Failure Modes

About Failure Modes

After you have defined all the Functional Failures, you can define one or more Failure Modes for each failure. The analysis team should determine which Failure Modes are likely to occur. If the FMEA Analysis is being conducted on a system that does not yet exist physically, the mode(s) will be theoretical, unless other similar types of systems currently exist and historical data for those systems is available. Note that the SAE Standard JA1012, "Evaluation Criteria for Reliability-Centered Maintenance (RCM) Processes," recommends that an FMEA team review all modes in which deterioration, design defects, and human error could cause the failure.


Failure Modes are often closely related to individual pieces of equipment or components of the defined piece of equipment. Values stored at the equipment level allow the team to link a mode to a location, the equipment to that location, and a component to that equipment. Maintenance and reliability statistics for failure modes can be stored at the equipment or component level, and can be analyzed and updated using the APM FMEA module.

The SAE Standard JA1012, "Evaluation Criteria for Reliability-Centered Maintenance (RCM) Processes," defines the following requirements for Failure Modes:

  • All Failure Modes reasonably likely to cause each Functional Failure shall be identified.
  • The method used to decide what constitutes a reasonably likely Failure Mode shall be acceptable to the owner or user of the asset.
  • Lists of Failure Modes should include: Failure Modes that have happened before, Failure Modes that are currently being prevented by existing maintenance programs, and Failure Modes that have not yet happened, but that are thought to be reasonably likely (credible) in the operating context.
  • Lists of Failure Modes should include any event or process that is likely to cause a Functional Failure, including deterioration, design defects, and human error, whether caused by operators or maintainers (unless human error is being actively addressed by analytical processes apart from FMEA).

Access a Failure Mode


  1. Access the asset for which you want to access a failure mode.
  2. In the pane, select the failure mode that you want to access.
    The datasheet for the selected failure mode appears in the workspace.

Create a Failure Mode

Before You Begin

This topic assumes that you have a pre-established FMEA analysis with assets.


  1. Access the analysis for which you want to create a Failure mode.
  2. Select the Asset for which you want to add a Failure Mode.
    In a new tab, the Asset workspace for the selected Asset appears, displaying the Asset Overview section.
  3. In the pane, select , and then select Add Failure Mode.
    The workspace for the new failure mode appears, displaying the Failure Mode section.
  4. As needed, enter values in the available fields.
  5. Select .
    The failure mode is saved.

Modify a Failure Mode

Before You Begin

This topic assumes that you have a pre-established FMEA analysis with assets.


  1. Access the Failure Mode which you want to modify.

  2. As needed, modify the values in the available fields.
  3. Select .
    The changes to the failure mode are saved.

Delete a Failure Mode

Before You Begin

This topic assumes that you have a pre-established FMEA analysis with assets.


  1. Access the FMEA Overview page, and then select the Analyses tab.
    The list of analyses appears.
  2. Select the analysis containing the asset for which you want to delete a failure mode.
    In a new tab, the Analysis Details workspace for the selected analysis appears, displaying the Analysis Identification section.
  3. Select the Asset where you would like to delete a Failure Mode.
    In a new tab, the Asset workspace for the selected asset appears.
  4. In the left pane, select the failure mode that you want to delete.
    The workspace for the selected failure mode appears, displaying the Failure Mode section.

  5. Select .
    A message appears, asking you to confirm that you would like to delete the failure mode.
  6. Select Yes.
    The failure mode is deleted.