
Performance Reports

The following table provides a list of columns that appear in a Performance Report and the fields they represent in the GAA Wind Performance family, unless otherwise specified.

UtilityIDUtility ID
PlantIDNamePlant Name
Note: This field belongs to the GAA Wind Plant family.
GroupIDNameGroup Name
Note: This field belongs to the GAA Wind Group family.
SubGroupIDSub Group ID
Note: This field belongs to the GAA Wind Sub Group family.
ReptMonthReport Period
ReptYearReport Year
SGStatusSub Group Status
GAGGross Actual Generation
NAG Net Actual Generation
NMC Net Maximum Capacity
ACTH Active Turbine Hours
CTH Contact Turbine Hours
RSTHReserve Shutdown Turbine Hours
FTHForced Turbine Hours
MTH Maintenance Turbine Hours
PTH Planned Turbine Hours
OFTH OMC Forced Turbine Hours
OMTHOMC Maintenance Turbine Hours
OPTH OMC Planned Turbine Hours
RUTHResource Unavailable Turbine Hours
IRTH Inactive Reserve Turbine Hours
MBTH Mothballed Turbine Hours
RTH Retired Unit Turbine Hours

Sub Group Reports

The following table provides a list of columns that appear in a Sub Group Report and the fields they represent in the GAA Wind Sub Group family, unless otherwise specified.

UtilityIDUtility ID
PlantIDNamePlant Name
Note: This field belongs to the GAA Wind Plant family.
GroupIDNameGroup Name
Note: This field belongs to the GAA Wind Group family.
SubGroupIDSub Group ID
SubGroupNameSub Group Name
LatitudeLocation Latitude
LongitudeLocation Longitude
WRegimeWind Regime
AAWSAnnual Average Wind Speed
SCADAMfrSCADA Manufacturer
CommYearCommissioning Year
TotInstCapacityTotal Installed Capacity
RsrvCapacityReserve Capacity
TurbineCountTotal Number Of Turbines
SystemMW Turbine System MW
MaxTurbineCapMax Turbine Capacity MW
TurbineMfrTurbine Manufacturer
TurbineMdlTurbine Model
TurbineMdlVerTurbine Model Version
RotorHeight Rotor Height
RotorDiam Rotor Diameter
CutinSpdCut-In Wind Speed
LowCutoutSpdLow Cut-Out Wind Speed
HighCutoutSpdHigh Cut-Out Wind Speed
TurbIntensityTurbulence Intensity
AvgWindSpdAverage Wind Speed
WindShearWind Shear
ReferenceAnemomReference Anemometer Height
MinOpTempMinimal Operating Temperature
MaxOpTempMaximum Operating Temperature
SubGrpOwnStatusSub Group Ownership Status


Effective Date
Note: This value appears in the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), in the following format: mm/dd/yyyy.
TransfertoUtilityTransfer To Utility