SQL Server Report Server First-Time Installation

Deploy the SQL Server Report Server for the First Time

Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services is a third-party component that the APM system uses to support its reporting functionality. After SQL Server Reporting Services has been installed, you will need to configure the Report Server and set it up to be used with APM. Some of the configuration tasks that you must perform are standard SQL Server Reporting Services procedures that must be performed for any new installation of SQL Server Reporting Services. This documentation does not provide details on configuring standard aspects of the Report Server.

For information on setting up the Report Server, see the SQL Server Setup Help, which you can access on the Report Server via the Reporting Services Configuration Manager, which should have been installed when you installed SQL Server Reporting Services.

After the Report Server has been set up, you will need to complete various additional tasks to ensure the proper functioning of the Report Server with APM. These tasks may be completed by multiple people in your organization. We recommend, however, that the tasks be completed in the order in which they are listed.





Ensure that the SQL Server Report Server machine meets the system requirements.This step is required.
2 Configure the SQL Server to use an execution account. This step is required.
3 Create a domain user and add that user to Content Manager Role on the Home Folder of the SQL Server Report Server.This step is required.


Install and configure APM SSRS.

This step is required.


Configure APM to use the SQL Server Report Server.

This step is required.

Configure the SQL Server Report Server to Use an Execution Account

About This Task

Tip: For more information on Execution Accounts, consult Microsoft's Configure the Unattended Execution Account (SSRS Configuration Manager) documentation.


  1. On the machine that will serve as the SQL Server Report Server, access the Reporting Services Configuration Manager.

    The Reporting Services Configuration Manager window appears.

  2. In the left pane, for the account that will be set as an execution account, select the Execution Account tab.

    The Execution Account section appears.

  3. In the Execution Account section, select the Specify as an execution account check box, then enter values in the required fields, and then select Apply.

    The account is specified as an execution account.

What To Do Next

Create a Domain User

About This Task

In this procedure, you will create a domain user and add that user to the Content Manager Role on the Home folder of the SQL Server Report Server.


  1. Create a Windows/domain user with minimum privileges (e.g., meridium_reports_user). The user name requires minimum privileges to connect to the APM Server to get data for reports. It is recommended that:
    • The password for this user should never expire.
    • The user should be restricted to change password.
    • The user should be restricted to log in to other servers (e.g., meridium_reports_user).
    • The user should also be part of IIS_IUSRS group on the SQL Server Report Server machine.
  2. Open Reporting Services Configuration Manager.
  3. Select the Report Manager URL tab.
    The Report Manager URL section appears.

  4. In the Report Manager Site Identification section, select the URL to open Report Manager.
    Report Manager opens in the default browser, displaying the Home folder.

  5. Select Folder Settings.
    A Security section appears.

  6. Select New Role Assignment.
    The New Role Assignment form is displayed.
  7. Enter the user name of the user that you created in step 1, and then select Content Manager.
    The form will appear similar to the following image.

  8. Select OK.
    The user is added to Content Manager role.

What To Do Next

Install and Configure APM SSRS

About This Task

These instructions assume that the SQL Server Report Server meets the system requirements.


  1. On the machine that will serve as the SQL Server Report Server, in the APM distribution package, navigate to the folder Setup\SSRS.
  2. Open the file Setup.exe.

    A message appears, asking if you want to allow the installer to make changes to your machine.

  3. Select Yes.
    The Meridium SSRS installer appears, displaying the welcome screen.

  4. Select Next.
    The License Agreement screen appears.

  5. Read the License Agreement, and then, if you agree to the terms, select the I accept the terms of the license agreement check box. Then, select Next.
    The Select Installation Location screen appears, prompting you to select the location where the software will be installed. By default, the software will be installed in the following folder: C:\Program Files\Meridium.

  6. Do one of the following actions.
    • To install in the default location, select Next.
    • To change the location to install the software, select Change, and then navigate to the location where you want to install the software. The folder path that you select will be displayed in place of the default folder path. When you are satisfied with the installation location, select Next.

      The SQL Server Reporting Server Instances screen appears.

  7. Select the instance of SQL Server Reporting Services that you want to use, and then select Next.
    The Complete the Installation screen appears.
  8. Select Install.
    The Setup Status screen appears, which displays a progress bar that shows the progress of the APM Server and Add-ons installation process. After the progress bar reaches the end, a message appears, indicating that your server is being configured. After your server is configured, the Installation is Complete screen appears.

  9. Select Finish.
    The Meridium SSRS - InstallShield Wizard window is closed.
  10. Navigate to the folder C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\{ReportServicesInstance}\Reporting Services\ReportServer.
  11. Open the rsreportserver.config file using a text editor (for example, Notepad).
  12. Locate the following code in the configuration file, and then replace {meridium.applicationserver} with the name of the APM server: <ServerUrl>http://{meridium.applicationserver}/meridium/api/</ServerUrl>
  13. Save the configuration file.
    The APM SSRS is installed and configured.

What To Do Next