Mobile Application

About the APM Mobile Application

APM provides a mobile app that can be installed on iOS, Android, and Windows devices.

This app offers certain APM functionality designed specifically for use offline and includes the following modules:
  • Inspection Management and Inspection Field Data Collection
  • Mobile Proof Testing
  • Rounds Data Collection
  • SIS Management
Note: The Rounds Pro module provides the Rounds Pro mobile application which can be installed on hand-held devices and allows you to collect data. For more information, refer to the Rounds Pro Mobile App section of the Rounds Pro documentation.

Mobile Application Supported Operating Systems

Supported Operating Systems

  • Any management policy applied to mobile devices must be set up to allow the required permissions for the APM mobile application. If restrictions are placed on iOS, Windows, or Android devices by a global policy or mobile device management system, device storage, scanning, photography, location services, and other functionality may be disabled.
  • If you are using a Windows device, ensure that Windows App Store access is enabled.
  • Ensure that the application is distributed to all relevant devices.

The following table lists the operating systems and corresponding versions that the APM mobile application supports.

Operating SystemVersion(s) Supported
iOS12, 13, and 14
Android7, 8, 9, 10, and 11
WindowsWindows 10 (64 bit)
Note: The method used to access Reference Documents in the GE Digital APM mobile application will vary depending on your device platform. For example, on Windows and Android devices, the first time you access Reference Documents, you will be prompted to select the application in which you want to open a file, and this selection will then become the default. Apple iOS will always prompt you to select an application. On all platforms, you will also be prompted when the platform for your device does not recognize the file type that it is attempting to download.

Install the APM Mobile Application on an iOS Device

We no longer provide unsigned .ipa files for you to sign and distribute in your organization. As per the Apple Developer Program License Agreement and Apple Developer Enterprise Program License Agreement, you cannot bypass the App Store to distribute apps to non-employees. Starting from APM version 4.4, the GE Digital APM Mobile iOS app is distributed through Apple Business Manager only. You must submit a support request to GE Vernova to distribute the GE Digital APM mobile app through Apple Business Manager.

Before You Begin

An Apple developer's license must be purchased.
Note: This procedure is generally done by your organization's IT team.


  1. Go to GE Vernova Customer Center at APM Support Team
  2. Submit a support request with the following details:
    • Your Apple Organization ID
    • Your Apple Organization Name
    • OnPremises GE Digital APM App Version


After you submit a request, we will validate and distribute the required app version to your organization. Your organization can then view the app in your Apple Business Manager. Apple Business Manager provides multiple options to distribute the app within your organization.

Install the APM Mobile Application on an Android Device

We provide an Android application, but there are specific steps that you must perform to install the APM mobile application on Android devices.


  1. Access the application package file at C:\Program Files\Meridium\ApplicationServer\distribution\GEDigitalAPM.apk.
    Note: This is the default location of the application package file. The exact location at which you can obtain the application package file may differ based on your initial installation of APM.
  2. Optional: If your organization does not use mobile device management, in the web page from which you want to distribute the application within your organization, add an anchor tag with an href pointing to the installation file, as shown in the following example:
    <a href="">Install GE Digital APM</a>

    You can use the link you configured to distribute the application within your organization.

Install the APM Mobile Application on a Windows Device


  1. Access the application package file at C:\Program Files\Meridium\ApplicationServer\distribution\
    Note: This is the default location of the application package file. The exact location at which you can obtain the application package file may differ based on your initial installation of APM.
  2. Access the application package file at C:\Program Files\Meridium\ApplicationServer\distribution\
    Note: This is the default location of the application package file. The exact location at which you can obtain the application package file may differ based on your initial installation of APM.
  3. On the device on which you want to install the APM mobile application, extract the content of the application package file to a local folder.
  4. In the folder into which you extracted the application package file content, right-click Install.bat, and then select Run as an Administrator.
    Note: If you are using a touch-screen device, press and hold Install.bat, and then select Run as an Administrator.
    The APM mobile application is installed on the Windows device for all current and future Windows user accounts.
  5. Optional: To cancel future installations or uninstall the APM mobile application, in the folder into which you extracted the application package file content, right-click Uninstall.bat, and then select Run as an Administrator.
    Note: If you are using a touch-screen device, press and hold Uninstall.bat, and then select Run as an Administrator.
    The APM mobile application is uninstalled for the Windows user account that is currently logged in, and installations for future Windows user accounts are canceled.

Access APM via the Mobile Application


  1. On a mobile device, select the APM icon to launch the application.

    The login page appears.

  2. In the Server box, enter the name or URL of the APM Server to which you want to connect.

    If your APM Server is configured to use a secure connection, you must enter the full server URL or IP Address in one of the following formats:

    • https://<GEDigitalAPMServer.CustomerDomain>


    • https://<IP address>



    A list of data sources configured for the server appears.

  3. Select the data source to which you want to log in.
  4. In the Username box, enter your APM User ID.
  5. In the Password box, enter your password. Passwords are case sensitive.
  6. Select Login.

    You are connected to the APM database, and the APM default dashboard page appears.

    Note: When logging in to APM, a notification may appear, asking if you want to allow your machine to be used for additional local storage. This local storage is used to store log in information and preferences. Allowing this local storage is optional.

Access the APM Mobile Application Using Single Sign-On (SSO)

This topic describes how to access the APM mobile application using SSO.


  1. Start the APM application.
    The APM login page appears.

  2. In the Server box, enter the name or URL of the APM server to which you want to connect.
    Important: If your APM server is configured to use a secure connection, you must enter the URL or IP address of the server in one of the following formats:
    • <GEDigitalAPMServer.CustomerDomain> (for example,
    • <IP address> (for example,
    A list of data sources configured for the server appears.
  3. In the drop-down list box, select the data source that you want to access.
  4. Select Sign-in with SSO.
    The SSO login page appears that is based on the IDP that is selected while configuring SSO.
  5. Specify your SSO credentials, and then log in to access APM.
    You are connected to APM, and the default dashboard page appears.
    Note: If you have configured Single Logout, when you log out, you are logged out of the third-party identity provider (IDP) application as well. Therefore, when you attempt to access the APM mobile application the next time, you are first redirected to the IDP login page where you must enter your SSO credentials again to log in.

Configure Single Logout

About This Task

This topic describes how to configure the settings of the APM mobile application and Active Directory so that after you log out, you are logged out of the third-party identity provider (IDP) application as well. As a result, when you attempt to access the APM mobile application the next time, you are first redirected to the IDP login page where you must enter your SSO credentials again to log in.


  1. Access the SAML configuration provided in Active Directory, and copy the value provided for the Logout URL parameter. This is the IDP URL to which the APM mobile application sends a SAML logout request when you log out of the APM mobile application.
  2. On the machine on which you have installed the APM application server, access the saml.json file. By default, it is located in the C:\Program Files\Meridium\ApplicationServer\api folder.
  3. Insert the following parameter, and assign the Logout URL value that you have copied:
    SingleLogoutServiceUrl="<Logout URL of the identity provider (IDP) application>"
        "SAML": {
            "$schema": "",
            "Configurations": [
                    "LocalServiceProviderConfiguration": {
                        "Name": "urn:componentspace:Meridium",
                        "AssertionConsumerServiceUrl": "~/core/security/ssologinauth",
                        "LocalCertificates": [
                                "FileName": "sp.pfx",
                                "Password": "password"
                    "PartnerIdentityProviderConfigurations": [
                            "Name": "",
                            "Description": "ADFS",
                            "SignAuthnRequest": true,
                            "WantSamlResponseSigned": false,
                            "UseEmbeddedCertificate": false,
                            "WantAssertionEncrypted": false,
                            "WantAssertionSigned": true,
                            "SingleSignOnServiceUrl": "",
                            "SingleLogoutServiceUrl": "",
                            "PartnerCertificates": [
                                    "FileName": "idp.cer"
  4. Access Active Directory, and then under Basic SAML Configuration, in the Logout URL box, enter a value in the following format:
    https://<APM Application Server Name>/Meridium/api/core/security/singlelogout
    The Logout URL is the APM application URL to which the IDP service sends the SAML logout response after you log out.
    After you log out of APM mobile application, when you attempt to log in again, you are prompted to enter your SSO credentials.