, navigate to the FTP site provided to you.
  2. Depending on your SAP environment, navigate to the folder \\SAP Interfaces ABAP Add-On\Service Pack Files\ECC6 or \\SAP Interfaces ABAP Add-On\Service Pack Files\S/4 Hana, and then select one of the following folders:
    • Exchange Upgrade: To upgrade the ABAP package when upgrading to a new SAP version.
    • Install: To install the ABAP Package for the first time.
    • Upgrade: To upgrade the ABAP package.
  3. Copy the .pat files.
    The file names begin with either D07 for ECC6 or H4S for S/4 Hana.
  4. On the SAP Server, paste the copied file into the folder \\usr\sap\trans\EPS\in.
  5. Log in to the SAP system as a user with:
    • SCTSIMPSGL and S_CTS_ADMIN authorizations.
    • SAP_ALL authorization.
  6. Run the following transaction: SAINT.

    The Add-On Installation Tool screen appears.

  7. In the page, as seen in the following image, select Installation Package, then select Load packages, and then select From Application Server.
  8. Select Yes.

    The SAINT: Uploading Packages from the File System screen appears.

    Note: In an S/4 Hana environment, two files are uploaded and are displayed in the SAINT: Uploading Packages from the File System screen.

    In the row corresponding to the .pat file that you copied previously, the Message Text column displays Uploaded successfully.

  9. At the top of the screen, select .

    The Add-On Installation Tool screen appears again.

  10. Select Start.
    A new grid appears. MIAPMINT appears in the list of add-on packages that can be installed.
  11. Select the row containing the value MIAPMINT in the first column, and then select Continue.
    The Support Package selection screen appears.
  12. Select Continue, and then select Continue again.
    • During the installation, the Add Modification Adjustment Transports to the Queue window might appear. If it does, select No.
    • During the installation, the Open data extraction requests window might appear. If it does, select Skip, and then select Yes.

    An installation progress indicator appears.

    When the progress indicator disappears, a message appears, indicating that the add-on package will be installed.

  13. Select .

    The status is updated to indicate that the add-on package will now be imported, and the installation process continues. When the installation process is complete, the status is updated to indicate that the add-on package was imported successfully.

  14. Select Finish.
    The MIAPMINT add-on package appears in the list of installed add-on packages on the Add-On Installation Tool screen.
  15. On the FTP site, navigate to the folder \\SAP Interfaces ABAP Add-On\Support Package.
  16. Depending on your SAP environment, navigate to the ECC6 folder or navigate to the S/4 Hana folder, and copy the .pat files.
    Note: For the Dual ABAP package, these folders reside under \\SAP Interfaces ABAP Add-On\Support Pack Files\Dual Pack - V36 & V4.
  17. On the SAP Server, paste the copied files into the folder \\usr\sap\trans\EPS\in.
  18. Log in to the SAP system.
  19. Run the following transaction: SPAM.
    The Support Package Manager screen appears.
  20. Select Menu, then select Support Package, then select Load Packages, and then select From Application Server.
    A message appears, asking if you want to upload the package.
  21. Select Yes.
    A summary screen appears, indicating that the package was uploaded successfully.
  22. Select Back.
  23. Select Display/define.
    The Component Selection window appears.
  24. Select the MIAPMINT component.
  25. When prompted, confirm that the patch will be imported into the queue, and then select .
  26. Select Menu, then select Support Package, and then select .
    The SPAM: Import: Queue window appears.
  27. In the SPAM: Import: Queue window, select .
    The import process begins. When it is complete, a message appears, indicating that the import process was successful.
  28. Select Continue.
    Another message appears, indicating that the import process was successful.
  29. Select .
  30. Select Menu, then select Support Package, and then select .
    The installation is complete.

Verify ABAP Installation


  1. In SAP, in the System menu, select Status....
    The System: Status window appears.

  2. In the SAP System data subsection, select .
    The System: Component information window appears.
  3. If you have deployed the ABAP Add-On package for the SAP Adapter, scroll down until you see the Software Component MIAPMINT.
    If you see the following values in the following columns, the Add-On was applied successfully:
    • Release:
      • ECC6: 700_600
      • S/4 Hana: 700_750
    • Level:
      • ECC6: 0002 (GE APM Integration Interfaces SP 7 - 0001)
      • S/4 Hana: 0002
    Note: If the level does not match, go back to the copy .pat files step of Install the ABAP Base Service Pack Add-on and rerun the installation steps.

Install the Dual ABAP Package

Use this procedure to provide SAP and SAP-PI data flows in situations that require access to both V3.6.x and V4.3.x APM at the same time.

Before You Begin

  • This package is intended to support customers upgrading either all or part of their V3.x environment to V4.x. This pacakges should only be installed on a V3.x implementation with the most currently released V3.x ABAP package.
  • The Dual ABAP package only supports ECC6 systems. When performing the installation, only use the information related to ECC6.
  • If you are migrating V3.6 to V4.3, you must have the latest ABAP package (at least V3.6.0 ABAP 0.7, 360_600 Level 10) before installing the Dual ABAP package.
  • If you need to use SAP-PI Adapters on APM V3.6, install the adapters using
  • If you need to use SAP-PI Adapters for both APM V3.6 and APM, obtain the software from:
    • For APM V3.6: \SAP PI Package 3.6.
    • For APM V4: select the folder that reflects the correct SAP-PI level you need. For example, if you are using SAP-PI 7.5, you would select \SAP PI 750.

About This Task

Establishing an environment when you need to establish data flows from SAP or SAP-PI systems to APM V3.6.x and APM V4.3.x systems simultaneously requires you to use a different ABAP package than what you would use for a single version of APM.

This capability can be useful when you want:

  • To test an SAP or SAP-PI system that you are migrating from APM to APM V4.3.x.
  • To connect an SAP or SAP-PI system to both a APM V3.6.x and APM V4.3.x, simultaneously.


  1. In the APM Connect installation package, navigate to \\SAP Interfaces ABAP Add-On\Service Pack Files\Dual Pack - V36 & V4 .
  2. Optional: If you have previously installed the Dual ABAP package, start with the step that installs the support pack in Install the ABAP Base Service Pack Add-on.
  3. Install the ABAP package as described in Install the ABAP Base Service Pack Add-on, using ECC6 as when you need to make choices.
  4. Verify the package as described in Verify ABAP Installation.
    The release and level values should match these:
    ECC6: 436_600
    ECC6: 0040


You have configured SAP or SAP-PI to use both APM V3.6.x and APM V4.3.x.

Uninstall the ABAP Base Service Pack Add-on

This procedure describes how to uninstall the ABAP Base Service Pack Add-on.

Before You Begin

Note: The uninstall feature is available only with SAP spam version 0057 or later. To complete this procedure, you must use SAP client 000.


  1. Log in to the SAP server as a user with either SCTSIMPSGL and S_CTS_ADMIN authorizations or SAP_ALL authorization.
  2. Enter SAINT.
    The Add-On Installation Tool screen appears.
  3. Select Installation Package > Load packages > From Application Server
  4. Select Yes.

    In the SAINT: Uploading Packages from the File System, the Message Text column of the row corresponding to the .pat files that you originally copied displays Uploaded successfully.

  5. In the SAINT: Uploading Packages from the File System window, select
  6. In the Add-On Installation Tool, select Uninstallable components, then select MIAPMINT or MIAPM, and then selectContinue.
  7. In the Start options window, select Default options.
  8. Select .
    The status is updated to indicate that the add-on package will now be imported and the uninstall process continues. When the process completes, the status is updated to show that the add-on package was removed successfully.
  9. Select Finish.


The  add-on package is removed from the list of installed add-on packages in the Add-On Installation Tool screen.

Create APM Connect User Profile in SAP

To successfully transfer data between APM and SAP, you must create an APM Connect user for SAP. This topic describes the process of creating a user profile.

Before You Begin

Note: The values used for items such as the profile, system names, and userids are for example purposes only. Your values can be different.

About This Task

These steps must be performed in order on the SAP system. They create a profile that you will connect to the APM Connect user that communicates with SAP.


  1. In SAP, run the transaction PFCG.
  2. In the Role Maintenance screen, in the Role box, enter your role name (for example, ZRM_APMCONNECT_AUTH_PROFILE), and then select Single Role.
  3. In the Display Roles screen, select the Authorizations tab.
  4. Define authorizations.
    1. In the Maintain Authorization Data and Generate Profiles section, in the Change Authorization Data row, select .
    2. In the Choose Template window, select do not select templates.
    3. In the Change Role: Authorizations window, select Manually.
    4. In the Manual selection of authorizations pane, in the Authorization Object box, enter the following authorization object values.
      Authorization ObjectDescription
      C_TCLA_BKAAuthorization for Class Types
      I_AUARTPM: Order Type
      I_BEGRPPM: Authorization Group
      I_BETRVORGPM: Business Operation
      I_INGRPPM: Maintenance Planner Group
      I_KOSTLPM: Cost Centers
      I_QMELPM/QM: Notification Types
      I_SWERKPM: Maintenance Plant
      I_WERKPM: Maintenance Planning Plant
      S_BTCH_JOBBackground Processing: Operations
      S_DATASETAuthorization for File Access
      S_LOG_COMRequired if file transfer is SFTP/SCP. For server mode this authorization is not required.
      S_RFCAuthorization Check for RFC Access
      S_TABU_NAMTable Access with Generic Standard
    5. Select .
  5. Define RFC access.
    1. In the Cross-application Authorization Objects row, select to expand the workspace, then select the Authorization Check for RFC Access row, then select the Activity row, and then select .
    2. In the Define Values window, select the Execute box, and then select .
    3. In the workspace, in the Name of RFC to be protected row, select .
    4. In the Field values window, in the Value Intrvl section, in the ‘From’ column, enter the following RFC values.
    5. Select .
    6. In the workspace, in the Type of RFC object to be protected row, select .
    7. Select the FUNC check box, and then select .
  6. Select to expand the Basis: Administration row to access the administration section.
  7. Define table access.
    1. In the Table Access with Generic Standard Tools row, select to expand the workspace.
    2. In the Activity row, select .
    3. In the Define Values window, select the Display check box, and then select .
    4. In the Table Name row, select .
    5. In the Field values pane, in the Value Intrvl section, enter the following table values in the 'From' column.
  8. Select .
  9. Define background processing.
    1. In the Background Processing: Operations on Background Jobs row, select to expand the workspace, and then, in the Job operations row, select .
    2. In the Define Values pane, select the RELE check box, and then select .
    3. In the workspace, in the Summary of jobs for a group row, select .
    4. In the Field values window, select Full authorization, and then select .
  10. Define file access.
    1. In the Authorization for file access row, select to expand the workspace.
    2. In the Activity row, select .
    3. Select the Delete, Read, Write, Read with filter, and Write with filter check boxes, and then select .
    4. In the Physical file name row, select .
    5. In the Field values window, select Full authorization, and then select .
    6. In the Program Name with Search Help row, select .
    7. In the Field values window, select Full authorization, and then select .
  11. In the Plant Maintenance row, select to expand the workspace to define the plant maintenance configuration.
  12. Define notification types.
    1. In the M/QM: Notification Types row, select to expand the workspace. Then in the Notification types row, select .
    2. In the Field values window, in the Value Intrvl section, in the 'From' column, enter your notification types (for example, M1 and M2).
  13. Optional: If you are using SFTP or SCP to transfer files between APM and SAP, supply the following values to S_LOG_COM Assign Authority object.
    COMMANDZSCP - the command defined in the SM69 transaction code that triggers the external command to transfer the file to the FTP server.
    HOSTSAP host name, for example, SAPPERDEV
    OPSYSTEMOperating system of your SAP system, for example, Windows NT.
  14. In the Classification row, select to define the classification configuration.
  15. Define the class type authorizations.
    1. In the Classification row, select , and then, in the Authorization for Class Types row, select to expand the workspace.
    2. In the Class Type row, select .
    3. In the Field values window, in the Value Intrvl section, in the 'From' column, enter the class types used in the process (for example, 002 and 003), and then select .
  16. In the Transaction codes row of the workspace, select to define the transaction codes.
    1. In the Field values window, in the Value Intrvl section, in the 'From' column, enter the transaction codes IW21, IW22, and IW23.
  17. Define the plant maintenance configuration.
    1. In the PM: Order Type row, select to expand the workspace.
    2. In the Order type row, select , and then select the order types you are using.
      Note: Each order type you use (for example, PM01 and PM02), needs the same configuration.
    3. In the Field values window, in the Value Intrvl section, in the 'From' column, enter *.
    4. In the PM: Authorization Group row, select to expand the workspace, and then, in the Technical object authorization row, select , to add the authorization groups you are using.
    5. In the Transaction codes row select .
    6. In the Field values window, in the Value Intrvl section, in the 'From' column, enter the transaction codes IW21, IW22, IW23, IW31, IW32, and IW33.
    7. In the PM: Business Operation row, select to expand the workspace. Then, in the Business Transaction row, select , and then add the Business Transaction that you are using.
    8. In the PM: Maintenance Planner Group row, select to expand the workspace. Then, in the Planner Group for Customer Set row, select , and then add the Planner Groups that you are using.
    9. In the workspace, in the Maintenance Planning Plant row, select to add the Maintenance Planning plants.
    10. In the maintenance planning plant row you added in step 17.i, select .
    11. In the Field values window, in the Value Intrvl section, in the 'From' column, enter the transaction codes IW21, IW22, IW23, IW31, IW32, and IW33.
    12. In the PM: Cost Centers row, select to expand the workspace. Then, in the Controlling Area row select to add the Controlling Areas you are using.
  18. In the workspace, in the Cost Center row, select to add the Cost Centers you are using.
    1. In the Field values window, in the Value Intrvl section, in the 'From' column, enter the transaction codes IW21, IW22, IW23, IW31, IW32, and IW33.
  19. In the Change Role Authorization screen, select , and then select .
  20. In the Assign Profile Name for Generated Authorization Profile window, select .


The profile is created.

Assign Profile to APM Connect User

This procedure describes how to assign an SAP profile to the APM Connect user in SAP.

Before You Begin

You must have created a user profile for APM Connect in SAP.
Note: The values used for items such as the profile, system names, and userids are for example purposes only. Your values can be different.


  1. In SAP, run the transaction SU01.
  2. In the User Maintenance: Initial Screen window, in the User box, enter a user name (for example, APMCONNECT), and then select to create a new user.
    Note: Select to edit an existing user.
  3. Select the Logon Data tab, and then enter an initial password for the user.
    Important: You must log on manually to change the initial password before using the user and password combination in APM Connect.
  4. In the User Type box, select Dialog.
  5. Select the Roles tab, and then, in the Role column, enter the role ZRM_APMCONNECT_AUTH_PROFILE.
  6. Select other tabs in the User Maintenance: Initial Screen window to enter any other required information to conform to SAP guidelines.
  7. Select to save the user.

What To Do Next

  1. In AL11, create a directory on your file share with subdirectories EQUIPMENT, FLOC, WORKHISTORY, TC, and STATICDATA. The parent directory can have any name.
  2. Grant Read and Write authorization to the created directories to the user you just created.
  3. If you are using ASI, configure the ASI SAP permissions.

Identify Trigger Values for Creating Task Records

The Work Management Adapter allows you to create Inspection Task and Calibration Task records from SAP Maintenance Plans using Operations and Object Lists. This topic describes how to identify which values in an Operation or Object list will trigger the creation of which Task records in APM.

About This Task

The baseline product is configured such that:

  • Operations with the control key ZMI2 will be used to create Calibration Task records.
  • Operations with the control key ZMI1 will be used to create Inspection Task records.
Note: You are not required to use the default configuration. If you want to use values in different Operation fields to trigger the creation of APM Task records, you can do so.


If you want to accept the baseline configuration complete the following:
  1. Create the control keys ZMI1 and ZMI2.
  2. In the context file, configure the Work Management parameters to enable trigger values.

Configure APM to Create Notifications from Recommendation Records

The SAP Interfaces feature allows you to create Recommendation records in APM that will be used to create SAP Notifications automatically.

About This Task

For a Recommendation record to generate an SAP Notification automatically, the Create Work Request field must exist on the Recommendation datasheet. This field is available on the baseline datasheets for the baseline Recommendation families from which you are allowed to create SAP Notifications.

If you want to generate SAP Notifications from Recommendation records that belong to customer-defined subfamilies of the root Recommendation family, in addition to implementing the correct rules (for an example of the rules that you will need to implement, you can look at any active baseline Recommendation family), you will need to add the Create Work Request field to the desired datasheets for that family.

Tip: You can create multiple types of SAP Notifications (for example, M1) from Recommendation records. By default, APM creates M1 Notifications.


If you want to create different Notification types, you will need to:
  1. Add the Notification Type field to the datasheet.
  2. Configure the Notification Type field to accept values other than M1.
    Note: In the baseline SAP Interfaces product, this field is disabled. If desired, you could configure it to be enabled so that users can type a value directly in the Notification Type cell on the datasheet. You might also consider creating a Valid Values rule that provides a list of acceptable values so that users can select the desired value from the list.

Configure Notification Priority

You can configure the priority value in APM to match the priority value in SAP by editing the MI_PRIORITY system code table.


  1. Determine the values in your EAM system that determine priority.
  2. For each priority that exist in you EAM System, modify the MI_PRIORITY system table


When priority values are transferred from a APM recommendation to an SAP Notification, the priority values will match.

Create an SAP EAM System Record

You must configure an EAM System record to establish a connection between any EAM system and APM.


  1. Create a new EAM System record.
  2. In the Datasheet ID box, select SAP.
    Note: If your SAP system requires an RFC connection, select SAP System for RCMO.
  3. In the Name box, enter the name of your system.
  4. If this system is the system to and from which you want to send data by default, select the Default EAM System? check box.
  5. In the System Type box, select SAP.
    If you are defining an SAP System for RCMO, the box is not available.
  6. In the User ID box, enter a valid User ID.
  7. In the Password box, select .
  8. In the Enter EAM System Password window, in the Password box, enter the password that is associated with the specified user ID.
  9. In the Confirm Password box, reenter the password.
  10. Select OK.
  11. In the Connection String box, modify the template connection string.
    1. Replace the text SAP_SERVER_IP with the IP address of the Server.
    2. Replace the text SAP_SYSTEM_NUMBER with the System number.
    3. Replace the text SAP_CLIENT_NUMBER with the Client number.
    4. Delete all angle brackets.
  12. Optional: In the ITS URL box:
    1. Replace the text: its_or_integrated_its_server_url with the ITS Server information. To locate the ITS Server information:
      1. In SAP, run the following transaction: SE80.
        Note: If you do not have access to this transaction, contact your SAP BASIS team for assistance.
      2. In the toolbar, select Utilities, and then select Settings.
      3. In the window, select repeatedly until the Internet Transaction Server tab appears.
      4. Select the Internet Transaction Server tab.

        The ITS Server information that you must enter in the ITS URL box in APM is <Log><Path>, where <Log> is the text in the Log section and <Path> is the text in the Path section.

    2. Delete the angle brackets.
    3. Enter: webgui/! at the end of the URL.
      For example, the ITS URL that corresponds with the values in the image above is!.
  13. Select .
    The EAM System record is saved.
  14. Select , and then select Test Connection.
    The connection parameters are verified, and the System ID box is populated with your EAM System Name.


  • An EAM system record is created for the EAM system that defines a connection with APM. The ID for this EAM record should now be used in the Name field of a Site Reference record.
  • Linking an EAM system to an EAM System record enables the APM Connect Adapters to create Notifications against that EAM System.

Test the Connection Defined in an EAM System Record


  1. In the APM application, open the EAM System record whose connection information you want to test.
  2. To access the Associated Pages menu, select , and then select Test Connection.
    The connection is tested.

Configure SAP Task and Confirmation Creation

In order to transfer data between SAP items and APM Task records and Event records for Inspection and Calibration, you will need to configure the datasheets used as the default datasheet.


  • Configure APM to Transfer Data Between SAP Items and Task Records
    1. Set the following baseline datasheets as the default datasheets on the Inspection and Calibration Task families:
      • Inspection Task for SAP Integration: Defined on the Inspection Task family.
      • Calibration Task for SAP Integration : Defined on the Calibration Task family.
  • Configure APM to Create Confirmations from Calibration Event Records
    1. Set the following baseline datasheets as the default datasheets on the Calibration Event families:
      • Calibration, Analog: Defined on the Calibration, Analog family.
      • Calibration, Analyzer Multi-Component: Defined on the Calibration, Analyzer Multi-Component family.
      • Calibration, Analyzer Single Component: Defined on the Calibration, Analyzer Single Component family.
      • Calibration, Discrete: Defined on the Calibration, Discrete family.
      • Calibration, Functional Test: Defined on the Calibration, Functional Test family.
      • Calibration, Weight Scale: Defined on the Calibration, Weight Scale family.
  • Configure APM to Create Confirmations from Inspection Event Records
    1. Set the following baseline datasheets as the default datasheets on the Inspection Event families:
      • Bundle Inspection SAP Integration: Defined on the Bundle Inspection family.
      • Bundle Sub-Inspection SAP Integration: Defined on the Bundle Sub-Inspection family.
      • Visual Inspection SAP Integration: Defined on the Full Inspection family.
      • General Inspection SAP Integration: Defined on the General Inspection family.
      • Pressure Test Inspection SAP Integration: Defined on the Pressure Test Inspection family.
      • Pressure Test Sub-Inspection SAP Integration: Defined on the Pressure Test Sub-Inspection family.

Add Entries to the /MIAPM/TASK_CNF Table


  1. In the SAP system, run the following transaction: /n/MIAPM/MIPRO.
    The Display IMG screen appears.

  2. In the tree, expand Configurations In SAP.
  3. Select Maintain GE Digital APM Parameters.
    The Meridium Configuration and Connection Parameters Management window appears.

  4. In the APM Data Source column, enter the APM data source(s) from which and to which you want to transfer data.
  5. In the APM Application Server, enter your APM Application server(s).
  6. Select .
    The Meridium Configuration and Connection Parameters Management window closes.
  7. In the Maintain Task Configuration Parameters row, select .
    The Task Configuration screen appears.

  8. In the APM Data Source list, select the APM data source for which you want to identify which Operation values will create which Task records.
    Note: When defining the data sources, you must maintain the value for the App Server field.
  9. Select .
    The Display View "Meridium Task Configuration Table": Overview screen appears. The following image illustrates the baseline table in an SAP system whose Client number is 000. Notice that there are two rows: one for Calibration Task records and one for Inspection Task records. This image illustrates a configuration in which Operations with the control key ZMI2 are used to create Calibration Task records, and Operations with the control key ZMI1 are used to create Inspection Task records.
  10. To specify criteria that will be used to trigger the creation of Calibration Task and Inspection Task records, modify the values in the existing rows, or build on top of the current functionality by adding new rows. This documentation assumes that you are familiar with your SAP data structure and that you know how to define the criteria to achieve the desired result.
  11. Select .
    The criteria is saved.

Configure the Query Get Tasks for Work Order Generation

The query Get Tasks for Work Order Generation is used to determine which Task records to use to create Orders in SAP.

About This Task

The query contains the Task query source. For each record that is returned by the query, APM will create an Order in SAP. The baseline query is configured to transfer Task records that meet specific criteria. If desired, you can modify the query to further limit the Task records that you want to transfer.


  1. Access the Catalog page.
  2. In the left pane, select Public, then select Meridium, then select Modules, then select SAP Integration Interfaces, and then select Queries.
    A list of queries appears.
  3. Select the Get Tasks for Work Order Generation query.
    The workspace appears.
  4. Select Design.
  5. Modify the query to meet at least the following requirements:
    • Contains the following column:
      • Field: ([Task].[Next Date]-[Task].[Call Horizon])
      • Alias: Expr
      • Criteria (>=(? :d :caption='Last Successful Execution Date': id=LAST_DATE) AND < Now())
    • Includes at least one field from the source family record.

Schedule Work Orders


  1. Access the APM Connect page.
    The APM Connect Configuration page appears.
  2. Select EAM Settings.
    The EAM Settings page appears.
  3. In the Scheduling Properties section, select Edit Schedule.
    Note: If there is a previously scheduled item, a schedule summary will be displayed next to the Edit Schedule button. If there is no scheduled item, Not scheduled appears next to the Edit Schedule button.
  4. In the Edit Schedule window, select the Recurrence check box.
  5. In the Time Zone box, select the appropriate time zone.
  6. In the Start box, select to schedule the start date and time.
    1. Select one of the following as appropriate:
      • The current date: Select this option to use the current time and date as the starting point.
      • Clear: Select this option to clear the current selection.
      • <Date>: Select this option to use the selected date as the start date.
    2. Select , and then select the appropriate time.
    3. Select Close.
  7. In the Every section, in the Interval box, enter the numeric value for how often you want the work order generation to occur.
  8. In the Every section, in the Units box, select the interval unit (that is, minutes, hours, years, etc.).
  9. In the Every section, in the Begin box, select one of the following:
    • From start time: Select this option to start the recurrence from the previously selected start time.
    • After last occurrence: Select this option to begin the generation after the last time the job ran.
  10. In the End box, based on when you want the recurrence to end, select one of the following:
    • Never: If you select this option, the recurrence will not end.
    • After: If you select this option, you will enter a number of occurrences after which the generation will end.
    • Time & Date: Select this option to use the calendar to select a time and date when the generation will end.
  11. Select OK.

    The schedule summary appears next to the Edit Schedule button. Additionally, the scheduled item can be viewed in the Scheduling feature in Operations Manager.

Identify Classifications to Extract

Before You Begin

Run the Static Data job.


  1. Access the APM application.
  2. In the upper-right corner of the page, select and search for the CMMS Classification Type record representing the item whose classifications you want to extract (i.e., Equipment or Functional Location).
  3. Select a record from the list.
  4. Select the Details tab.
  5. Optional: For each Classification whose Characteristics you want to extract, in the right column of the Classification for Class Type grid, select the Extract From CMMS System check box.
  6. Optional: If you want to stop extracting all Characteristics for a Classification, clear the Extract From CMMS System check box for the Classification.
  7. Select .

    The CMMS Classification records are saved.


If you chose to stop extracting all Characteristics for a Classification:

  • The Extract From CMMS System check box is cleared automatically in all CMMS Characteristic records that are linked to the CMMS Classification record.
  • When you run the corresponding Characteristic extraction adapter, the Characteristics whose Extract From CMMS System check boxes were cleared automatically will not be extracted.

Identify Characteristics to Extract


  1. Open the CMMS Classification record representing the Classification whose Characteristics you want to extract. To do so, either:
    • Open the specific record in Record Manager.
    • Open the master CMMS Classification Type record to which it is linked, and then view the CMMS Classification record in the grid on the datasheet.
  2. Select .
  3. Optional: In the grid on the CMMS Classification datasheet, in the row for each Characteristic that you want to extract, select the Extract From CMMS System check box.
  4. Optional: If you want to stop extracting a Characteristic, clear the Extract From CMMS System check box for the Characteristic.
  5. Select .
    The CMMS Characteristic records are saved.
  6. Commit the configuration by running the Static Data job.
    The Characteristics to extract have been identified.